Friday, May 29, 2015

Who Am I NOT?

Stop whatever you are doing for few seconds and as you read this, take a deep breath, forget about anything that's going on in your mind, any thoughts, any worries, anything that's been happening in you life right up to this moment. I'm in this very neutral space, just came out from meditation, and allowing the spirit to use me express itself through the portal of my being. So, tune into this energy. I don't know what's going to express. I do know that I don't know and what I don't know mesmerizes me. It's in my space of unknown that the known manifests itself. You normally tend to avoid your dark side. What is Not is usually never explored because you learn to go after what Is. My invitation for you is to tap into what is NOT. Ask yourSelf, who Am I NOT? Have you wondered about Who you are NOT instead of asking Who Am I ? The usefulness of what IS depends on what IS NOT. I am not my thoughts, I am not my emotions, I am not my physical body, I am not the words that are being expressed through me. I am not my name, my religion, my sexual orientation, my status, my relationship, and my attitude. I am not who you think I am and I am not who I think I am either. I am not what the society has labeled me and I am not my knowledge, wisdom, intuition, or whatever material things I've accumulated over the years. I am not my title or education and neither Am I my personality traits. The way life is set up in Reality is to undo what You know and fall underneath what Is to reach What Is NOT. When you finally reach the empty spaces between your thoughts, when you reach the darkness in between the photons of light that carries the light energy in it's space, you'll realize that the void of what is NOT is actually the origin of who you are. For light to have meaning, darkness need to be present. For you to connect to your purpose, you first have undo who you are into who you are NOT and start from there. You'll notice that the beginning is the end, the end a beginning. You'll realize your infinite nature. An eternal being of darkness, void, emptiness, and nothingness is Who you are NOT and who you see yourSelf as you BECOME......Take a deep breath, repeat the sound of OHHHM,,,,have a great weekend. Don't mind this note, I know it's far out.....That's Who I am NOT.....namaste....Dr. Rod....+1

Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in God. My life is divine. I am an infinite being reflecting and revealing the glory of cosmos according to my unique pattern. I am beautiful and powerful, healthy and wonderful, full of love and grateful. I am peace, I am joy, I am living my life in bliss. I am available to more abundance and success than I've ever manifested before. I am moving in balance and harmony. I trust the universe to take over my life and just allow it to BE.....I Am, God Is,,,,and so it Is,,,amen"..

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Healing Affirmation

Healing affirmation: " I am my light body. My body is whole perfect, and complete. My heart is open wide to give and receive love. I am available to peace. I flirt with harmony. I am a passionate and beautiful soul. I am receptive to abundance and prosperity. Health and well being is the order of my day. Compassionate energy is radiating from the silence within me. I am magnificent showing up to manifest a spectacular destiny. My life is divine. For this, I am grateful and I allow it to be! And so it is , amen"....Have a beautiful day +1

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Alchemy of life

Wow, every person that crosses your path in life has something to teach you and something to learn from you. Even the ones you like least. You don't really have to like someone at any level to respect them as a spiritual being having a temporary human experience. If you happened to be in their life, there is a reason for it. If they connect with you, there is a reason for that as well. Our worldly drama, is just that, drama; bunch of emotional circumstances caused by lack of awareness. Caused by our limited perceptions, screwed up point of views, and false belief system of the absolute. Going beyond the drama is the work of an alchemist; a spiritual alchemist is a person who can rise above the drama without getting involve, see herself as a portal, or a vessel that can take negative garbage and transmute it into Gold. Awareness is the Gold of the spiritual world. Fear, hatred, anxiety, and envy is the garbage of the material world that has occupied us for ages. It's time to wake up and stand tall. Look beyond our EGO identification with the drama. Stand straight face to face with the negative garbage and use our vastness, our unconditional love, our compassion and inner peace in transmuting fear into love, darkness into light. You can do this! You have a mandate to do this! There is nothing else to do in this world other than what you just experiences. Anything else is an illusion my friend. Welcome to your higher Self.......Namaste....Dr. Rod +1.

