Saturday, May 25, 2013


The measure of your success and joy is not based on how much money you are making or how many properties you own. The second you are thinking ownership, you've lost the mark. Abundance and prosperity are internal states of being that can be cultivated at any second in your life. Right NOW, take a deep BREATH!!! realize that this Breath was the only thing your entire body ever needed. YOUR NEEDS are met and fulfilled in every second of your life. WHY? Because you are a unique SPIRITUAL being INCARNATED to fulfill a beautiful DESTINY according to your special patterns. You have already been GIVEN the most precious GIFT that can never be BOUGHT by material things: THAT'S YOUR LIFE BABY,,,,YES, IT'S YOUR LIFE BABY....step into GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATE your LIFE RIGHT NOW BABY,,,because that's where the JEWELS of success, happiness, joy, abundance, true wealth, and absolute peace is MANIFESTED FROM and FOUND. It's right there within YOU BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in absolute abundance, prosperity, love, health, joy, opulence, and grace BABY".......have a spectacular weekend guys

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