"Those who know, do not talk. Those who talk, do not know."...-Lao Tzu....
Where are you at in your personal relationship with yourself my friend? What kind of inner conversation are you having with yourself? Notice that I'm not mentioning others, because until you become at peace with yourself, others wont matter. Are you looking to gain your own 'approval' or the 'approval' of others on a daily basis? Stop and listen to your heart. Don't talk, listen. Don't give advice, judge or critique yourself. Simply breath in at the exact moment you have the urge to blab on with yourself and word vomit to others. Stop, and listen. Let go of 'wanting' the approval of others for that which you already know. There is a direct connection between you and your higher Self. When you silence your mind, it will speak to you, guide you, and give you this sense of unconditional love towards yourself. You've been there and felt that. However, if you don't stand guard at the door of your mind and allow the madness of world enter, you become sucked into something that's not for you. You know, there is a 'knowing' that I feel. knowing that everything is happening for our higher good and the outcome of this entire saga we call 'life' will be Good. The observer who has manifested this perfection we get to experience a little bit of its Reality, God, has the absolute best outcome in mind. The mind of God doesn't do mistake, create by accident, or default. You are made in the image and likeness of this incredible mind. Let go of the Fear of holding on to what the outcome will be. Relax into the moment, the silence, your direct knowing. From this space, your happiness is assured. Stop, listen, and BE.....Namaste
Affirmation: "My life is the reflection and perfection of the only life that exists. The life of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I am available to more prosperity and success than I can ever imagine possible. I give and forgive. Let Go, and let love to take over my life. I am an affirmatory optimist, living with passion. I love and appreciate myself. I am powerful".
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