Affirmation: " I am love, I am peace, I am joy in action. All of my needs are met. I walk my path with my back straight, my head up high, and confidence in my heart. I am available to more beauty than I've ever imagined possible. Wholeness reigns supreme. I trust my consciousness and open myself up to infinite awareness. I tap into compassion as my guardian angel and trust my higher Self to guide me to my destiny....I am , God Is,,,and so it Is,,,,,Amen....."

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Affirmation: " Today, is going to be the best day of my life. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly and kind universe. I am available to more abundance, success, wealth, and prosperity than I've ever manifested before. My mental, emotional, and spiritual body are healed. Wholeness takes over my life. Beauty shines through my heart. Peace reigns supreme. Joy breakthroughs my experience. Love is who I Am. Love is who I am. Love is who I am. I am one with gratitude. And so it is, Amen

Monday, May 25, 2015

I Am my Light Body

"What's faster than the speed of light? The speed of the vibration of love"...this statement just flow through me after meditation. The implication of is is profound. I'm catching my breath because I had time and space travel outside my body. I tapped into my light body through this affirmation: I Am m light body. As I felt my light body surrounding me, I allowed it to take over my physical body. It started traveling from my head to the bottom of my feet. Then like soaking a sponge into clear vessel of water, it started penetrating within my cells. The balance between the mind and the heart can be established through meditation. It helps to let go of unwanted fear and worries, the two destructive forces that come in un-invited regularly and take you hostage from being yourSelf. Even with years of practice now, I still have challenges with them. I now have so many other people that I guide out of their fear and worry only if I get to a point where I am free of them myself. How do I do it? By immersing myself in the energy of love. The harmony between your Ego and Heart is bridged by love. Love vibration is faster than light, you can love yourself faster than you can see your beloved away from you in space. You can love them faster than seeing the light of eternity because the doorway to to eternity is through the prism of love. "I am my light body", repeat this as you get frustrated next time and feel the magic of Self Love revealing itself and carry you through, beyond, and above your fears. I Am , God Is, and so it is,,,,Amen....namaste...Dr. Rod ...+1

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. The light body of my Soul penetrates within each cell of my body. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am healed. I am one with the presence of God in the here and now. My life is divine. I am available for more good to show up in every area of my life. I am abundant,. I am prosperous, I am successful. My destiny is a great destiny. My heart is wide open for love and I allow it to Be.....I am grateful for my existence and let it Be,,,and so it Is,,,,amen".

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Intention is Love

Affirmation: "I am perfect love in action. All of my needs are met. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Prosperity and wholeness are the order of my day. I am receptive to more abundance and success than I have ever manifested before. I am happy. I am peaceful. I am compassionate. I give away everything I've got to serve the needs of others. My life is divine. Today, is going to be the best day of my life. For this, I am grateful, and so it is, amen"....

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Bridge to Transformation

Take my hand, walk with me for the next few seconds that you'll continue to read this. There is an insight overflowing through me right now that I invite you to incorporate in your life today. Take a deep breath and relax into the moment. Allow the spirit of love to take over the bank of your present paradigm. Have you ever walked over a bridge? I'm sure you have or seen one made so magnificently. The towers that hold the actual platform are built strong, with steel and cement. Yet the platform itself is flexible and is held with cables to withstand the wind. When you see people, do you see the bridge between the two hearts? Yours and theirs? I see it. When I see another Soul being, I feel a bridge connecting from my heart to theirs, just like the one I'm creating through this writing with you now. You are feeling it because the vibration behind these words are stemming from a bridge held by unconditional love, peace, compassion, healing, and kindness. These are the strongest towers holding my platform which is the ability to lead you into transformation. It's guiding you towards the light of your Higher Self and igniting that which is already alive in you. Life, a combination of all of your creations and experiences is sacred. Life is inviting you to be more of YOU, of who You really are. To pass through the bridge of life, you've got to stand strong within those vibrations I described earlier. In order to change your circumstance, you've got to change your outlook, your perception, towards yourself and life itself. You are doing it right now because you are being invited to pass over the bridge I've created in the moment, allowing you to touch a deeper areas within your heart. Allowing your Soul to shine through and light up the platform between everyone you meet from this moment on. As you see yourself connected and one with others, you'll experience peace that passes human understanding. You then become the bridge ITSELF for other Soul's to pass through and connect to their Higher Self. This process will continue until we realize that there is no you and I , there is only us, only One of Us.....Welcome to my bridge !.....Namaste...Dr. Rod...+1

