Saturday, October 7, 2017

Be your own health advocate

Here is a sad reality that you have to accept and be aware of if you find yourself or a loved one being taken care of in the hospitals or other health care facilities; “you can not teach people common sense. They either have it or they don’t.”

 Be aware of this fact and use your own common sense to be aware in your care. They do not teach this in medical schools or any other professional schools. Have that in mind when you are dealing with your situation and always question authorities. They are not “always” right! There is no certainty with another persons opinion!

 Ask intelligent questions. Do your homework and be curious in how things are being done. My gratitude to people who are giving their effort into helping other people’s well being wholeheartedly. Here is my invitation to those who are doing it just to get by and see patients as a number or a subject; GROW UP!!! Put yourself in families situation and learn to open your heart. If you are pretending to be in service and your heart is closed off to be present in what you are doing, think of a career change! In Farsi we say” ageh Az delo joon nemikoni, mikham sad saleh seyah nakoni! Menat nazar” πŸ‘Š

Just some insights for you guys to ponder and take home with. 

Thanks πŸ’š

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

This will move you 

At this very moment you are connecting into the spirit of love through this writing. You are being drawn into an amazing energy field I'm feeling now in deep meditation. I had a calling to open my eyes in the middle and allow what is coming through me be read by you. You are a magnificent being of light. Your entire life has been one of great adventure. I know you've experienced pain and many times a lot of suffering. I know your heart has been broken numerous times and your struggles have been very difficult to deal with. Yet, you have made it this far. Yet, you have thrived to be who you are. An infinite being who is using the body temple to navigate through time and space expressing your beauty. You have passed through every challenge and made the best of how you know what to do. This message is to go within the fiber of your being, in between your cells, re -structuring the very DNA that is carrying the information of your existence into prosperity, vitality, well being, abundance , and above all love. Take a deep breath my friend, relax into the moment, you have come this far in your life. Your life will take a miraculous turn if you decide to recognize your greatness and your oneness with God. The layers of dark clouds that have been obscuring your perception from divine into sadness is being cleansed. Your emotional body is being vibrated into body of love, compassion, and peace. Your physical body is being healed. It is now becoming the charged instrument of divinity that will carry the light to shine and radiate to everyone out there. The joy that is showering over your spiritual body will allow you to have full confidence and trust in yourself and the universe. This, I am holding the space for you. This is a promise and not just a declaration. This perfection of the all good is yours and profoundly will overflow the bank of your present paradigm. Open up and receive. Share this message, stay in ultimate energy of gratitude, and just allow it to BE. Amen Life coaching, career coaching, healing, Reiki 

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Your experience 

It's so easy to get caught up in your own story and become totally consumed by it. What do I mean by that? Human experience once experienced becomes a memory somewhere in your mind. It doesn't matter it's a good or bad experience because the feeling you experience will create an identification with it and make a belief system that your experience is actually YOU! You can rejoice in the good experiences however it's the painful ones that become so hard for anyone to bypass and move forward in life. When I coach people and see them so caught up in a painful experience, I first allow them to express their story as if they are the experience itself. Then the fun begins when I remind them that they are not their experience. Oh, and remind them they are not their thoughts, specially the victim thoughts that creates even heavier illusion that you are your thoughts. Thought identification is the work of the Ego. So, now you have the premise that you are not your thoughts, nor your feelings, nor your experience. This becomes very challenging for people because they know that they are not but their ego struggles so hard to hold on to this concept that they are. Therefore, if you are not your thoughts but you can have a thought, can't you observe your thought and then as a result change your experience? If you are not your feelings but you experience a feeling, can't you chose to not get caught up in a feeling and actually feel it without getting consumed by it? And if you are not your life story but have a story, can't you redefine your story from being a victim and transform your story into victory? I let you decide! Choice is a function of your awareness and awareness the function of your alignment with higher Self, or source energy. In this alignment , every challenge can become a source of a triumph and every adversity can be transmuted by your act of observation into transcendence. You have a power to re-cognize your "story" and change the narrative as you wish. Your wish becomes into reality when you demand more of yourself and don't settle for your BS, or belief system. You have a mandate to live an excellence life of beauty and joy, peace and love , health and wealth, with how you'd like to design it. It's your story so don't mess it up. If you do, then own it and move beyond it. Don't fall for people's judgment of you because they are caught up in their own BS story. 

