Sunday, February 8, 2015

On and above the EDGE

I'm about 9000 feet up the mountain in this picture as you see. This was yesterday. I'm sitting on top of the highest point of this beautiful trail at Idylwild. It's called the 'Devil's slide'. It took me over 4 hours of hiking to get there. There is ice and snow in the last 1000 feet before we got to the destination. Achieving a peak mountain top is an incredible feeling. The process of getting there is more enjoyable. I was absolutely silent in my mind. I was so captivated by nature. So in tune by the trees, rocks, and mother Gaya that was breathing in and out with me. With each step, I felt the aliveness of our mother Earth. There was this silent exchange between me and her. I was time traveling into eternity. Touching upon infinity as I looked down and saw the vastness, the incredible scenery of the view around me. I could taste the oxygen up there. Each molecule ignited a spark of life in my cells. The smell of the pine trees mixed with dirt took me back to my origin. What is my origin? I was contemplating on how unique we are. How insignificant I am compared to this magnificence. Yet, the magnificence was observing itself through my thoughts, through my experience, and through my passion of creating a new experience. God walking in flesh? Is that what it's called? The universe having an intimate love affair with my existence to manifest its significance through me? Is this what it's called? I don't know. All I know is that I was ONE with something that was nothing. That nothing kept on taking my next step up the trail. The somethingness of the nothing was so incredibly beautiful that my words can not bring about that vibration right now. I'm just grateful for experiencing what I experience and in my experience I can give you a glimpse of it. Go back to your origin, go back to nature and begin there. That's where you will find inner peace, happiness, healing, and unconditional love. Take a deep breath, hold it,,,,,breath out slowly and release the sound of OHHHMMMMMMM...... thanks for reading this far. You are being held in light and love....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. My life is divine. I am grateful and thankful for everything that I have. I am available to more abundance, healing, compassion, and peace than I've ever experienced before. My life is the direct emanation of the only life that exists, the life of God...and so it is, amen"..

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