Affirmation: "I am a bridge between love and transformation. I am strong, I am peace, I am joy in action. All of my needs are met. I am flexible in the moment and allow life to have its way with me. Beauty shines through my heart and expands into infinity. I am receptive to miracles showing up in every area of my life. I am abundant, I am prosperous, and I am in bliss. Divinity is my way of playing and I allow it to Be,,,,,and so it is, amen".

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

keep your Faith Strong

The ability to borrow from your future and bring in the strength to carry you through your challenges now is called Faith. Faith is the absolute substance of what you are hoping for and the vibratory evidence of what Can Not be seen. I love this definition because it gives me strength knowing that I can hold on to the vibration of what has not yet been manifested in the present moment without thinking about the 'how' it will get done. The how does not matter, what matters is the 'what'. What is the best case scenario for my life? What is the creative purpose of my soul? What does the universe have in store for me? What am I here to do, to be, to create, and to experience? These are powerful questions that you must ask yourself specially when things are not seemingly going right for you right now. The right and wrong doesn't exist in the world of absolute and most of what you think is horrible right now will turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you when you look at it later in the future. How many times have you had that experience? Something 'bad' happened in your life and then later you saw that it had a purpose. It happened for your higher best and for the evolution of your Soul. Listen, don't fall victim to your circumstances. You have the capability to shift them and hold on to the vibration of excellence, beauty, harmonizing prosperity, abundance, peace, health and wholeness right now. Hold on to these qualities on a day to day basis and stand your ground. Be flexible and available to receive the goodness of the universe. You are powerful and you are made in the image and likeness of God......You are God!!!....Namaste....Dr Rod +1

Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I am divinely guided and lighted up in the spirit of the universe. My life is the direct emanation of the only one life, the life of God. I am peaceful, I am successful, and I live in bliss. I am available to more abundance and prosperity than I've ever imagined before. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I trust myself and trust the universe to take care of my life. I am grateful for all that I have and all the is coming my way with grace. I am , God Is, and so it is,,,amen"

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Your best case scenario

"What is the best case scenario for my life?" is the question that is coming in my thoughts during meditation. I'm in a state of pure flow and right now the words expressing through me are being channeled. It's intended for both of us because in Reality there is only ONE of us, one life, one God, one love. I was holding my hands very close together without having them touch each other. Go ahead, as you are continue reading this, put the palms of your hand close to each other. Feel the heat energy, the chi energy flowing in between. It's a subtle distinction but when you focus on it, it will expand. Breath in love, breath out trust. Breath in healing, breath out gratitude. The best case scenario of your life is already scripted in the mind of God. The universal love intelligence that is allowing me to tap into this energy right now and allowing you to pick up this vibration, expanding our awareness and leading us to a point of equilibrium where judgment fades away, needing something vanishes, and all you experience is a direct Beingness of your own divine Self. The manifestation of your best case scenario is beyond your mind. As you let go of the past and think of it in terms of possibilities you empower yourself. The next step is to bracket the worry of the future. This happens through Trust. We don't know what the future holds for us, but we do know what holds the future; the presence of God and love holds the future. Faith into this knowing releases your attachment to outcome and directly attracts the best case scenario that is beyond your imagination. It is in the real of invisible and what is invisible is indivisible from your heart and Soul. Undivided, you are unified with it. As you give yourSelf permission to expand in this very moment, the words expressing through me is lifting your spirit through compassion and love. Stand guard at the door of your mind. Let yourself be guided to the best case scenario and hold your space in excellence by remaining strong, yet flexible. I hear an Ohm vibration coming through the spaces of our hearts. Take a deep breath and gently release the Ohm sound my friend.....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation: "The spirit of love speaks through me a s my life, as my words, as my actions. All of my needs are met. Everything is happening for my good. I am indivisible from beauty. I am available for more good than I've ever imagine possible. I am abundant, I am successful, I am prosperous. Healing is the order of my day. Divine generosity flows from the banks of my present paradigm continuing on the path of excellence. I am love, I am joy, I am kindness in full expression".

