Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Let it Go

Whatever it is you need to forgive, let it go. It's not an accident you are reading this. There is something that you need to get out of these next few words. Slow down our breath. Think of one thing that has been burdening you and making your heart heavy. As you continue to read, imagine this field of dense energy is moving up from the bottom of your feet, towards your lower back, going up to your heart, and then radiating out into the universe like a cloud, steaming and streaming away into infinity. Don't bother yourself with thoughts that occupy your mind over nonsense. You are not responsible for other people's pain in their spiritual journey and growth evolution. You must clear your energy from any negativity. The key is to stay positive and have faith regardless of any evidence to the contrary that life is bringing to you. Stay strong. Believe in yourself. Be yourself and remain humble in gratitude for these very few moments as it is becoming memory into eternity. You are being loved and cared for my friend. Namaste ðŸ’š+1

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