Sunday, August 10, 2014

I see you

"I see you" were the words being uttered during my meditation. Seeing myself through the window of my soul. It's a very beautiful place of just being and then becoming. The only game in town is this: Being and Becoming. I made a vow to remain peaceful and exude that peace through out the world. In a flash of time, that lasted as eternity, I made a vow to forgive all that has happened in the past. A powerful choice that can set you free in a moment. Life is not as difficult as we think it is. Perhaps, lets decide to simplify it, to make it easy. It's easy to be love and be in joy, yet very difficult to hold on anger, hatred, and sadness. What will you accomplish? What would the world accomplish other than destroying each other and killing our natural resources in the name and nature of old belief systems that don't belong to us anymore. You see, I see you, and I know you see me. If both see each other through the lens of our soul, then others will get to see from the same prism of light. The world needs us to shine this light instead of repeating and falling for the negativity. You know, the dinner table chats, repeating your prejudice and stereotypes of identifying people with different religions, background, and even those that have excessive plastic surgery. Falling for your Ego and judging others. Come on, you've done it, I've done it, even the one's that pretend they are saint and hide behind the mask of religiosity have done it and are doing it all the time. The way out is to go within and each time you've realized you've fallen out of integrity with your soul is to re-member, re-make, and re-do your thoughts into qualities that wipe away the sense of separation and brings us together in love. I see you my friend, it's easy, just watch what comes out of your mouth, the words you say as a reflection of your thoughts. Real understanding supports healing, a real understanding of your responsibility for raising the vibration of the planet from now, into the next now, into the next now, until we create a future that we can be proud of. It starts with this very next breath you are taking. Sending you tons of love ....Dr. Rod..

Affirmation: " I see the light in my heart shining bright. I am filled with love and enthusiasm to meet my calling today. I am living, moving, and having my being in God, in joy, and in passion. Healing is the order of my day. I am available to more prosperity, success, and abundance than I can ever imagine possible. I manifest with ease and flow because I know all of my needs are met, even now, specially now. I exude peace and harmonizing good energy to the world and allowing it to be, and so it is, amen..."

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