I Am receptive
"I am open and receptive for more miracles to show up in my life"...read this affirmation couple of times before you go on. Take a deep breath. Slow down your thoughts and dive into your heart for this brief moment you and I are having this connection. Think of that place in your life that is stagnated. You've been stuck emotionally or physically. It could be a relationship of some sort. It could be financial, or it could be a thought from a past that's been sitting on your chest, inhibiting the flow of life passing through your being. As you are now concentrating, I invite you to breath in a beautiful energy of light. Give it a green color. Green is the color of unconditional love. Notice the empty spaces within you and the condensed energy that's been hindering the flow of abundance, peace, and joy lighting up. Notice that you are becoming more anchored in the present moment. You are PRE-Sending a flow of generative thoughts from this moment on into your future. You future is nothing but this very second in alignment with the energy you are setting forth as an intention for creating what Your Soul is desiring to experience. Your Soul desires freedom, liberation, flow, abundance, prosperity, perfect health, kindness, happiness, and love. This is a prayer for all these qualities to wash over those areas in your energy field that you identified in the beginning. Now, the are dissolving and becoming brighter, brighter, brighter. See the green color flowing within your veins, taking over your heart, and traveling around your physical body all around. As it infuses every cell, you are re-calibrating your life to higher vibrations that are in alignment with the creative vision of your Soul. Breath in......hold it........breath out and say: "I AM GRATEFUL".....Namaste....Dr. Rod...+1

Affirmation: "I am open and receptive for more miracles to show up in my life. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am a generative being of love. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever manifested before. My heart is filled with compassion and peace today. I release all my gifts and talents to the world with no inhibition. Freedom is the song of my Soul. Happiness is the order of my day. For this, I am grateful and in tine with the flow of the universe. I AM.....God Is.....and so it is,,,,,amen...."..
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