In this very second as you are reading this, are you happy in your life? Are you happy with who you are and your accomplishments? Are you at a place in your life where you feel complete sense of acceptance, flow, self love, and absolute gratitude for every blessing in your life? When you read this you may say: "Does anyone really live like this?" or "Is it really possible?" My answer to you is yes, only if you practice the last part which is cultivating the feeling of GRATITUDE in every moment of your life. I'm sure you do it. I'm sure you get up in the morning and say: 'Tanks God' (persian accent), it's morning, and then start shouting at your spouse, kids, or the job you are going to, cussing the situation you are in. I know, it happens. We all do it. We bargain with God and in return for Gratitude we have a list of expectations from some man up above in heavens to shoot down goodies for us. And God forbid if he delays or misses. As we come across our challenges in life, that same God we sent gratitude a second ago becomes our worst enemy. These are thoughts that we all have at some point during our days. As we challenge through what we call life, it's eminent. You've gotta stand your ground and dive within your heart for the experience of deepest feeling of gratitude second by second. Gratitude is not conditional, neither is love, neither the recognition of your oneness with the eternal. Take on this challenge for contemplating gratitude towards the most difficult issues you are facing and the most simple blessings. Get in a proactive motion and start feeling the feelings of unconditional appreciation towards yourself. Yes, don't feel selfish, I said yourself. You are worthy to do so. How often do you acknowledge and appreciate yourself? Get in the habit of doing it right now because as you are honoring your-Self, you are honoring the source that dwells in your heart. First be able to See the blessing and amazing miracle you are, Then, all the blessings and miracles of life will start revealing themselves to you. Namaste..
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am available to all the blessings in my life. My heart is open to love and my passion for sharing my gift is expanding. I cultivate an attitude of gratitude in every second of my life. Abundance is the order of my day. Prosperity shows up out of NOTHING manifesting into everything through my thoughts, words, and action. I intend to heal and change the world for the better, NOW."
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