Wow, every person that crosses your path in life has something to teach you and something to learn from you. Even the ones you like least. You don't really have to like someone at any level to respect them as a spiritual being having a temporary human experience. If you happened to be in their life, there is a reason for it. If they connect with you, there is a reason for that as well. Our worldly drama, is just that, drama; bunch of emotional circumstances caused by lack of awareness. Caused by our limited perceptions, screwed up point of views, and false belief system of the absolute. Going beyond the drama is the work of an alchemist; a spiritual alchemist is a person who can rise above the drama without getting involve, see herself as a portal, or a vessel that can take negative garbage and transmute it into Gold. Awareness is the Gold of the spiritual world. Fear, hatred, anxiety, and envy is the garbage of the material world that has occupied us for ages. It's time to wake up and stand tall. Look beyond our EGO identification with the drama. Stand straight face to face with the negative garbage and use our vastness, our unconditional love, our compassion and inner peace in transmuting fear into love, darkness into light. You can do this! You have a mandate to do this! There is nothing else to do in this world other than what you just experiences. Anything else is an illusion my friend. Welcome to your higher Self.......Namaste....Dr. Rod +1.
Affirmation: " I am love, I am peace, I am joy in action. All of my needs are met. I walk my path with my back straight, my head up high, and confidence in my heart. I am available to more beauty than I've ever imagined possible. Wholeness reigns supreme. I trust my consciousness and open myself up to infinite awareness. I tap into compassion as my guardian angel and trust my higher Self to guide me to my destiny....I am , God Is,,,and so it Is,,,,,Amen....."
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