The more you feel your expansion on the path of Self Realization, the more you re-cognize your challenges as blessings in disguise. Many of your problems can not be solved at the level of the mind, you kink of have not to 'mind' them. Yet, you have to dive deep within your soul and release them to God. Surrender to the higher order of universe and allow the 'Tao' as they name in Taoism, to take you over. Let go and let God. I'm a firm believer that once your intention is clear in your life and you are walking on purpose to make our world a better place in the direction of unconditional love, the people and circumstances you meet will serve you to fulfill this destiny. Each person plays a major role, specially the ones you fall in love with. They are your guardian angels that shine the light on your path and protect you to remain on your path. With that in mind, today, realize which direction you are navigating your life towards, recognize your challenges as seeds of opportunity waiting to give you blessings, vision the best case scenario in whatever you are growing through, and have total FAITH. Faith is usually the only thing that's constant and you can count on. It's your ultimate power to pull you through the rough tides. I have faith in YOU!
Affirmation: "I let go and let God. I let the universal love energy take over my life. I conquer my challenges through the light that shines from my heart. I am available for more miracles to show up in my life. I hold on to my purpose and live full on with passion. Healing is the order of my day. Prosperity and joy are waiting to enter my Soul. "
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