Monday, May 4, 2015

RIP my dear friend

Earlier today, I got asked by a friend of mine to be the MC of a memorial service for a young lady who passed away recently, a beautiful soul, Mojdeh. I was very honored and touched to be part of her farewell as her soul is becoming one with her source. When they were doing the prayers before the speech ceremony started, I was meditating and holding the space for her spirit to contact me. I felt her vibration and the Soul qualities she wanted me to express on her behalf. What came through was unconditional love and friendship. I spoke about these two very important qualities and I knew she wanted me to stress on them. The audience of 400 people was also very receptive because there was a moment of unity intended there as I had everyone close their eyes, focus on these qualities, and radiate them out towards Mojdeh and her family. We are all connected and each soul has a message to express, a divine destiny to fulfill, and a legacy to leave behind. I believe this young lady did just that and her spirit was so palpable there. I had another insight while I was hosting the ceremony that I didn't get to express there but I will here: Our existence depends on water and we are made up of it. Life is supported by this element. Water has the ability to change phases into solid, liquid, and gas. The liquid is the representation of us in movement. Movement is sign of life and as we move towards light, our Soul's becomes more evolved and more spiritual qualities get to express through us. The world of duality is symbolized as the solid phase of water, or negative network, and gas phase of water, positive network. However, the world of absolute is in flow, liquid form and takes on the shape of every vessel you pour it into. We are that vessel and each moment of our lives we are responsible to increase the capacity for our vessels in order to hold more awareness and bring forth more light to the world. I got a glimpse at this insight while I was introducing Mojdeh's daughter to come and give her speech for her mom. It was a very beautiful speech and I was very touched. Anyways, sending love and peace to all the friends and family. May Mojdeh's soul rest in peace (+2) and her merit stay alive forever. Thanks for reading guys....Namaste...Dr. Rod...+1

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