Monday, August 11, 2014

Our collective consciousness

My purpose in this very moment is to raise the collective group consciousness with the help of anyone who is reading the energy behind these thoughts that are being translated into words. You play a major significance in healing and uniting our world of separation as we are experiencing today through your state of awareness. How do you take part in this noble act? By monitoring your thoughts and being a witness to the negative ones when they come up. By knowing your ultimate purpose which is the evolution of your soul, thus creating who and what you are according to the perfection of the universe, consciously becoming one with God. Everything else we experience are simply vehicles to get us on the path to Self Realization. You are being invited to create a powerful group consciousness through this post and allow it's energy wash through lower, negative energies being passed around. My assignment is to stay peaceful, compassionate, and kind by viewing the world through the lens of love. My intention is to love, to heal, and to inspire in order to raise our collective cosmic consciousness. I invite you to join this journey in your own unique way. Individually we can take personal responsibility for our lives and collectively we can change the world as we change from within......Namaste.. (please share)...Dr. Rod..

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in divine consciousness. My destiny is a great destiny. I am available and receptive to more love, abundance, healing, and enthusiasm than I can ever imagine. I yield to life and acknowledge my oneness with the universe. I exude compassion, talk with kindness, and share my gifts with love. Peace is the order of my day and I hold this space for the entire planet to heal.".

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