Are you ready? no , really! Are you ready? I'm glad you have found your way to this post. I also need to ask your permission before you read on because I'm going to take you on a journey that needs your permission. If you feel that you don't want to continue reading on, please do so. However, if you are deciding to go on, I assume that you have given me permission to guide you on a healing path of the heart and the mending of the Soul. Take a deep breath. I'm in a state of trance and you are being pulled into my field of consciousness. I invite you to imagine a beautiful golden light coming down from the top of your crown, into your body though your neck and into the heart. Think about a time that you had your heart broken by a loved one. Someone you had trusted and did something wrong and broke your heart. It has happened to me and I'm sure at one point of your spiritual un-foldment it has happened to you. As you remember this incident, I invite you to imagine a blue color cord between you and the being you just thought of. I want you to intensify the golden light you had brought into your spiritual body and expand it to the point where it is surrounding this being as well. Slow down your breath, tune into your heart beat. Realize that with each beat of your heart, a vibration of pure unconditional love is radiating out and into this sphere of golden light you have created. Let go of the pain that's been bothering you and look how this blue cord between you and this being is dissolving in the light of your love. The capacity to forgive is the highest virtue for spiritual ascension and transcending into higher realms of consciousness. Your deliberate awareness of what you are doing now is freeing you from the suffering of coagulated energy that's been tainting the clear temple of your inner world, your beautiful housing of the soul. You are being liberated once and for all, having the joy of becoming more in touch with your true self. Take another deep breath, see the other being completely out from your consciousness, you heart lightening up, the blue cord giving way to seeds of new beginning with a loving soul that will complete your purpose in life with you. I'm planting a seed of abundance and prosperity, joy and beauty, kindness and bliss, peace and compassionate love energy even now, within every cell of your heart. Feel it, and allow it to germinate into a rose bush, as it blooms into a magnificent flower, just like the flowering of your consciousness. Thank you for reading this far, heart to heart, soul to soul, I allow this energy to unfold into eternity, and so it is,,,,amen....+1
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