Sunday, October 5, 2014

Self expression

How many times during the day do you catch yourself suppressing your expression? So many times you want to say out loud what's in your heart to people around yet you inhibit yourself from Self expression. These are the moments you have to watch out for and allow what's in your heart to express in a way that can create a field of learning, understanding, warning, or forming a boundary for yourself and others. Practice being in alignment with what your body, mind, and Soul desires at each given moment in order to become in FLOW with the universal Source energy. There are times that your body desires something, your mind something else, and your Soul directing both in a different direction. To make course correction is to fall into integrity with all three aspect of your Being, then following your pure expression into Becoming. From being into becoming is the process of Self creation. As you progress into mastery, you'll notice the alignment between all aspects of you and you'll be free from judgment towards yourself or from others. This liberation allows you to be more centered in the choices you make for uplifting the collective consciousness. You are walking in this direction. Breath in my friend. Allow yourself to be in Flow of things by letting go of resistance. Trust and Allow...this is the only game in town and you are in alignment with it......Namaste.

Affirmation: "I am in constant creative flow of Self Expression. My expression stems from love, peace, harmony, and joy. I allow myself to Be in the moment. I am one with the presence of the All Good which expresses from my Soul. Joy is the order of my day. Prosperity and kindness find their expression through the dance of my body and mind. I am abundant, I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am cause onto my owns life's experience. I trust the universe and allow it to guide me, now. "..

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