Sunday, August 27, 2017

Your experience 

It's so easy to get caught up in your own story and become totally consumed by it. What do I mean by that? Human experience once experienced becomes a memory somewhere in your mind. It doesn't matter it's a good or bad experience because the feeling you experience will create an identification with it and make a belief system that your experience is actually YOU! You can rejoice in the good experiences however it's the painful ones that become so hard for anyone to bypass and move forward in life. When I coach people and see them so caught up in a painful experience, I first allow them to express their story as if they are the experience itself. Then the fun begins when I remind them that they are not their experience. Oh, and remind them they are not their thoughts, specially the victim thoughts that creates even heavier illusion that you are your thoughts. Thought identification is the work of the Ego. So, now you have the premise that you are not your thoughts, nor your feelings, nor your experience. This becomes very challenging for people because they know that they are not but their ego struggles so hard to hold on to this concept that they are. Therefore, if you are not your thoughts but you can have a thought, can't you observe your thought and then as a result change your experience? If you are not your feelings but you experience a feeling, can't you chose to not get caught up in a feeling and actually feel it without getting consumed by it? And if you are not your life story but have a story, can't you redefine your story from being a victim and transform your story into victory? I let you decide! Choice is a function of your awareness and awareness the function of your alignment with higher Self, or source energy. In this alignment , every challenge can become a source of a triumph and every adversity can be transmuted by your act of observation into transcendence. You have a power to re-cognize your "story" and change the narrative as you wish. Your wish becomes into reality when you demand more of yourself and don't settle for your BS, or belief system. You have a mandate to live an excellence life of beauty and joy, peace and love , health and wealth, with how you'd like to design it. It's your story so don't mess it up. If you do, then own it and move beyond it. Don't fall for people's judgment of you because they are caught up in their own BS story. 

Namaste. spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839

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