Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Ask, Believe, Receive

Become an answered prayer to someone or some other being today.I was in a parking lot last night and just looking up at the sky. There were amazing cloud formations after the rain we had here yesterday. You could see the moon shining through the scattered, fluffy clouds, kind of shying out to present herself completely. I was flirting with the moon and talking to her through my vibration. As I was walking back and forth besides my car, I looked down and saw a baby snail crawling along the middle of the lot. I suddenly stopped and observed this little dude, in the middle of no where, going totally the wrong direction. He was going way off of his course. He was looking for sunset and driving East instead of West. Wow, I identified with this amazing being. My entire being became one with the snail. I saw myself at his eye level crawling on the asphalt, going the wrong direction, and totally being by myself, alone, in this immense universe full of nothingness. Yet, I was peaceful and didn't care a bit. I was being content with being me, even though lost at times, uncertain, and looking for answers. But then I told myself, this is the actual game of life you are playing. This is it! You keep on being you, though you may find yourself lost at times, but the universe will take care of you. How? By keeping your faith strong and being persistent. By practicing your intent and awakening to the Truth of your Higher Self. What happened next, I picked up the little snail and held him in my hands. I walked about 15 ft, that's how far he was away from the side shrubs and nearest tree. I planted him in the dirt and said farewell. I became the answered prayer to the snail. Immediately I went into my own prayer and surrendered to the universe, realizing that I'm here for a purpose. Whatever challenges I'm facing or we are facing will result in the transformation for our higher good. We are expanding and the human consciousness is fully Realizing itSelf at a higher rate. Hang on little snails, you will become and answered prayer and have your prayers answered. This is the promise ! Namaste....-Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation: "I ask with an open heart, I believe with total faith, and I am available to receive more good than I can ever imagine. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Life supports me. All of my needs are met. Everything takes on the shape and beauty of the perfection of universe. I have the courage to sing my song. I have the ability to fully express my creativity. I am strong, I am peaceful, I am happy, and I reside in bliss. Abundance and healing is the order of my day. I Am, God Is, and so it Is,,,,amen"....have a spectacular day

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