Feel this for a second and get out of your mind. The mind keeps you trap in the confinement of the Ego. You must stop yourself from time to time, get out of time, and reflect within. So, maybe this is meant for you right now. I was walking on the beach yesterday and under the sun. I could feel the photons touching my skin and penetrating deep with my cells. I can't tell you enough how beautiful the weather was. A slow wind was gently caressing the waves and the ocean was breathing in and out. Just like you and I are right now. Notice your breath and as you follow your inhalation, connect to the oceanic wave for a second. I was paying attention to a single drop of water. You know when the wave comes to the shore and makes a bubble on the sand? I payed attention to a single water molecule and noticed a divine dichotomy. How a simple molecule has it's own personality in movement, yet it is one with the Source of it all. It is the center of the universe, yet it has all the information and characteristic of the entire universe embodied within that tiny molecule. It is both greatness and nothingness simultaneously. As I was contemplating this, I felt the sand beneath my feet. Billions of them came together to form a cushion and platform for me to stand on. The were breathing with me and it felt as if they are holding me in their arms. I could feel the warmth, love, and energy of gratitude towards me for noticing them. Nature speaks to you if you listen closely and get out of your mind. I collected numerous exotic rocks which I am looking at, they are sitting on my desk. Where did they come from? How long where they alive and what was their purpose. They showed up from eternity and now they are with me on my desk. There is a synchronicity and the wholeness that is within you. This wholeness is the greatness within you that is inseparable from greatness within everyone else. The moment you notice it, you and everything else become ONE. In this oneness, the magic of creation starts lighting your life up. You begin to See yourSelf perhaps for the first time as God See's you. Take a deep breath, slowly release the sound of OHHMMMM,,,,,Have a beautiful Friday....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I go within the oceanic depth of my consciousness and find love. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Life affirms itself through my thoughts, words, and actions. I am free. I am at peace. I am available and open to more miracles showing up in every areas of my life. I am joy. I am kind. I am overflow with abundance, and success. I am giving. I am caring. I am one with the universe and allow it to guide me in every step of my life. I am compassion and passion in action. I am grateful for my existence and allow it to be, and so it is,,,,amen"..
Friday, February 27, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Return to your root
Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe that supports me. I am abundant and successful, peaceful and kind, creative and in bliss. I allow life to pass through me and reside in oneness of it all. I am whole , perfect, and complete ..Gratitude is my attitude. Health and healing overflows the bank of my present paradigm. I am thankful for being alive. I AM......God Is, and so it is---Amen" have a spectacular day my lovely friends Namaste. +1
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
My second Nature
Nature was just singing to me right now. I love the early morning bird songs. They are just incredible. I'm gonna share this experience with you. Few days ago, I was walking in the park very early. To my left was a huge soccer field, beautiful grass land and to my left was different kind of trees. I was humping and pumping myself up with my spiritual audio tapes and my breathing techniques. Saying affirmations out loud. If anyone sees me doing my ritual they think I'm nuts. Well, I am. As I was doing my inner work and work out, I noticed a beautiful bird on my left. Along side the soccer field they have put up a 3 ft fence. So, the little bird was sitting on the fence, playing along with me. She'd look at me and turn her head around three times, two to her right and one to her left. Kind of like my breathing technique. She'd wait form to to catch up with her and then she would fly about 10 ft and land on the fence, do the heat thing, and chill with me. We were so tuned in together. Totally playing along with each other. She'd do the head thing, I'd do my breathing thing. This went on for 50 ft or so, there was a commune between us. Nature was manifesting itself through our consciousness. The aliveness was palpable. The energy of spirit was present and was coming through this play. I was having the time of my life with this little bird and she was teaching me amazing lessons. She taught me to be in my nature, which is to reside in unconditional love. As she was expressing her love with her jumps and head action, I was melting in her majestic presence. She also taught me to act and BE in my second nature. What is our second nature? It's to express this unconditional love everywhere we go, even when we are going through our daily challenges. Rely on your second nature my friend; express and BE the love you are and see all your problems dissolve. You'll get to fly and dance with your head like that awesome little bird was doing.....Namaste,,,-Dr. Rod...+1
Affirmation: "I am in tune with nature. My first nature and second nature are aligned with the universal presence of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I trust myself and allow life to do it's magic through me. I am in tune with peace. I am in tune with expressing my gifts, talents, and creativity. I am available to more prosperity, healing, and abundance than I've ever imagined, manifested, or shared before. I am, God Is, and so it Is.....amen".