Namaste. spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Being an observer 

Being the observer is not an easy thing, yet it's the only thing you can be. There is a power far greater than what we can understand, see, and feel operating the universe. That power is within us, works in and as us as well. There is no separation. However, there are so many challenges in the world, so many people now getting hurt. You've been watching what's going on out in different part of the world. And there are innocent people who get hurt by accidents, illness, and other happenings. So, how do you explain this? 

My answer, I don't know. This is a note to me and I'm in a very emotional state right now. How do you go beyond what's happening and hold a space where you know the essence of what's happening is not evil. That you live in a friendly universe. I contemplate, I go deep in my meditation and ask my higher Self, because my mind sometimes gets locked down, gives up hope and creates conflict with what I inherently feel. As I tap into my Soul, I feel comfort that there is a perfection happening beyond my understanding. Beyond my little Ego trying to figure everything out. I was at a hospital yesterday, witnessing an innocent human being having her entire physical body shattered from an accident. How do you explain the burden and life changes she'll have to endure? The stress the family will have to endure? 

Yet, what I know is to give hope and look at things from the light of healing. To discern and recognize what is in front of my eyes is the initial stage of understanding. To see that there is pain, there is suffering, and there is injustice from our human point of view. However, there is that unseen and unheard energy, the inner voice of knowing, the place where is beyond what you observe, it's within an aspect of you that's untouched. From this inner state, I get to chose beholding the presence. The spirit of God, from the deepest spaces between my thoughts , between my cells, echoing out from my over soul. I can't deny it. It doesn't make sense but it's the only thing that's Real to me. I shift my perception and see the wholeness and healing right among the suffering. 

As I yield to this beautiful energy, something happens. My experience changes in the very moment and so does the experience of the observer. I have hope. I have faith, and the only thing I am sure is that love overcomes every challenge. I know that the human spirit is more than what we are seeing. I just know it and I've seen how people come together in times of crisis. Darkness only exists because of lack of LIGHT. What's Real is light and where there is darkness, it's our duty to emanate the loving light within our hearts πŸ’šNamaste.....-Dr. Rod.....

Monday, August 14, 2017

Conscious living workshop 

The mark of a true spiritual worrier is to recognize when they fall out of integrity with their soul. This means that you get caught up in your reactions to the external circumstance, you fall for your ego, and buy intro the lie that you need more. There is a perfection within you that only needs your permission to release its infinite energy. You are made of the elements that makes up the cosmos. You are infinite and powerful beyond anything ever created. Every day is a new set point to let go of the past and start new. I fell out of integrity with my soul by getting caught up in my fear last night. I lashed out at a loved one for so called "my own reasons" that are immature and tainted by the ego. I created an atmosphere of pain for myself and the other person. My recognition of this fall out came back quickly though. Meditation helps you to bounce back into integrity at lightening speed and resolve your issues faster than what the mind lives to do. The mind loves you to suffer and generate more negativity. The soul though through meditation uplifts you from the negative energy and opens the gates of your heart so fast for the spirit of love to shine through. Melting of the ego takes place and the flowering of your beauty blooms even in the darkest moments of your experience. Get in stillness and allow God to have its way with you. Come check out my Conscious Living Workshop soon:

Namaste πŸ’š

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Having Faith

Perhaps the most powerful energy that can move the human spirit is the power of faith! Why do I say that? Because you can reach the end of your rope in every chapter of your life. Human experience is full of ups and downs. It's full of unexpected surprises that tests your very core. It can push your limits to the ultimate where you have nothing but your faith in yourself to rely on. It's in those very dark moments that your true character comes forth and you know what you are made of. Do you give up or do you push forward and rely on the deepest part of your soul to move on? I know you've been there and I know you have been tested. I know if you are reading this, you can relate to me because we share the same sentiments and same qualities as we breath the same air and have the same blood streaming through our veins. We have the same desires to be happy and in peace. We want to be loved and love another being in order to bring forth the highest quality of our beingness in fruition that is in alignment with the spirit of God. There is the pulse of the universe pulsating through our breath and you and I both know that there is only our desire that wants to transcend the negative human experience and transmute it into the light of the only ONE. Yes! We can do it and it's done through the power of our faith: "The substance of that which we are hoping for and the vibratory evidence of what can not be seen". What we are hoping for is a better future and what can not be seen is the field of pure potentiality that we can call upon with the power of our intention. Our desires to make it through and transform the formation of our life can be the salvation of our darkest moments and create new possibilities for our existence. Our tomorrow is shaped by the decision we make in this very moment, and in this moment I am aligned with the spirit of love, knowing that by having you in my prayers and field of high vibrational love energy, we can set forth a new beginning; one that brings more smiles on our faces and one that is purely derived from the power of our faith. Yes my friend, keep your faith intact and navigate through this moment because tomorrow I know you'll have a better day than today. You are making your signature into eternity. Keep strong and move on ! 

Namaste. πŸ’š

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Clearing confusion 

A lot of confusion takes place when you don't know what you want out of life. What happens then, you fall into regret of your past which lowers your emotions into sadness or depression. You do this subconsciously in order to match the vibrational frequency of your confusion. When it's a match, now you feel good because you have concrete justification for your present disappointments. As you live with this attitude, you attract and create more of the same. Here is the cycle: Confusion, then focusing on past regret, matched up depression mood, feeling good about your confusion, attracting more of the same. This is a vicious cycle I see so many people caught up in which is ruining their lives, relationships, health, marriage, and their livelihood over it. If you relate or you know someone caught up in this, reach out and get guidance. It's easy to balance this energy and make your life work. Please visit my site: & get in touch with me for FREE initial assessment 818-317-0839 Thank you πŸ’š

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Being Alone

Be able to tell the difference between being Alone and feeling Lonely.. Feeling lonely comes from a sense of lack. This happens when you are disconnected from your true essence, not able to be in touch with your higher self. Where you have pain inside your heart and don't know where it comes from. It's not a very good space to be in because it hurts and your only way out is to go deep within in order to heal what is the root of that separation. In contrast, BEING ALONE is a GIFT. It's where healing of the heart takes place. It's a quiet space of self realization and internal peace. Away from the drama of the world outside. A blissful opening to knowing yourself. Getting in touch with your true essence and realizing that you don't need anyone or anything to be happy. Because you are directly in touch with the universe itself, and that my friend, is found only in your ALONE moments where you are self reflecting, meditating, and giving rest to your brains cells. Is your Soul smiling during your ALONE moments or are you constantly searching to fill up a void that needs to be healed in your heart? Good question to ponder about....-Dr. Rod.....

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Just a thought: 

Parents have a lot of unreasonable expectations of their children. Sometimes, unnecessary comparison and pressure can damage the kid. When the kid grows up with multiple emotional issues, parents feel lost and think this happened over night. I always think that the best way to deal with this situation is educating yourself first and figuring yourself out before you blame everything on the kid. 

Learn to be more compassionate and listen to your kid rather than criticizing them. Most of our personal issues stem from our family dynamics. Off course , everything is relative and there are those few that become incredible human beings regardless of their damaging upbringing. I see this regularly and feel that our level of awareness can truly make either negative or positive effect on others.πŸ’š

