Wednesday, August 6, 2014


There is that someone who will read this and experiencing the 'fear of separation'. The one who has worries of the future specially as far as their relationship with another being is concerned. This is one of the most prominent work of the Ego that creates conditions in your mind to take you out of the present moment. Specially when you are feeling sad or depressed. These dense negative energies tend to pile up together and obscure the mind, keeping it in shackles. Believe me, I've been there. Specially that fear of separation from a loved one who I thought I was deeply in love with, and I was. Yet, when time came to stand on my own feet, I conquered my fears and started re-discovering the Truth of my Being. What did I find? I found out that just as oceanic waves can not be separated from the ocean and just as rays of sun beam can not be separated from the sun, therefore, I can not be separated from that which is infinite, the creator of creation, the void behind a thing, the nothing that manifests into something. The alpha and the omega, the energy behind these thoughts, the frequency beating my heart, the feeling behind what it feels to be LOVE, the Ohhm vibration of the Cosmos. The moment I realized my oneness with that which can not be named, my fear of separation dissolved and I saw my experience with the person I loved as just an experience for my growth. You may be going through that transition time where your beloved or friend, husband or wife, are at a turning point. You see, you get to become who you really are in relation to others, and what you see in others is an aspect of yourself, otherwise you wouldn't see it in them. To overcome your current challenge if you truly care for yourself and the other person is to change your perception of who you ARE. Become one with your higher Self, and then realize that your mate is also on this path of Self Realization. See them beyond what they are projecting. By changing the way you look at things, the things you look at will literally change. It's all up to you my friend. Don't blame your mate, don't blame the world, don't blame your circumstances, and please, don't blame yourself. You have a capacity to rise above and unite with what is inherently yours to BE- an ever expansive and a Being of Light floating in infinite space of possibilities to reflect and reveal the glory of God consciousness as your very LIFE.....God Bless You Namaste..

Affirmation: "I am one with God. My life reflects the glory of the cosmos. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. Abundance and success are the orders of my day. I am grateful simply for being grateful. I am thankful simply for being thankful. I am appreciative for realizing my oneness with the universe. I intend to heal and change the world for the better. I am available and receptive to more prosperity than I've ever imagined, experiences, or manifested before. I reside in peace and allow blissful being of my higher Self to guide me".

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