Affirmation: "I am in tune with nature. My first nature and second nature are aligned with the universal presence of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I trust myself and allow life to do it's magic through me. I am in tune with peace. I am in tune with expressing my gifts, talents, and creativity. I am available to more prosperity, healing, and abundance than I've ever imagined, manifested, or shared before. I am, God Is, and so it Is.....amen".
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Follow your Vision in a sacred Mission
"Aim for the moon, and if your miss, you will land among the stars"....I like this statement. I was contemplating it in meditation. How often do you set a goal or have a vision and you end up totally being discouraged by others? How many times you've found yourself giving up in dreams you had and you've made other peoples dreams your own reality? It happens to the best of us until you wake up one morning (right now) and say: This is it. I'm going for it. I am trusting myself and going for my dream. I intend to create and manifest that which is bestowed upon my Soul and is trying to express through me, as me, as my life, as my words, as my actions. Yaaaaaah, I'm telling you. But, check this out! Through out your journey, you'll encounter rough winds. Criticism and judgment from outside. If you are unable to bend or be pliable, it will break your back. If you are unable to be flexible and bend to the currents, the nay sayers and dream killers will snatch your inspiration and feed you their mental garbage. So, it's up to you to stand tall and stand guard at the door of your mind. Don't allow negativity to come inside your palace. Paradise is within your heart an your Soul is the gatekeeper. Your vision is the driving force to flow in between the resistances of the world, the challenges you face from dangerous people who have no dream, who are willing to control your life and steal your energy just to make themselves look good. Don't fall for it my friend. Don't fall for it.........You've got everything you need!!! Everything.....Namaste....Dr. Rod...+1
Affirmation: "I have a vision of love, peace, prosperity, joy, happiness, healing, and compassion for my life and the life of others. I am living, moving, and having my being in my vision and my mission is to express it in every moment. I am abundant, I am successful, I am peaceful, and I am full of love. My life is a direct expression of my dream manifested through my thoughts, words, and action. I am living in bliss and generate infinite possibilities to express myself. I am giving and sharing in the creative force of my Soul. I cherish it. I hold it sacred, and I allow it to BE....and so it is, amen..."
Affirmation: "I have a vision of love, peace, prosperity, joy, happiness, healing, and compassion for my life and the life of others. I am living, moving, and having my being in my vision and my mission is to express it in every moment. I am abundant, I am successful, I am peaceful, and I am full of love. My life is a direct expression of my dream manifested through my thoughts, words, and action. I am living in bliss and generate infinite possibilities to express myself. I am giving and sharing in the creative force of my Soul. I cherish it. I hold it sacred, and I allow it to BE....and so it is, amen..."
Monday, February 23, 2015
The land of I AM
Good morning life. Come a little closer to the land of "I AM". What is your I am today? For me, I am working on being "I AM Compassionate". Compassion is understanding the lack of understanding. There is a lot of lack consciousness going around globally and I am committed to shine my light into the darkness in order to bring about more understanding. This begins with myself. I read this sentence and meditated on it. Check this out : "How do I know the ways of all things at the beginning ? I look inside myself and see what is within me."....Within us is a wealth of understanding and compassionate energy waiting to be released as we align ourselves to it. Today, take on this energy and walk with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, a smile on your face, and your heart chakra widely open. My intention is to channel more of this compassionate energy world wide as it is exuding through me right now, to your eyes, being process by your cerebral cortex and translated by your Soul. As your Soul is translating this energy, it is sending signal to your heart, making every beat of it emanating compassionate and loving energy into the magnetic field of our planet earth. Yes, it works like this. These waves of energy will become particles as they become thoughts in your consciousness. Allow yourself to be the portal of manifestation for the rest of this week for compassion and love energy overflowing from your higher Self into the world. I appreciate you playing along with me on this journey. Thus, sending you all of my blessing, today, everyday, forever my friend.....Namaste.....Dr. Rod...+1 "I Am Compassion"
Affirmation: "I am love and compassion in action. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met in this very moment. I am aligned with the universal Truth of peace and act as a generative being to expand on this consciousness. I am available for more abundance and healing than I've ever manifested before. My heart is widely open to receive guidance from my Soul. I am connected. I am clear. I am on purpose and have a mission to manifest my vision. My life is divine. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. I am grateful and appreciative for NOTHING that is manifesting as every single miracles in my life. I am ....God IS,,,,and so it is,,,amen"..
