When was the last time you really scanned your emotional energy field and felt yourself deep in your heart? Distraction is not a cure for intense feelings we feel. Human emotions are what separates us from the rest of the sentient beings here and the most powerful of these emotions is the duality between love and fear. Take a deep breath and feel the time you experienced love in your mind. See how it looks to you. How it is presenting to you. Where are you feeling it. As you scan your body, notice yourself relaxing into this beautiful light that is penetrating the spaces between your cells. Sometimes, love is associated with it's opposite feeling, which is fear or disappointment. If you are noticing the residues of these two low energies in your emotional field, pay attention to these words that are flowing through me. Notice a beautiful green color energy entering your physical body with this next breath you are taking. Unconditional love energy is very powerful and right now it is showing up as my words dancing with the oxygen you just inhaled, going in your lungs, then heart, carried through your blood stream and feeding your cells. Remember the light that was penetrating the spaces between your cells? This is our Light Body that is universal and connected through this field of consciousness that is enabling you processing what I'm writing and enabling me showering you with unconditional love. It doesn't belong to me just as love doesn't belong to us. We are the vessel to be the carrier of this spiritual quality, embrace it, and protect it. Once you are receptive enough to be the protector of this quality and recognizing it in yourSelf as the main source of it, you can then share it and give it to everyone else in the world. The more you do, the more you get to keep and the lighter you feel. Scan your body now and see where you are at. My prayers are with you as you moving through your journey experiencing, expressing, and evolving my friend...God bless you ....-Dr. Rod...+1
Affirmation: "All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am divinely guided and infinitely lighted by the spirit of love. My heart is open and receptive to more good than I've ever imagined before. I am abundant, I am prosperous, I am successful. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. The universe supports me and guides me through my divine destiny. I trust myself and trust life to take over my existence. I am powerful, I am persistent, I am peaceful. Joy is the order of my day. Healing reveals itself in every area of my life. I am grateful, I am thankful, and I am appreciative for ALL of my blessings. I share them freely with the world and allow it to BE, and so it is, Amen"..
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