Thursday, May 30, 2013

What do you SEE?

When you look into the eyes of another human being, notice the vastness of their soul rather than judging them based on their race, religion, color, or they nationality. Become aware of these social conditions and truly step out of telling yourself made up stories. As you connect to your inner Divine nature and embrace your higher BEING through meditation, what will happen is you'll start connecting to the divine nature of others. You'll notice that everyone is part of this unlimited, infinite energy. Everyone is divine, not just people, but every animal, trees, minerals, and creatures that co-exist with you on this planet. This is the level of consciousness that heals the world and is GLOWING through the shining light of the SPIRIT. This is WHO you and I are if WE just WAKE up to it and get out of our OWN way. Namaste....have a beautiful day
 Affirmation: "I am open and receptive to more good, more miracles, and more love in my life than I can even imagine. I welcome the UNKNOWN".....take care of yourselves. 

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