Affirmation: "I am love and compassion in action. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met in this very moment. I am aligned with the universal Truth of peace and act as a generative being to expand on this consciousness. I am available for more abundance and healing than I've ever manifested before. My heart is widely open to receive guidance from my Soul. I am connected. I am clear. I am on purpose and have a mission to manifest my vision. My life is divine. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. I am grateful and appreciative for NOTHING that is manifesting as every single miracles in my life. I am ....God IS,,,,and so it is,,,amen"..
Sunday, February 22, 2015
I have arrived
Just came of out of a deep meditation contemplating this: The idea of 'needing what you don't have and chasing after it your entire life in order to be happy is pretty much called insanity. I've done and do it sometimes. I'm sure you've been caught in this thought process where you think happiness is somewhere outside of you. If I get this I'll be happy. If I sleep with this person I'll be happy. If I visit this place in the world I will be happy. Or, If I make this much money I'll be happy. Well, how many times you got what you wanted and felt that it 'aint' it? You know what I'm saying. So, what does this leave us? Should we slash our wrist and become hopeless? I hope not! I'm on the path of letting go of striving and letting go of my needs. I don't mind having the toys, the experience of material achievement, and being in the game. However, I'm letting go of my 'need' to do these things in order to be happy. I'm happy just for the sake of my own being. Its starts right here. I meditate and write and spill my guts out to thousands of people. Some, I don't even know, some are my dearest friends and know me deeply. What you see is what you get and what you hear has an intention to wake you up to the Truth of 'your' own Being. Let go of striving and know that in each present moment you have 'arrived'. Whatever blessings are in your life, take note of them. As you go through them one by one, realize that the happiness you are searching for is found in the moment you let go of the need to be happy. Allow life to do it's dance through you as an instrument and then watch how you crack yourself up for being in the center of your drama, yet not being attached to any of them. Peace is found in that second that you laugh at how crazy this whole thing is and how you are a part of it all, but not really in any control of it at ALL.......God bless you my friend. Save your free moments to do NOTHING from now on and laugh it away.....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. Happiness is part of my being. I reside within and know that I am one with it. I am available to infinite blessings to show up out of No-Thing and manifest into miracles in every area of my life. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. I am joy. I am peace. I am compassionate, and kind. I dance through life without striving, always knowing that I've arrived all along the way. For this, I am grateful and thankful. I allow it to just BE, and so it is ,,,,amen".
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. Happiness is part of my being. I reside within and know that I am one with it. I am available to infinite blessings to show up out of No-Thing and manifest into miracles in every area of my life. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. I am joy. I am peace. I am compassionate, and kind. I dance through life without striving, always knowing that I've arrived all along the way. For this, I am grateful and thankful. I allow it to just BE, and so it is ,,,,amen".
Saturday, February 21, 2015
The web of life
Can you see the spider web in the picture here? You have to look very closely. Just like looking at your thoughts and looking at your life. Self reflection is a bliss. Specially when you don't judge your past and just observe it as it is. This is how healing happens. By Re-cognition, observation, transmutation, and elevation of your spirit to the Truth of you. I took this picture yesterday on my hike up the mountain. My eyes caught the beauty of these leaves hanging, the branches of the trees touching each other, and seeing the sprinkles of dew on the little spider web. It was breath taking. A pause in eternity. I saw the balance and harmony of nature having their beautiful dance in simplicity. Intricate web design. You see the veins in the leaves? I felt the molecules of oxygen passing through them as they were being released to me. I felt the givingness of the leaves as they vibrationally sent me their love through the oxygen release. This amazing web of life was talking to me. Sending me message from eternity. Inviting me to be part of their web design. Hanging as they did with no expectation. Free floating with the spirit of love. Allowing each other to Be in each other's presence. Supporting each other. Being in tune. Are you getting in tune right now? Is the words you reading touching you at a deeper level of understanding? Taking you back to your origin, inviting you to invite and ignite your life to the next level. Spiritual Realization is an act of grace. Once it happens to you, there is no point of return.You just ascend up the spiral and web of life, the universal code that is beating your heart now will support you on your journey. Step back, go within, see the clarity of your mind shining in silence. "Be still, and know that I Am God'.....This is what I felt from a glimpse as I described you. Namaste.....Dr. Rod...+1
