Monday, April 20, 2015

Experiencing divine relationship

I've gone through an incredible spiritual roller coaster for the past few weeks and specially for the past few day as I came back from Sedona last night. The theme of our retreat was "remembering and manifestation'. My journey began with setting an intention to 'surrender and be present, to connect with my divine relationship, and to be present in order to gain clarity'. I went through so many openings and so many emotional challenges. From pain to agitation, from deep love to self centeredness. From being absolutely present and feeling oneness like I've never felt before to being disconnected. I absolutely experiences the world of duality and dichotomy at the deepest level. Probably the most I've ever been present and witnessed my EGO at work and having my higher Self taming my Ego. It was a beautiful dance between these two phenomena and I was dancing through them with grace. I fell down so many times inside, feeling vulnerable, feeling lost in my mind. However, my heart and soul over powered and directed me to exactly where I needed to be. I felt and feel freedom like never before because I experienced the absolute by 'Re-membering' who and what I Really am. Who being the singular manifestation of the what and what being the invisible, yet indivisible presence of God. I aligned my mind, emotions, and physical body through the portal of my consciousness and was witnessing how incredible us as human beings are. We manifest our intentions on a a moment by moment basis. The more clear you are on what it is you want and what it is you don't want, the more access to your creative divine power and deliberate manifestation you have. I was dwelling in Self love and my ability to introspect. This is thinking about what I was or am thinking about. This is the key to raising your spiritual awareness and practicing it one moment at a time to feel and BE connected. It's all within you and all the answers you are looking for are eloquently written in your heart. Free yourself by letting go and forgiving that which no longer serves you. Open up to infinite possibilities because you are infinite, you are a divine being reflecting and revealing the glory of cosmos according to your unique gifts. I feel a shift of transformation within me and I'm holding it very sacred. I am grateful for my experiences as I know if will resonate out to the world, to you my friend, and anyone who happens to read this note. Know that you are in my prayers and unconditional love. Stay centered and be blessed! Namaste....Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with love, one with the presence of God. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am divinely guided and infinitely lighted from my heart and being led by my Soul. I trust and let go. I surrender to the universe to handle my life. I am available and receptive to more abundance, health, success, prosperity, peace, joy, and healing than I've ever imagined or manifested before. I am living, moving, and having my being in the absolute. I Am grateful for all of my blessings and share it with the world. And so it is, amen"....have a spectacular day, week, and month ahead of you

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