Monday, May 20, 2013

Be, Feel, and Move like WATER

Good morning LIFE: I invite you to take a deep breath as you are reading this and allow the softness of the energy of what is to follow go within your entire being. Picture yourself as 'WATER' going down the stream. So effortless and smooth. Imagine places in your life where you are having challenges. Now, as you take a deep breath, imagine this flowing stream of water, softly and gently penetrating the areas of your concern. Imagine the qualities of water washing away your fears, worries, and anxieties. Yield to this powerful element which you are composed of. We are 75-80% made up of water. It nourishes our cells, gives life to our planet, and is the most powerful force that exist. Be flexible in your approach to life, just like water is. It can be found as vapor, liquid, or solid, yet it is just WATER in all stages. YOU ARE A SPIRITUAL BEING HAVING A TEMPORARY HUMAN INCARNATION. Feel that in your heart and bring that aspect of your BEINGNESS into your daily LIFE. As you read and -re-read this, send out a PRAYER OF LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY, AND HEALING TO EVERYONE ON OUR PLANET! INCLUDE ANY BEING THAT IS DEPENDENT ON WATER AND IS MADE UP OF WATER. Have a fantastic week ahead of you!

 Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in complete peace and harmony. My life is filled with joy, my heart is filled with love, and at anytime I'm able to yield to my greatness. Overflow with pure compassion, I GIVE IT ALL AWAY NOW". 

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