Affirmation: " I am love manifested, peace in vibration, and joy in action. All of my needs are met in this very moment. I live in a friendly universe that totally supports me. I am beautiful and wonderful. I am compassionate and kind. I am healthy and wealthy. I am open and receptive to the miracles of life to use me as a portal for expression. I am abundant. I am prosperous and happy. I dance through life freely, fully, and en-joy the web design as I design it with full vigor. My life is divine. For this, I am thankful, grateful, and appreciative. I Am,,,,God is,,,,and so it is,,,,amen"....have a beautiful weekend
Affirmation: " I am love manifested, peace in vibration, and joy in action. All of my needs are met in this very moment. I live in a friendly universe that totally supports me. I am beautiful and wonderful. I am compassionate and kind. I am healthy and wealthy. I am open and receptive to the miracles of life to use me as a portal for expression. I am abundant. I am prosperous and happy. I dance through life freely, fully, and en-joy the web design as I design it with full vigor. My life is divine. For this, I am thankful, grateful, and appreciative. I Am,,,,God is,,,,and so it is,,,,amen"....have a beautiful weekend
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Lead by example
"Instead of believing that you know what's best for others, trust that they know what's best for themselves"....Tao te Ching.....Leading by example. That's all it's about. Don't worry about others, what they are doing, and how they are conducting their lives. Speak less, listen more. Don't give advice or prescription of what is best for others. The only person you have responsibility towards is your Self. Figure that out. It's enough for an entire life time to be able to figure ourselves out. By the time you get a glimpse of your potential and insights of what you are here to do, it's time to depart my friend. Therefore, keep it inside. go within, and lead by example. The only way I've figured it out is by giving unconditional love to mySelf and then radiate that love to others. That's pretty much it. Even when I'm helping others, I set an intention before each session knowing that the person I'm helping will get their own answer to what is best for them. I allow the spirit to pass through me and give them whatever message they need to hear and then decide for their own what's best for them. It's a process of remembering. To re-member what is already embodied in your own heart, and your own Soul. It's very challenging to have this awareness and practice it. I fall, yes, I do. Just like you and every other human being. I fall off of my course. But then, I pick up the pieces, re-member the broken members and once again find myself WHOLE again. Why? because that's our inner Truth. Here is the news for you: This process continues into infinity and it's eternal. Pick up the broken pieces and know you are Whole, Perfect, and Complete already. It's a new day, new moment, and a new beginning.....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am an eternal being of light. I am living, moving , and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I am overflow with abundance, walk into infinite possibilities with every breath I take. I am joy, I am peace, I am absolute creativity. My life is aligned with the only life that exist, the life of God. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. I give away all of my blessings and talents in every moment. I am available for more prosperity, healing, wealth, and success than I've ever manifested before. I am, God Is, Life"....and so it is,
Affirmation: "I am an eternal being of light. I am living, moving , and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I am overflow with abundance, walk into infinite possibilities with every breath I take. I am joy, I am peace, I am absolute creativity. My life is aligned with the only life that exist, the life of God. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. I give away all of my blessings and talents in every moment. I am available for more prosperity, healing, wealth, and success than I've ever manifested before. I am, God Is, Life"....and so it is,
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Be still, Welcome change
I was walking by the ocean earlier and contemplating on its magnificence. I came across this beautiful rock that looks like a huge turtle. I was amazed by it. I noticed how it has stood the tides, coming and going by standing still. Stillness in the midst of chaos came to my insight to Be the key for transformation. Everything changes and has a cyclical rhythm to it. Notice the cycle of your breath right now and the waves from the ocean. Underneath this everlasting cycle is a constant. This constant is 'change'. Change is the only constant underneath the stillness variable, therefore, allowing us to grow and evolve. Welcome it. When you are caught in the drama of your life, realize that "this too shall pass" my friend. Sending you love and blessing namaste -Dr Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am in flow with change. I am still and aligned with cyclical transformation of life. I am living, moving, and having my Being in love. All of my needs are met. I am open to infinite abundance, divine possibilities, and everlasting change in my life. I am grateful and thankful for all of my blessings and share it with the world. and so it is, amen"....have a spectacular day
