Monday, October 13, 2014

Nowhere to BE

Communicate your misunderstanding about yourself, to yourself. So many times you don't know why you are feeling a certain way or you start judging the world around you based on your limited perception. This creates problems in you. You'll end up having doubts, fear, and anxiety about what may happen. In a space of total surrender and yielding to what Is, you get to Know your Self as the sole determining factor to whom you are responsible to. You are the only factor on deciding which way to navigate your life towards, which thoughts to chose from, and how to open yourself up for ways to get you to your destiny. The word 'yielding' is very powerful. It means to bypass your Ego and connect to the Spirit as you see yourself in others through the mind of the universe. Life is not a race. There is nowhere to be, or no-thing to do other than being in the now, being more of who you are. Recognize what you are creating in this moment, who's life your are effecting, and what possibilities you are creating in alignment of the path you chose with each breath in and out.
My prayer for you is to be at peace and become an agent of peace in the world.....Namaste....+1 Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: I send love and compassion to my misunderstandings about life. I can see clearly now, hear with the ears beyond the ears, and sense my oneness with the universe. I am in flow with the beat of everlasting love of God's heart. With each breath, I go within and become more of my authentic Self. I am living, moving, and having my being in presence of love. I am in flow with infinite abundance, unlimited prosperity, and pure joy. I am happy, I am peaceful, and I am grateful. Healing is the order of my day.".

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