Time is a measure of your experience. What time is it? It's time to wake up baby. Yes, I'm inviting you to wake up even though for many of you it's the morning and perhaps you are checking out my status update from your phone or computer, sipping on your coffee, and hopefully not driving as you are reading this. Take a deep breath, check this out. Life as we experience it unconsciously is the measurement of the sum of our destination times and times it takes us for the journey itself. What I mean by destination is the time it takes to actually experience our goals we have set up to be. For instance, you go to university to acquire a degree so they call you Mr. this or Dr. that. The actual time to receive your degree or diploma and give you the status is only few seconds, then it's all done. However, it took you 4 to 5 physical years to get to that point. Most of your time was invested in the journey itself. Yet, if you think about it, we are mostly swinging in our past which is previous held condensation of thoughts coagulated in our memory or the future, a figment of our imagination that doesn't exist. What we are left with is the present moment, infinite, eternal state of being that gets hijacked more than often through our EGO. If you simply surrender to the Now moment and leave the time of destiny out of the picture until it's experienced, you can say life is our total experience of the journey in the very now moment. With each breath, you are invited to experience more of Yourself here in the NOW. This takes practice and control of your mind. Meditation and spiritual work are designed to anchor you in the present moment, connecting you with the same frequency of the universal energy. You've been reading this for the past few seconds that brought you from one moment to the next. You traveled through time yet your experience was in the now. As you are feeling the vibration and the energy held behind these words coming from my higher self, you are being held in healing energy of love, peace, happiness, and abundance in the NOW, carried to eternity as you grow and unfold into your highest conscious Self, awareness of who you are, why you are, where your are, and what you are shines forth through the portal of your soul into your heart and out to the world through this moment, called NOW, LIFE, Your life , and mine......Namaste..
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I live in the moment and experience the all good. My life is divine. I live on purpose with full on passion. I am available to more abundance and success than I can ever imagine. Healing reveals it's beautiful face in the deepest spaces of my heart. Light is all I see. It shines through my soul and brightens the world."
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