Affirmation: "I am in flow with change. I am still and aligned with cyclical transformation of life. I am living, moving, and having my Being in love. All of my needs are met. I am open to infinite abundance, divine possibilities, and everlasting change in my life. I am grateful and thankful for all of my blessings and share it with the world. and so it is, amen"....have a spectacular day
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Wisdom of the Coyote
"Stay watchful, yet relaxed and peaceful; alert, yet unhurried and confident; yielding, yet willing to be still and wait for the waters to become clear."...This is the statement I just meditated on and want to share my experience in hiking yesterday. My hiking ground is my spiritual temple. I contemplate and meditate in the mountains daily. Yesterday, as I finished my meditation up at the top, I was flying down like an eagle. Clear perception, all my chakras open, and full of life energy. The ocean view on my left and the view of the city on my right. As I walked down the path and was feeling the sun on my face, I came across a gorgeous Coyote. I mean gorgeous. She looked like she just had her coat waxed. She had a red/black shiny glow to her. Beautiful brown eyes with a long fluffy hair. She was about 4 feet away from me. It was a love affair I tell you. We were having eye contact of at least 30-40 seconds. My field of energy was so subtle and calm that she felt completely at ease. We were flowing together, at some deep connection, she was telling me the story of creation. The past story of our earth's evolution and primary beings walking the mountains. I could see some part of her telling me "What the hell have you guys done". The natives thousands of years ago had figured things out with us, the animal kingdom, to be at one and live in harmony. She had a question mark on her face. The wise Coyote was speaking to me in a language that my heart and soul was picking up. I can't forget her eyes and in this very minute I can feel her presence speaking through me, to you, asking you to be present to your surroundings, to be respectful to our planet earth, and to take reverence in everything you do. As our love affair was ending, I saw her walking down the field in such grace. Watchful, yet relaxed and peaceful; alert, yet unhurried and confident; yielding, yet willing to be still and wait for the waters to clear. The waters of awareness, the awareness she gave me through her magnificent presence, as a BEING of LOVE in tune with Nature. We have a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way to go my friend in order to catch up to the wisdom of the sages and the hidden Truth surrounding us in nature.....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am one with nature, one with love, one with the presence of God. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am living, moving, and having my being in absolute abundance. My life is full of blessings and peace. I am available for more Good than I've ever imagined. I am grateful, thankful, and appreciative for NO-Thing that manifests as to all the miracles in every area of my life"...and so it is, amen...have a wonderful day guys
Affirmation: "I am one with nature, one with love, one with the presence of God. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am living, moving, and having my being in absolute abundance. My life is full of blessings and peace. I am available for more Good than I've ever imagined. I am grateful, thankful, and appreciative for NO-Thing that manifests as to all the miracles in every area of my life"...and so it is, amen...have a wonderful day guys
Monday, February 16, 2015
I SEE you
I want you to See yourself, see me, Seeing you. You probably wonder what I'm talking about. There are two ways you walk through the world and actually see things. One, you are looking as if what you see with your eyes is the only world that exists. You look, rather than actually see. The second, is to See the invisible, the infinite, and the eternal beyond what your senses can pick up. The invisible world is indivisible from your true nature. It's who you are one and your constant connection to it is the source of your inner peace and happiness. As you are reading this further, see yourself fully available and receptive to miracles showing up in your life. See the energy being transferred through these words awakening your consciousness and allowing healing of the body/mind/Soul to happen in this instance. Look beyond what your mind has been programmed to see and hear the inaudible that is echoing in your heart. The heart can See with a clear perception and show you a Reality without what the mind can conceive. Take a deep breath and See yourself as Wonderful, full of Wonder. As beautiful, full of Beauty, and as powerful, full of POWER. This is spiritual power you are being invited to experience and break the habitual looking at your life from fearful perspective. You are being uplifted and held in the energy of unconditional love. See it, hear it, and allow it to take over your life......Namaste...Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I see you as God see's you. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. My life is divine. I am infinite and eternal. I am absolutely in flow with harmonizing good of the universe. I am available and receptive to more abundance, health, wealth, joy, and peace than I've ever manifested, experienced, or seen before. I see beauty everywhere. I see with my eyes beyond the eyes. I see with clear awareness and I allow it to be....and so it is,,,amen"...have a spectacular day everyone....I SEE YOU.