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Touch your Naked Soul

"I am revolving and evolving" is the statement echoing in my ears during meditation. Just came out of it. I feel my Soul dancing to the tune of the universe. I feel very peaceful. My mind slowed down and in a calm place of knowing. From knowing one can enter into becoming their own authentic being. Everything is revolving around you. You are at the center of the universe, standing on the planet earth, the revolution of your life around your thoughts, words, and actions manifesting what is your destiny. Earth revolving around its own axis, then around the sun, and the sun around it's own celestial body. It goes on and on into infinity. Contemplate the concept of infinity and your worry vanishes. Because worry is the function of time and its transitory. Once you connect with infinity, worry has no more meaning. Freedom from the mind is found from allowing yourself to go beyond the mind. Allowing yourself to find love and revolve that love around everything you do, everything you say, and everything you think. It's not that easy to hold your ground because the world of phenomenon loves to destroy love so that it can prove it's point. Don't fall for it. Don't allow the negativity of others sit on your suit, contaminate your aura, distract you from your path, and engage you in lower conversations. Have an agreement with excellence and vow to bring your excellence in every moment of your life. This you can do once you Trust yourself as being the prophet of love. You are the messenger for Truth and your existence in this very moment matters to many. See it, feel it, be it, and have Faith in it.....revolve and evolve, from revolution to evolution back inside your heart,,,,that's self love my friend ,,,,namaste.....Dr. Rod 1

Affirmation: I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I let go of my EGO and stand naked in the beauty of my Soul. I am available for more miracles to show up in every area of my life. The universe supports me and cradles me in it's arms. I am abundant, I am prosperous, I am worthy. I am living with passion in my heart bringing out my excellence in every thoughts, words, and actions. For this, I am grateful. For my life I am thankful, and I just allow it to BE, and so it is, Amen"

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Love your light body

When was the last time you really scanned your emotional energy field and felt yourself deep in your heart? Distraction is not a cure for intense feelings we feel. Human emotions are what separates us from the rest of the sentient beings here and the most powerful of these emotions is the duality between love and fear. Take a deep breath and feel the time you experienced love in your mind. See how it looks to you. How it is presenting to you. Where are you feeling it. As you scan your body, notice yourself relaxing into this beautiful light that is penetrating the spaces between your cells. Sometimes, love is associated with it's opposite feeling, which is fear or disappointment. If you are noticing the residues of these two low energies in your emotional field, pay attention to these words that are flowing through me. Notice a beautiful green color energy entering your physical body with this next breath you are taking. Unconditional love energy is very powerful and right now it is showing up as my words dancing with the oxygen you just inhaled, going in your lungs, then heart, carried through your blood stream and feeding your cells. Remember the light that was penetrating the spaces between your cells? This is our Light Body that is universal and connected through this field of consciousness that is enabling you processing what I'm writing and enabling me showering you with unconditional love. It doesn't belong to me just as love doesn't belong to us. We are the vessel to be the carrier of this spiritual quality, embrace it, and protect it. Once you are receptive enough to be the protector of this quality and recognizing it in yourSelf as the main source of it, you can then share it and give it to everyone else in the world. The more you do, the more you get to keep and the lighter you feel. Scan your body now and see where you are at. My prayers are with you as you moving through your journey experiencing, expressing, and evolving my friend...God bless you ....-Dr. Rod...+1

Affirmation: "All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am divinely guided and infinitely lighted by the spirit of love. My heart is open and receptive to more good than I've ever imagined before. I am abundant, I am prosperous, I am successful. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. The universe supports me and guides me through my divine destiny. I trust myself and trust life to take over my existence. I am powerful, I am persistent, I am peaceful. Joy is the order of my day. Healing reveals itself in every area of my life. I am grateful, I am thankful, and I am appreciative for ALL of my blessings. I share them freely with the world and allow it to BE, and so it is, Amen"..

