Thursday, May 7, 2015

Answer to your Question

Why you have come across this writing in this time and space is not an accidental matter because I am intending this message for you as I've just came out of a deep meditation and just allowing the words flow through me. I may sound broken, the information finding its way on your device in a unique way. You've asked yourself a deep question a moment ago or a little while ago and you are looking for an answer. You may have been stuck in a situation where your feelings been telling you something and your mind something else. The battle of the heart and the mind. The battle of the Ego and the Soul. The battle between love and fear. We get caught up in this world of dichotomy where everything only has a meaning once there is a opposite idea of something else is recognizable. However, a deep part of you is connected to the world of absolute. The one that your eyes can not see and your ears can not hear. The one that your Soul relies on when your mind finally lets go and stops to look for answers because it knows that the answer can't be found at the logical level. So, you go within and find your center, you find that you are the center of the universe yourSelf with your circumference being no where. You are at your no where zone of being and yet your are the center. What you've been contemplating about is directing you to discover something deeper about your Self. It's not about the person you are thinking, it's not about the situation. It's simply showing you who and what you really Are in relationship to what you are contemplating. If you really want to get your answer, release your attachment to the knowing of it. Let it be. Let yourself sit quietly for a moment as you are doing it now, reading these worlds, taking a deep breath, relaxing for the time being, and becoming timeless. As you take this breath hold it around the vibration of "all of my needs are met" in this very second. You just relinquished worry which is a sign of change but you've conquered it by knowing that change is inevitable in our existence and being in flow with change is our key to master the duality in order to find ourselves in the absolute peace our Soul is seeking for. I'm glad you are with me in this zone right now because I just felt an amazing feeling of bliss knowing that your vibration has shifted and it will resonate to others for the rest of your day, week, month , years into infinity......Namaste......-Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I live in oneness and know my infinite being. My life is divine expression of the only one life, the life of God. I trust myself and trust the universe. I am receptive to more abundance, wealth, and success than I've ever imagined, manifested, or experienced before. Healing and wholeness is the order of my day. I walk in bliss, smile in peace, and share my goods wherever I go. I am , God is, And so it Is.,,,,amen"..

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