Thursday, April 9, 2015

Healing Angels Vibration

I wish I could convey perfectly in words what I'm experiencing energetically right now and the vibration I've tuned into in meditation. I'm right there and I'm gonna take you there. Take a deep breath. Slow down. Let go of whatever you are doing for the next 40-50 seconds. Read these words slowly because Rod is not writing them. The spirit of God in coming forth through me as a channel. My mind was very scattered right before meditation. As I tuned in, took couple of deep breath, and relaxed into my physical body, I tapped into my heart. An overflow of three energies started bubbling up. Take a deep breath right now and feel the energy of kindness. I felt it as a healing angel standing in front of me. Through the Angels heart, my heart was connected with a beautiful, radiant Red color. I felt that energy surrounding me and elevating my physical body away from the gravitational pull of mother earth. I felt the spaces between my muscles and cell releasing toxins of fear and getting washed away through my lymphatic system. As you are tuning into this writing slowly, know that you are unique, you are magnificent, you are beautiful. This is what God is expressing through me, to you. Slowly, I tapped into the energy of compassion. I felt me thoughts becoming more flexible like a yogi master in this frequency. I saw another Angel, or being of light who re=presented itself ans a shield above my head. Forming a beautiful purple light around my crown Chakra and connecting me into the universal consciousness. There is a harmonic tune in the universe that is asking you to tune in by surrendering and yielding beyond what your EGO is manipulating you into. It's asking you to take a step towards finding inner peace and walking towards light. Start finding your path in the direction of God Realization. I felt these awareness coming down from my spinal cord like drops of rain, slowly making their way into my emotional energy field. Are you with me? Take another deep breath and know that you are protected. Know that whatever you are growing through will work out for your higher best. You are supported. The final angel that showed up from me was hugging me from behind through my back solar plexus chakra radiating the energy of unconditional love. It formed a healing, protective shield around all of my chakras. I'm feeling it coming through my finger, to the keyboard, through the digital world, on the screen of your device, through the neurons of your eyes, in your brain, and forming intricate crystals in your DNA molecule. You are loved by the presence that is closer to you than your hands and feet and nearer to you than you thoughts, emotions, and even your Soul. It embodies all within itself. Let it go, trust it, and allow it to take your life over....take a deep breath,,,,breath out with the sound of OHHHMMMM......namaste....-Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. Compassion is the creative angle for my inner peace. Joy breaks through in every area of my life. I am guided and supported by the universal intelligence. I am peace, I am bliss, I am prosperity in action. Healing is revealing through my higher Self. I am available for miracles to show up in every area of my life. I am happy, I am content, and I am in surrender to What Is. Love Is, Happiness Is, Gratitude Is, Life Is, I AM, God Is,,,,and so it IS,,,,,amen"...have a beautiful day guys

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