Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Lets INSPIRE and be In Spirit of Love

Good morning world, all the beautiful friends around the globe. Lets play a game today, together. I need your help and your involvement. I am crazy inspired right now and this energy is overflowing from the deepest space of my being. I am inspired to share this to you and have it passed around the world. To be inspired means to be aligned with the Spirit of love. In-spired = In-spirit. Here is the game of "5" I want you to play. I invite you to inspire 5 random people today as you get in contact with them. Family, friends, foe, and your favorite pet. As you read on, please take a deep breath. After each affirmation, please say loud or silent to yourSELF, "YES I AM"....Ready? ok, lets do it together: YOU ARE LOVE........YOU ARE PEACE.....YOU ARE HARMONIZING PROSPERITY.......YOU ARE A HEALER IN TIME OF INJURY......YOU ARE THE DEEPEST WISDOM.........YOU ARE THE HIGHEST TRUTH.......YOU ARE WHOLE, PERFECT, AND COMPLETE......YOU ARE KINDNESS......YOU ARE COMPASSION.......YOU ARE ABSOLUTE LIGHT......YOU ARE FORGIVENESS AND PATIENCE.......YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL........YOU ARE STRENGTH AND COURAGE.......YOU ARE COMFORTER IN TIME OF SORROW.......YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.....YOU ARE ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE......YOU ARE WEALTH AND SUCCESS......YOU ARE PROSPERITY AND GENIUS IN ACTION......Now, did you say I am after each affirmation? Awesome, I invite you to hold on to this vibration and as you move into your day, release it to everyone you encounter. You can share this and give it away to your friends here or simply remain in gratitude. I AM Holding you in the grandest and deepest space of love my friend. God bless you ,,,,Namaste.....-Dr. Rod +1 Are you inspired?

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am inspired and aligned with the spirit of love. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am living in infinity and play the game of divinity. In this game, there is no winner or losers. We are all ONE. I am one with the universal source energy and share it with the world. I am in bliss and exuding peace everywhere I go. I am abundant, wealthy, healthy, and swim in the oceanic wave of prosperity. For this, I am grateful, thankful, and appreciative, I Am...God Is,,,and so it Is....Amen".

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