Thursday, May 14, 2015

Touch your Naked Soul

"I am revolving and evolving" is the statement echoing in my ears during meditation. Just came out of it. I feel my Soul dancing to the tune of the universe. I feel very peaceful. My mind slowed down and in a calm place of knowing. From knowing one can enter into becoming their own authentic being. Everything is revolving around you. You are at the center of the universe, standing on the planet earth, the revolution of your life around your thoughts, words, and actions manifesting what is your destiny. Earth revolving around its own axis, then around the sun, and the sun around it's own celestial body. It goes on and on into infinity. Contemplate the concept of infinity and your worry vanishes. Because worry is the function of time and its transitory. Once you connect with infinity, worry has no more meaning. Freedom from the mind is found from allowing yourself to go beyond the mind. Allowing yourself to find love and revolve that love around everything you do, everything you say, and everything you think. It's not that easy to hold your ground because the world of phenomenon loves to destroy love so that it can prove it's point. Don't fall for it. Don't allow the negativity of others sit on your suit, contaminate your aura, distract you from your path, and engage you in lower conversations. Have an agreement with excellence and vow to bring your excellence in every moment of your life. This you can do once you Trust yourself as being the prophet of love. You are the messenger for Truth and your existence in this very moment matters to many. See it, feel it, be it, and have Faith in it.....revolve and evolve, from revolution to evolution back inside your heart,,,,that's self love my friend ,,,,namaste.....Dr. Rod 1

Affirmation: I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I let go of my EGO and stand naked in the beauty of my Soul. I am available for more miracles to show up in every area of my life. The universe supports me and cradles me in it's arms. I am abundant, I am prosperous, I am worthy. I am living with passion in my heart bringing out my excellence in every thoughts, words, and actions. For this, I am grateful. For my life I am thankful, and I just allow it to BE, and so it is, Amen"

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