Here is a test to see if you actually read my posts all the way to the end. I'm curious and I have not written something like this for a while. All I know is that I've been experiencing immense heaviness in my heart and weight of humanity on my shoulders. It's been a personal challenge to go through these feelings, however, I know that I am not separated from you, thus, the collective human struggle is being felt by me. I am totally good with that because as a being of light, I've set my mission to uplift, inspire, heal, and transform whoever comes along my path. You , the reader are in this energy field right now. I am grateful for this opportunity because as I am breathing slowly, I feel your breath slowing down. I feel this unified field of love energy forming a beautiful sphere of golden light around us. Take a deep breath and slow down your thoughts. This is a moment of pure communion with the spirit of love. The only power that can heal a wounded heart; pain from the past, and whatever worry that comes in our mind because of the future. This moment is being transcribed in history as a great healing moment. These words will be released into eternity, you and I, together will have our Souls uplifted in order to generate positive energy and shift our inner world from darkness to light, sadness to joy, and fear to faith. With faith, all things all possible. Take another deep breath, visualize an area of your life structure that needs healing. You relationship with yourself, with a friend, family. Your financial life. You health, that part of your physical body that needs healing. Whatever it is that comes to your mind, wrap it around a beautiful violet colored, intense light. See the light actually burning through what you are imagining. As you hold this vision with the violet light around it, repeat and say this affirmation in your mind: "All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe that supports, heals, and loves every atom in my body, every emotion in my heart, every thought in my mind, and every circumstance that will get created by my higher Self, now". As you go on through the day, hold on to this vision and affirmation. Know that I will support you on this path, and recognize your greatness. You are meant to serve you higher purpose on this journey. Trust and love yourself, no matter what challenges you'll be confronted with. God is all there is, and so it is......Take another breath and smile my friend....All is well....
Dr. Rod....
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