Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Storms in your life

"Nature doesn't create a storm that never ends. Within misfortune, good fortune hides."...I've always practiced this principle: This too shall pass. I realize that we are living in a constant changing and changeless world of phenomena. A paradox that is as Real to me as my physical body in relationship to my spiritual body, or my being. I talk about this to everyone, my clients, and anyone who gets attracted to this vibration, who is open to receive. Yet, there is wisdom in silence and in allowing what Is, to remain what Is. Nature doesn't create a storm that never ends I go through my emotional ups and downs and rely on the knowing that I am a part of a mystery. I trust that knowing. I anchor myself in a vision that is part of this mystery and allow it to pull me in the times of calamity. It requites strong faith which is being generated within myself, not from someone else out there. There is inertia that pulls you down in the negative happenings of what your experience. What you are invited to do is to pull yourself out of this inertia by allowing rather than resisting, by be willing to change your thoughts rather than holding on to your previous held beliefs, and by opening your heart to love. Look at what you consider misfortune happening in your life. Ask: What spiritual idea is here that I presently can NOT see with my limited perception? By asking, you open yourself for wisdom to reveal itself and rise above the storm of your life, finding shelter in the magnificent knowing of Who you ARE! Namaste....Dr. Rod +1..

Affirmation: " I am one with the spirit of love. All of my needs are met. I re-new myself in every beginning. New thoughts flourish from the deepest spaces of my heart. My wisdom carries me through the calamity of the world. My words are powerful fuel behind the manifestations of my desires. I am available to peace, success, wealth, happiness, and joy. I am receptive to kindness, compassion, and generosity. I am open to new ideas from the mind of God to light my way into becoming more of who I AM. I am one with God, one with life, one with presence, one with eternity, one with infinite, one with love. and so it is, amen,,,,"..


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