Friday, February 6, 2015


Sleep/awake. Sleep/awake. Sleep/awake. Awake/awake. Awake/awake. Awake/awake......Which cycle are you on my friend? You notice we are physically on the first cycle of sleep/awake. Well, Good morning. It's time to open up and jump into the Awake/awake cycle. That's accomplished by recognizing your infinite nature. The way you re-cognize your infinite nature of who you ARE is by experiencing who you ARE NOT. Yet, who you are NOT is only experienced by knowing who you ARE. Let your mind twist on this a little. I know, it's Friday, you are thinking why you are messing with me Rod? I invite you to get out of your routine way of thinking and keep on expanding on your Soul journey. The worst thing you can do is to fall into a vicious circle of mundane living. Living caught up in worldly circumstances where the illusion of materialism snatch away your God given insights. You are painting your destiny in this very moment of Self Realization. Drop your judgments on how things should be and drop comparing yourself with others. We are all on our own journey to finally join the Awake/Awake cycle. To bring light into darkness and to join together as one. It's time to WAKE UP....Namaste...Dr Rod....+1.......Happy Friday

Affirmation: "I am one with the universal consciousness called life. All of my needs are met. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am open and receptive to more abundance, success, healing, wealth, peace, and prosperity than I've ever imagined before. Miracles reveal themselves in every area of my life. I am giving and generous. I allow the spirit of generosity to shine it's light through my heart. My life is the testimony of the only life that exists. The life of LOVE....and so it is,,,,Amen..."..

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