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Journey within

Here is a test to see if you actually read my posts all the way to the end. I'm curious and I have not written something like this for a while. All I know is that I've been experiencing immense heaviness in my heart and weight of humanity on my shoulders. It's been a personal challenge to go through these feelings, however, I know that I am not separated from you, thus, the collective human struggle is being felt by me. I am totally good with that because as a being of light, I've set my mission to uplift, inspire, heal, and transform whoever comes along my path. You , the reader are in this energy field right now. I am grateful for this opportunity because as I am breathing slowly, I feel your breath slowing down. I feel this unified field of love energy forming a beautiful sphere of golden light around us. Take a deep breath and slow down your thoughts. This is a moment of pure communion with the spirit of love. The only power that can heal a wounded heart; pain from the past, and whatever worry that comes in our mind because of the future. This moment is being transcribed in history as a great healing moment. These words will be released into eternity, you and I, together will have our Souls uplifted in order to generate positive energy and shift our inner world from darkness to light, sadness to joy, and fear to faith. With faith, all things all possible. Take another deep breath, visualize an area of your life structure that needs healing. You relationship with yourself, with a friend, family. Your financial life. You health, that part of your physical body that needs healing. Whatever it is that comes to your mind, wrap it around a beautiful violet colored, intense light. See the light actually burning through what you are imagining. As you hold this vision with the violet light around it, repeat and say this affirmation in your mind: "All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe that supports, heals, and loves every atom in my body, every emotion in my heart, every thought in my mind, and every circumstance that will get created by my higher Self, now". As you go on through the day, hold on to this vision and affirmation. Know that I will support you on this path, and recognize your greatness. You are meant to serve you higher purpose on this journey. Trust and love yourself, no matter what challenges you'll be confronted with. God is all there is, and so it is......Take another breath and smile my friend....All is well....


Dr. Rod....

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Bone Marrow Match

I am super emotional to say the least! A lot is going on in my energy field right now as I am in a meditative state writing this note. My breath is deep and my heart space is widely open. My fingers are just typing what my emotions are dictating without any screen whatsoever. I love this space. It's what I strive for. Earlier today I received an email from gift of life bone marrow registry notifying me that I matched to be a marrow donor to someone who is terminally ill with cancer. I registered 12 years ago and now it showed up. A leukemia perhaps or any other blood cancer which I don't know yet. I read the email couple of times before I could believe this great honor. All of the sudden, I just broke down in tears. This was tears of joy and humility. Tears that where rolling down my face straight from my soul. I am all for changing lives but this was taking it literally to a different level of influence. What have I done to deserve this? Was my immediate thought. I have been deep in contemplation and self reflection since. I feel the persons breath and heart beat who's waiting for my blood cells to save his or her life. I can feel the parents emotional pain and suffering of having their loved ones literally being at their death bed. God knows how much they have prayed for a miracle and asked for answered prayer. This is a profound experience coming from the knowing that we are all connected. How can my bone marrow be a vehicle to cure this persons disease? I'm a scientist and a meta-physician. Yet, it still blows my mind away as to how technology's advances can make real miracles happen. All I am thinking is to get to this person as fast as I can. What I can do is to just be in prayer mode and use this experience as a proxy for anyone in the world who is going through a terminal illness. I can be an agent of hope and an answered prayer in my thoughts. I can expand my consciousness and see them as part of my own body, my cells, my blood. With each breath intake right now, I can infuse them with unconditional love and instill the desire to live and give them a second chance to life. Life is precious yet we take it for granted. We argue over things that don't matter and hold grudge on our past for no reason. When we hit a real obstacle by facing life and death situation, we wake up and notice that we are here just as a small parenthesis within eternity. We recognize that any difficult situation we are in is a blessing in disguise. A loving heart and kind action can go a long way. You can influence your surrounding by your state of being. Your vibration and thoughts can literally change the tapestry of the universe beyond what you think. I am speaking to you , the reader who happens to be receptive to this powerful energy exuding from my soul, to your eyes, to your brain, and translating in your heart getting you inspired not to give up on yourself, not to take your life for granted, and start shining your light with the mission you've been blessed to express in this incarnation of yours! To radiate your beauty and passion, joy and compassion to millions of people who are living in despair. The world needs you and you have the responsibility to show up better than yesterday, stronger than the moment ago, plunging into our mysterious universe, singing your verse to the cosmic tune of eternal life. Life is precious my friend and your life matters. I am grateful to be given this opportunity to save a life and I am going head on for it. It's a blessing and I own it. Thank you for reading my sentiments. I AM, God Is, and so it is. Amen. Namaste πŸ’š

Saturday, April 1, 2017

What's your complaint?