Affirmation: "I see you as God see's you. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. My life is divine. I am infinite and eternal. I am absolutely in flow with harmonizing good of the universe. I am available and receptive to more abundance, health, wealth, joy, and peace than I've ever manifested, experienced, or seen before. I see beauty everywhere. I see with my eyes beyond the eyes. I see with clear awareness and I allow it to be....and so it is,,,amen"...have a spectacular day everyone....I SEE YOU.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
LOVE: Let Our Value Emerge
Have you ever wonder what bliss and real inner peace feel like? You can access it only by connecting to the wold of absolute. Not the relative world you are in right now. Comparing and contrasting, chasing to have more, or getting caught in your own emotional dramas based on your past experiences. The world of absolute is one with ultimate reality which is LOVE. Love has been the primary emotion that every person yearns for from the beginning of time. LOVE: Let Our Value Emerge. This is what showed up in my meditation a moment ago. I'm still in the realm of absolute and writing you from here. It's very peaceful and serene here. Let Our Value Emerge. These values are not set by society, media, and one calender day in the year to distort the true value of love and make huge business out of it. These values are Real. They derive from our own Soul. They are rooted deep in our own heart. Can find it within you, in the world of absolute where you can only feel and experience LOVE. Nothing else. The emergence of our Real values comes from the awareness of our Oneness with each other. I realize you are part of my heart and the very breath I am inhaling is the same breath you are inhaling. As I feel this connection and love, I can only See you as part of me, and as part of me I can feel the existence of only ONE life. There are many people who are hurting today because of broken relationships, betrayal, fear of trusting again, and fear of separation from their own divine Self. If you are experiencing this and are reading this note, here is my message to YOU: You are LOVE, You are LIFE, and you are Whole, Perfect, and Complete. Celebrate yourSelf as the divine being who is never separated from the one Being that created love.itself..Celebrate that!!!..Welcome back to yourSelf my friend.....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in LOVE. I Let Our Value Emerge with ease and grace. I am available and receptive to more joy, abundance, peace, prosperity, success, and health to manifest in my life. I intend to shine my light wherever I go. I allow life to pass through me, as me, as my thoughts, my words, and my actions. I am aligned with the universe. Life supports me effortlessly. I am absolutely grateful and thankful for all of my blessings. and so it is,,amen"....have a lovely day everyone....Happy valentine's day
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in LOVE. I Let Our Value Emerge with ease and grace. I am available and receptive to more joy, abundance, peace, prosperity, success, and health to manifest in my life. I intend to shine my light wherever I go. I allow life to pass through me, as me, as my thoughts, my words, and my actions. I am aligned with the universe. Life supports me effortlessly. I am absolutely grateful and thankful for all of my blessings. and so it is,,amen"....have a lovely day everyone....Happy valentine's day
Friday, February 13, 2015
Just try ME
I want what I want and I know what I want. Do you want what you want and do you know what you want? It's a great question to contemplate about and get to focus on. I know I want to Be more of mySelf. I want to be free from my Ego and realize my oneness with life. I know what I want and I set it into an intention for the process of creation to take place. The first step to creation is your thought. You bring into your reality what you think about. What you want comes from the re-cognition of what you don't want. To know what you don't want is not to judge your experiences, rather to observe and see what is serving your Soul's journey. It the experience is serving a higher purpose in your life, direct your focus on want it and bringing it in your creation by giving it energy. I know I want peace, I want love, I want abundance, I want health, I want compassion, I want happiness, and I want to BE. I also know that I AM already everything and more than what I just mentioned because the fact that I Am contemplating what I want is direct evidence that these qualities are in and within me. They are part of my existence, laying dormant in the void, or empty space that is beyond what the physical body is showing to me. I'm connected to this space within. As I think it into Reality, I manifest more of the qualities within me. Do you want what you want? Do you know what you want? I know you want to make this the greatest moment and day of your life. So, check this out, we are connected at Soul level. What I want is also what you want and what our collective consciousness wants in order to bring peace and love in our world. Lets do this together! Know what you want right now, take a deep breath, focus on it, and allow yourself to get out of the way for the manifestation of what you want to show up.....Have a beautiful Friday my friend smile emoticonNamaste...-Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I intend to heal and change the world. All of my needs are met. I know exactly what I want and how to bring it forth into manifestation. I am available and receptive to more miracles and blessing showing up out of nothing into everything as my life, as my thoughts, as my words, and as my actions. I am grateful and absolutely humbled by my experiences. I am in awe."...and so it is,,,amen....have a spectacular day
Affirmation: "I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I intend to heal and change the world. All of my needs are met. I know exactly what I want and how to bring it forth into manifestation. I am available and receptive to more miracles and blessing showing up out of nothing into everything as my life, as my thoughts, as my words, and as my actions. I am grateful and absolutely humbled by my experiences. I am in awe."...and so it is,,,amen....have a spectacular day
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Not to decide, is to decide
Here I am again. Finding myself in this beautiful space where I can express without depressing what needs to be said. I call my facebook page my public diary. That's how I've been treating it and allowing it to take its own evolution. Listen to this: "Our lives, our planet, and our world is in the shape it's in because of US and CHOICES we have made, or failed to make." Remember, "not to decide is to decide". So powerful is this statement that it makes my bones shiver. You mean I have to take responsibility for my own thoughts, words, and actions! YES. Taking responsibility is POWER. So, what are you going to do? Still nag and blame others for your BS or take responsibility right now? You don't have to wait. I'm telling this to myself. Transformation and change starts with the Self and then radiates outward. Stop the nagging and wake up baby......Our world needs a fresh thought to bring us into unity, wholeness, love, and peace....Not to decide is to decide; So, make a decision to decide to be GREAT and live a life of significance.....Namaste......Dr.Rod..+1
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with love, one with the infinite joy of connecting to oneness. All of my needs are met. I am awake in the moment, aware of my choices, and take responsibility for my actions. My words are powerful and my life is divine. I am available and receptive to more abundance, peace, healing, with kindness than I've ever imagined before. I am grateful for my blessings and share with care. Today, is the best day of my life and I live it fully. and so it is, amen".
