Monday, April 27, 2015

Soul's of Light

Soul's of light travel towards the path of enlightenment together Some are vibrating on a higher frequency and play as a leader and some are waking up to the Truth of their higher Self, shaking off the debris they've picked up from the world of circumstance, and breath a fresh air for the first time. Where ever you are on your path, it is sacred. You are traveling on your journey and along your course, you will run in different souls as their vibration crosses yours. They have a message for you such as this note, it is not random, it is not insignificant. Each experience is magnificent on its own give the knowledge that you are present to the experience, out of your judgment, and really patient with your transformation. Transformation means Trans-going beyond and formation-condensed physical form. So, as you elevate beyond condensed formation of your worldly experiences, you step into a mystical field of energy where you are connected to the source. The challenges you are facing today were once non-physical ego based thoughts that originated from fear or sense of lack. These thoughts where given energy by 'YOU' and ultimately condensed and coagulated into physical experience. They are of the past. Whatever you are perceiving with your senses and experience in this moment, has it's origin in the past. The world of absolute, meta-physics is beyond time and space. You originate from this No-thing space and you can connect to it through meditation where you 'feel' your way into higher qualities of love, peace, compassion, and abundance. As you melt your way into this sublime space of bliss, you then welcome a shift on your thoughts, allowing the spirit to overcome the banks of your present paradigm, guiding you towards manifesting your divine energy. This week, I will be working on "Self Worth" in relationship to any habitual patterns we have that are dis-empowering: drugs, cigs, alcohol, negative thoughts, blame, shame, guilt, and whatever you think you've got that has been a monkey on your back. Please inbox me and tell me what it is. Follow my writings each day as I will transmute the lower energy from your energy field and help your healing process. I am going through my own healing through a dis-empowering habit and as I am raising my vibration, I feel that I am able to heal yours. Your intention will be: I NO LONGER HAVE THE DESIRE TO DO --------------------(your habit).....and let it be.....Hey Soul of Light, I am proud of you and I see you Tran-forming.....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation: "I let go of anything that no longer serves me. I am living, moving, and having my being in absolute health. Healing is the order of my day. I am vibrant, I am peaceful, I live in bliss. I am available and receptive to miracles showing up in every area of my life. I am abundant. I am wealth. I am prosperous. I live in the moment and live with intense passion in my heart. I am aligned with my purpose and surrender to the universal laws to take over my life. I am joy, I am love, I am kindness in action. I am grateful and thankful for No-thing than manifests into everything I desire in my life. All of my needs are met. I am whole and walk in this space of unity. I shine my light and light up the way for everyone else to wake up to the truth of their own BEING. I am blessed, I am happy, and I allow this to BE,,,,and so it is,,,Amen".....have a spectacular day

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