What is your 'complaint' of your choice? If you notice, when you get tangled in old emotional junk, past experiences that have hurt you at some point, and issues that have not been healed, they tend to show up here and there and snatch your attention from the Truth of your Eternal Being. Yes, you get hijacked by your EGO's identification with "I AM NOT GOOD ENOUGH", "I AM NOT WORTHY", "I WISH MY LIFE WAS DIFFERENT" in the past, and start having a panic attack on what to do in the future. Both of them a mental trap and prison of your Authentic BEING. Once you start identifying your 'complaint' of choice, recognize that there is a big LIE in there. A lie that is so rampant because of our illusion with separation and lack consciousness. The antidote? Meditation and re-cognition of your innate wholeness, infinite love, and connection to the Universal Source. You have to Give up your Littleness and mediocrity in order to unveil your Soul's Potential for living a life on PURPOSE with Excellence....You can do it, We can do it! -Dr. Rod...

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


You are reading this because there is an aspect of you that's suffering from pain. Human experience consists of pain either at physical level or on an emotional level. The emotional ones are sometimes harder to deal with specially when it involves a loved one going through a very difficult time. So , here you are reading what's coming through my soul and hopefully I"ll get to shift some of that pain in this moment. Spiritual growth can happen either through pain or insights. In the moment that you are experiencing pain, remember this: Paying Attention Intentionally Now (pain)! This is a cue to make you realize that whatever you are growing through will change for the better when you get yourself vibrationally out of the experience. How? Paying Intentional Attention! Your intention to take a time out from anything happening and diving into deep meditation will slow down time. A lot of our suffering is connected to the concept of time. Being caught in the past gets us depressed and the illusion of future gets us fearful. This intention of slowing time down and separating yourself from your experience creates a dynamic field of transformation and healing. It allows you to be more aware of your emotions and process them easier. It calms down your impulses and makes you available for insights. The challenge of being out of time is because of our attachments. Whenever you witness a loved one suffering or seeing them in physical pain, try to see beyond their physical body and notice them as spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. Instead of worrying about them, do something constructive to help and if you can't do anything for them, pray. Prayer is recognizing the God within and appreciating cosmic order of things without having self blame. Prayer has the power to transform and heal. Paying Attention Intentionally Now. Now is the time to tap into your power of compassion. This is a passion for understanding the lack of understanding. With this mind set, you can detach from the painful experiences and allow the universal life source energy take its natural course. Relax, let go, trust, allow, and be grateful for all the experiences that are making you become more of your True Self , even through PAINπŸ’šNamaste. 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The mirror of existence

Take a deep breath and follow my energy to the origin of your existence. At the beginning, there was the spark from the No-Thing into the expression of something. There was the creation of love within your heart, beating to the tune of the universal song of creation. There was the space within which your being was housed and was welcome to be One with the loving creator. As I am allowing this energy to flow through my being, I can taste gratitude and feel my feelings overflowing with that which has no Name. It is this nameless name that I bow down to and open my heart to. I feel life flowing through my breath and with each breath I come into unity with the moment. My awareness keeps expanding into this eternal moment, behind and beyond time lies the timeless. The void is calling my Soul to recognize itself through the mirror of life's expression. My shadow smiles to the Truth of my existence, guiding me back to my origin, the vibration of expansion and the frequency of God's smile. I look down to my own creation and AM amazed. Such beauty, such complexity, such simplicity, and the storm of colliding particles making love with each other. I am dancing with the wind under the shadow of the moon. Behind this moonlight, the ray of sunshine travels through space, having fun with each molecule of air. As it warms the clouds, I see a masterpiece, the art work by setting of the golden sun, reflecting back through the same mirror that was showing the Truth of my being. Overly joyous, increasingly diving deep within my soul, I see that I AM forever unfolding in cosmic painting. I free fall and let go. I allow my soul to embrace my heart by reaching over to the warm sands that softly cradle my body and passionately make love to my breath. I am love expressing through your breath. πŸ’šNamaste