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with love, one with the infinite joy of connecting to oneness. All of my needs are met. I am awake in the moment, aware of my choices, and take responsibility for my actions. My words are powerful and my life is divine. I am available and receptive to more abundance, peace, healing, with kindness than I've ever imagined before. I am grateful for my blessings and share with care. Today, is the best day of my life and I live it fully. and so it is, amen".
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Wisdom and Love
"Wisdom is knowing that I am Nothing. Love is knowing that I am Everything. And between the two, my life moves"...I love this saying and I've been meditating on it. Here is my take. I come from Nothing. No-thing. This is how I describe God; everything that Is and everything that Is Not. I come from the Source of everything that is not. The creation of the Nothing that gave birth to everything. Wisdom is the knowing of your highest Truth and guiding your Soul to the highest choice for its experience. Choice is the function of awareness and my awareness expands as I meditate. Therefore, wisdom shows up by connecting to my Source. Love is I am Everything. It's what replicates the Nothing into Everything. The fabric and the content of the universe within the context of Nothing. Love is the breath of creation. The blood that nourishes every cell. The communion between Wisdom and Love manifests a purposeful living. A life of magnificent that shines light for all other Soul's on the path to higher consciousness. Make peace between these two and walk towards where your heart is guiding you!......Namaste....Dr. Rod...+1
Affirmation: "I am walking with love and making higher choices through my wisdom. All of my needs are met. I surrender to life. I attract and allow infinite possibilities for the unfoldment of my Soul. I am receptive to more abundance, success, health, healing, and generosity than I've ever imagined before. This is the greatest DAY of my life. This moment is sacred pause into eternity. I am grateful and thankful for all of my blessings. I give it all away.....and so it is, amen".
Affirmation: "I am walking with love and making higher choices through my wisdom. All of my needs are met. I surrender to life. I attract and allow infinite possibilities for the unfoldment of my Soul. I am receptive to more abundance, success, health, healing, and generosity than I've ever imagined before. This is the greatest DAY of my life. This moment is sacred pause into eternity. I am grateful and thankful for all of my blessings. I give it all away.....and so it is, amen".
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
I Am receptive
"I am open and receptive for more miracles to show up in my life"...read this affirmation couple of times before you go on. Take a deep breath. Slow down your thoughts and dive into your heart for this brief moment you and I are having this connection. Think of that place in your life that is stagnated. You've been stuck emotionally or physically. It could be a relationship of some sort. It could be financial, or it could be a thought from a past that's been sitting on your chest, inhibiting the flow of life passing through your being. As you are now concentrating, I invite you to breath in a beautiful energy of light. Give it a green color. Green is the color of unconditional love. Notice the empty spaces within you and the condensed energy that's been hindering the flow of abundance, peace, and joy lighting up. Notice that you are becoming more anchored in the present moment. You are PRE-Sending a flow of generative thoughts from this moment on into your future. You future is nothing but this very second in alignment with the energy you are setting forth as an intention for creating what Your Soul is desiring to experience. Your Soul desires freedom, liberation, flow, abundance, prosperity, perfect health, kindness, happiness, and love. This is a prayer for all these qualities to wash over those areas in your energy field that you identified in the beginning. Now, the are dissolving and becoming brighter, brighter, brighter. See the green color flowing within your veins, taking over your heart, and traveling around your physical body all around. As it infuses every cell, you are re-calibrating your life to higher vibrations that are in alignment with the creative vision of your Soul. Breath in......hold it........breath out and say: "I AM GRATEFUL".....Namaste....Dr. Rod...+1
Affirmation: "I am open and receptive for more miracles to show up in my life. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am a generative being of love. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever manifested before. My heart is filled with compassion and peace today. I release all my gifts and talents to the world with no inhibition. Freedom is the song of my Soul. Happiness is the order of my day. For this, I am grateful and in tine with the flow of the universe. I AM.....God Is.....and so it is,,,,,amen...."..