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Answer to your Question

Why you have come across this writing in this time and space is not an accidental matter because I am intending this message for you as I've just came out of a deep meditation and just allowing the words flow through me. I may sound broken, the information finding its way on your device in a unique way. You've asked yourself a deep question a moment ago or a little while ago and you are looking for an answer. You may have been stuck in a situation where your feelings been telling you something and your mind something else. The battle of the heart and the mind. The battle of the Ego and the Soul. The battle between love and fear. We get caught up in this world of dichotomy where everything only has a meaning once there is a opposite idea of something else is recognizable. However, a deep part of you is connected to the world of absolute. The one that your eyes can not see and your ears can not hear. The one that your Soul relies on when your mind finally lets go and stops to look for answers because it knows that the answer can't be found at the logical level. So, you go within and find your center, you find that you are the center of the universe yourSelf with your circumference being no where. You are at your no where zone of being and yet your are the center. What you've been contemplating about is directing you to discover something deeper about your Self. It's not about the person you are thinking, it's not about the situation. It's simply showing you who and what you really Are in relationship to what you are contemplating. If you really want to get your answer, release your attachment to the knowing of it. Let it be. Let yourself sit quietly for a moment as you are doing it now, reading these worlds, taking a deep breath, relaxing for the time being, and becoming timeless. As you take this breath hold it around the vibration of "all of my needs are met" in this very second. You just relinquished worry which is a sign of change but you've conquered it by knowing that change is inevitable in our existence and being in flow with change is our key to master the duality in order to find ourselves in the absolute peace our Soul is seeking for. I'm glad you are with me in this zone right now because I just felt an amazing feeling of bliss knowing that your vibration has shifted and it will resonate to others for the rest of your day, week, month , years into infinity......Namaste......-Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I live in oneness and know my infinite being. My life is divine expression of the only one life, the life of God. I trust myself and trust the universe. I am receptive to more abundance, wealth, and success than I've ever imagined, manifested, or experienced before. Healing and wholeness is the order of my day. I walk in bliss, smile in peace, and share my goods wherever I go. I am , God is, And so it Is.,,,,amen"..

Monday, May 4, 2015

RIP my dear friend

Earlier today, I got asked by a friend of mine to be the MC of a memorial service for a young lady who passed away recently, a beautiful soul, Mojdeh. I was very honored and touched to be part of her farewell as her soul is becoming one with her source. When they were doing the prayers before the speech ceremony started, I was meditating and holding the space for her spirit to contact me. I felt her vibration and the Soul qualities she wanted me to express on her behalf. What came through was unconditional love and friendship. I spoke about these two very important qualities and I knew she wanted me to stress on them. The audience of 400 people was also very receptive because there was a moment of unity intended there as I had everyone close their eyes, focus on these qualities, and radiate them out towards Mojdeh and her family. We are all connected and each soul has a message to express, a divine destiny to fulfill, and a legacy to leave behind. I believe this young lady did just that and her spirit was so palpable there. I had another insight while I was hosting the ceremony that I didn't get to express there but I will here: Our existence depends on water and we are made up of it. Life is supported by this element. Water has the ability to change phases into solid, liquid, and gas. The liquid is the representation of us in movement. Movement is sign of life and as we move towards light, our Soul's becomes more evolved and more spiritual qualities get to express through us. The world of duality is symbolized as the solid phase of water, or negative network, and gas phase of water, positive network. However, the world of absolute is in flow, liquid form and takes on the shape of every vessel you pour it into. We are that vessel and each moment of our lives we are responsible to increase the capacity for our vessels in order to hold more awareness and bring forth more light to the world. I got a glimpse at this insight while I was introducing Mojdeh's daughter to come and give her speech for her mom. It was a very beautiful speech and I was very touched. Anyways, sending love and peace to all the friends and family. May Mojdeh's soul rest in peace (+2) and her merit stay alive forever. Thanks for reading guys....Namaste...Dr. Rod...+1

Friday, May 1, 2015

Success Affirmation

Affirmation : " I attract abundance and success into my life because that's who I Am. I am love, I am health, I am prosperity, and I am a miracle in action. All of my needs are met. I am grateful and appreciative for my existence. And so it is, Amen". -Dr Rod +1 
Have a beautiful Friday