Thursday, March 9, 2017

One with life

Affirmation; " I am one with life, one with love, one with the spirit of the living God. My life is the emanation of the light of the spirit that manifests itself as my breath, my thoughts, and my actions. All of my needs are met in the now. I am here, I am present, and I re-present the beauty of the cosmos. I am beyond the physical matter, sourcing from my source through infinity. I have no beginning and no end, endless without limit and infinity aligning with the truth of my being. I am the blessing in expression, overriding any limited perception and allowing that which Is to dance through my creation. I am love. I am peace. I am abundantly prosperous and expand this energy through my kindness showing up as bliss. With love , all things are possible. I am the field of possibilities each showing up as new abilities stemmed from my soul. I am joy and wonder creating a joyful and wonderful experience for me and you. I am grateful for my existence, one with my essence, and centered in my Self as the light of God. And so it is. Amen" πŸ’š

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Get empowered ! 

Just for today I am going to respect and love myself more than anytime before. I am going to open my heart to give and receive love , to share and generate kindness for anyone that comes across my path. I forgive my past and let go of the heaviness in my heart for I know that everything happened to serve my higher good, to give me the impetus for striving to become a better human being. I open myself to the energy of compassion, realizing that people are all coming from some pain hidden in their soul, therefore, I see that pain as I see my own, change my perspective to shift that pain into healing with love. I recognize my greatness and reflect that greatness as a mirror does with the rays of sunshine. I allow the warmth of this energy melt through the darkness of the fear that I sense crawling sometimes in my thoughts. I acknowledge this fear and expand my awareness into faith because I know faith is the ultimate healer of the fear. Just for today, I am committed to BE my authentic Self. To be an agent of positive change and a pivot point of the universal all joy expressing through this awareness. I live freely and give freely of my talents without any inhibition, without holding back because of the judgment of others. Courage takes over my life and resilience joins with inspired thoughts where they guide me on my mission, Vision, and peace that cradles me in every step of my existence. Just for today and everyday as long as I am breathing and my heart beats, I hold these words as my Truth. Yes I Am, yes I can, yes I am will, open, and receptive to it All. And so it is. Amen πŸ’š

Monday, February 27, 2017


Inner work requires a lot of discipline. Discipline sounds scary to some people because they think they are going to give up in the middle of whatever they are intending to do and then feel disappointed. Discipline is nothing more than conscious choice making. Your consciousness is the measure of your awareness. You become more aware through regular meditation practice , thus as a result becoming more discipline to make a decision and follow through. Decision making causes something into action so through it, you set a course to destiny. You are doing all of these steps everyday, however, your question should be; Am I doing this consciously or Am I doing it by default ? Am I in charge of my decisions or I allow the opinion of others to rule my life? Don't give away your power to others! Take control of your life now. You are worth it ! Namaste. spiritual life coaching. 


How do you make a transition from negative to positive or from fear to love? First, become aware of your impulses. The process of awareness is alsoncalled re-cognition. Start thinking a new thought in the moment that you catch yourself in darkness. Then, accept all of you as a whole. You are whole, perfect, and complete with all of your imperfections. Finally, sacrifice that which no longer serves you. Sacrifice means to make sacred. Be willing to get close to your inner light. The way to connect to your source is to let go and make these three distinctions simultaneously for your souls evolution. This process brings out and radiate the beauty that already exist in you. Take a deep breath. Read this againπŸ’š+1