Affirmation: "I am open and receptive for more miracles to show up in my life. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am a generative being of love. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever manifested before. My heart is filled with compassion and peace today. I release all my gifts and talents to the world with no inhibition. Freedom is the song of my Soul. Happiness is the order of my day. For this, I am grateful and in tine with the flow of the universe. I AM.....God Is.....and so it is,,,,,amen...."..
Monday, February 9, 2015
Being in Overflow
You live in an endlessly abundant universe that is always giving in overflow. Think about this for a second. The very thought you just had a moment ago came from data base of universal consciousness. The more still you become, the more you'll have access to a clear thought that is in alignment with this overflow. I know you've heard this before: "Serve the needs of others, and your very own needs will be fulfilled."....Ful-fillment is being connected to the filaments of life. These filaments form the fabric of life. High qualities such as peace, love, abundance, and healing are what these filaments made up of. To serve, is to go beyond ego identification with separation. How do you do that? See your Self in others. Your nature is one of pure potential and unlimited energy for creation. As you give endlessly, your are creating conditions to reverse that energy back at you. Abundance consciousness is the condition for receiving the good you are giving away. Today, allow yourself to be the channel of radiating high vibration of joy, kindness, peace, and love. Be present to your thought and set an intention to give this energy away. I'm holding you in this space as I send you this blessing to take over your life. Awareness into consciousness, to be a portal for giving and serving for fulfillment of all of your desires to manifest.......Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am fulfilled in this very moment. My life is the life of divine. I am living, moving, and having my being in overflow of abundance. Prosperity knocks on my door and I answer it. I am available to miracles to show up in every area of my life. I give wholeheartedly. I share with grace. I am receptive to the kindness of the universe to take over the paradigm of my life. I live in a friendly universe. My joy is internal. My peace is everlasting. My words are powerful. My heart is full of love. My actions reflect and reveal the glory of my consciousness. This, I am grateful for. Today is going to be the best day of my life"...and so it is,,,,amen..
Affirmation: "I am fulfilled in this very moment. My life is the life of divine. I am living, moving, and having my being in overflow of abundance. Prosperity knocks on my door and I answer it. I am available to miracles to show up in every area of my life. I give wholeheartedly. I share with grace. I am receptive to the kindness of the universe to take over the paradigm of my life. I live in a friendly universe. My joy is internal. My peace is everlasting. My words are powerful. My heart is full of love. My actions reflect and reveal the glory of my consciousness. This, I am grateful for. Today is going to be the best day of my life"...and so it is,,,,amen..
Sunday, February 8, 2015
On and above the EDGE
I'm about 9000 feet up the mountain in this picture as you see. This was yesterday. I'm sitting on top of the highest point of this beautiful trail at Idylwild. It's called the 'Devil's slide'. It took me over 4 hours of hiking to get there. There is ice and snow in the last 1000 feet before we got to the destination. Achieving a peak mountain top is an incredible feeling. The process of getting there is more enjoyable. I was absolutely silent in my mind. I was so captivated by nature. So in tune by the trees, rocks, and mother Gaya that was breathing in and out with me. With each step, I felt the aliveness of our mother Earth. There was this silent exchange between me and her. I was time traveling into eternity. Touching upon infinity as I looked down and saw the vastness, the incredible scenery of the view around me. I could taste the oxygen up there. Each molecule ignited a spark of life in my cells. The smell of the pine trees mixed with dirt took me back to my origin. What is my origin? I was contemplating on how unique we are. How insignificant I am compared to this magnificence. Yet, the magnificence was observing itself through my thoughts, through my experience, and through my passion of creating a new experience. God walking in flesh? Is that what it's called? The universe having an intimate love affair with my existence to manifest its significance through me? Is this what it's called? I don't know. All I know is that I was ONE with something that was nothing. That nothing kept on taking my next step up the trail. The somethingness of the nothing was so incredibly beautiful that my words can not bring about that vibration right now. I'm just grateful for experiencing what I experience and in my experience I can give you a glimpse of it. Go back to your origin, go back to nature and begin there. That's where you will find inner peace, happiness, healing, and unconditional love. Take a deep breath, hold it,,,,,breath out slowly and release the sound of OHHHMMMMMMM...... thanks for reading this far. You are being held in light and love....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. My life is divine. I am grateful and thankful for everything that I have. I am available to more abundance, healing, compassion, and peace than I've ever experienced before. My life is the direct emanation of the only life that exists, the life of God...and so it is, amen"..
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. My life is divine. I am grateful and thankful for everything that I have. I am available to more abundance, healing, compassion, and peace than I've ever experienced before. My life is the direct emanation of the only life that exists, the life of God...and so it is, amen"..
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