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Second chance 

You may not get a second chance when you don't realize how your words are destroying someone else's life. Be careful in how you express yourself because words have a power to create and words have a power to resonate back at you with increased power to destroy you. There is a deep space inside your heart that you can tap into in order to motivate yourself. To take your life to the next stage, you must be able to navigate thorough the negative energies directed at you by others. Tune them out of your life and step back. You don't need to be a hero to everyone. Focus on yourself and stay away from family drama. They will drag you into their stupidity. This stupidity is not only toxic to them, but can be very toxic to you. Therefore, know what path you are directing your life without the guilt of taking other people's madness on your shoulders. Once you are centered in the Self, you can just walk as an example of high conscious , evolved soul, and hope for the best for other people to walk in your foot step. Spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

alignment with source

I'm coming from a deep space of consciousness right now and opening myself up to express what is flowing through me. This is a beautiful space that I love to be in because I rise above the human drama, the pain, the suffering. If your eye is catching these words , know that there is a higher vibration coming from the spirit talking directly to your soul giving you an answer to this question : What is the best possible thing that could happen in my life today? This is a question I ask myself when I pray and meditate. I've been contemplating on it recently and through different sources I received this affirmation that I've shared with you : " I am aligned with my source in all of my thoughts, and with God, all things are possible ". The "I" and the source here are one and the same.  The I is the source. Your recognition moment by moment by the I within leads you to the source. Alignment is awareness disguised through the lens of the ego. Alignment takes active participation in order to break through the separation of illusion and rise above our limitations. These limitations are self induced and come from the negativity of the outside. When you pay attention to your thoughts, you re-align yourself to the Self by becoming aware. Awareness to what Is , Is the link back to your freedom because it anchors you in the now moment and heals you through the bondage of time. Time creates limitation and pain by distracting you to the past or the future.  I am aligning mySelf with my Self and Source is shining through my heart as the light I AM. With God , that which IS and that which Is Not, All things are possible. God Is who you are. Alignment with who you are invites possibilities to open up because you can not be who you are Not. The wave is not separated from the ocean. The light beam is not separated from the sun. You can not be separated from your Source, thus the best possible thing that can happen today is that you become aware of the love that you are. The peace that is expressing through the fiber of your being comes only from your Source. Today, I recognize you as grand and integral part of me. I embrace you in my heart and increase my own capacity to align mySelf with my source, who is ultimately all of Us. Take a deep breath. Read this again. I love you πŸ’š

Saturday, January 7, 2017

meet your Self

One......Two...... breath in. One.....Two....breath out. Slow down your mind. Whatever you are doing at this very moment has brought you deeper to a dimension within yourself. Why? You" ll find out as you read on because a part of you is resonating with these words and wants to know that it knows already what is being said behind the vibration of these letters: " I live in your heart. I am housed within the flesh. It took me through eternity to find my way through your breath. Right now you can experience me as I am communicating with you through your breath. Pay attention to your chest rising and slowly going down. The chest cavity is the portal of my expression. It is the window through which I look outside from the world within to the world without. I see through your eyes. I see with the "I" behind the eyes. I feel with the "I" beyond the "l". I miss you sometimes because you are caught up behind the thick walls of your thoughts. I can't get through you. You forget about me while being so preoccupied by things that don't matter. You forget about me and become a stranger. I don't feel alone because I am present everywhere you go, through your experience, I reveal myself to you. When you look at the sun, I am that photon radiating back at your eyes. When you feel the breeze of the ocean, I am the essence of life touching on your skin. When you taste the sweet nectar of honey on your lips, I am the sweetness. I am who you are and you are all of me, but you have forgotten about me. Pay attention to your heart. You will find me through the next beat. Look inside the mirror and see the grand version of my creation looking back at you. Don't get the image of who you are mistaken with the reality of who you are. You are me, and I am You. Next time when you see a candle burning slowly through the dancing flame, notice me taking off my outer shell and exposing my core , becoming naked. Notice my vulnerabilities and the love I have for you. I sacrifice eternity and go beyond my own being to just be with you for a second. That second may take for the entire creation. It may never happen in this life time or the next, but as your devoted lover, I Am here for you. Listen within, take a deep breath, I am here for you. I forever love you! πŸ’š"

Your Soul! 
