Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I will Persist

Have you ever played God? Allow me to explain to you what I mean. I was walking down the street from where I park in order to get to my hiking trail. It's a good 10 min. walk down the hill. On my right, there is a beautiful landscape. As I was walking on the side walk, I ran into my friend, Mr. Snail. You can see him in the picture. Mr. Snail is an old buddy of mine. He's been here on the planet for many years. I stopped, dropped down to my chest on the side walk, and got to his level with my iphone to take a picture of him. As we exchanged good morning in vibration, I tuned into his being to see the world through his perception. I felt strength and vigor. I felt a persistence like no other time. I was looking at him from above, from my humanly vision, thinking what he was thinking. He wasn't thinking! Mr. Snail was just focused on going back to his homeland, underneath the shrubs, laying in the soil, protected from the sun, and meditating for the rest of the day. I say the trail he has left behind. Looking at it in a Godly way, I wondered, does he ever look back to his past? Does he turn around to see the trail he left behind? I don't think so, he was just so focused on his return movement. A goal directed, absolutely present in his own being creature. Only I could wish not to think about my past and not to get stuck in it from time to time. Mr. Snail was teaching me about the concept of time. Slowly moving, without a care in the world, not being in a hurry, not worrying when he'll get to his destination. He was being in the NOW. He was wiggling around at his own paste, in the moment, with his goal pretty clear. As I was experiencing his experience, this saying came to my mind: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step"...Mr. Snail was making his mark in my heart. I was in awe with his persistence and motivation to take that step over and over again. Yes, I was inspired and I vowed to make Mr. Snail popular. To have him circulate around the globe, in front of 4400 people on facebook and make his message eternal! I vowed to have his legacy written down with masters and sages. Yes, Mr. Snail,,,you are my here and I bow down to your majesty!!!! Today, I live with persistence and never give up. I learn from Mr. Snail to BE who and what I Really Am....and so it is,,,amen.....namaste.....Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation: "I will persist and don't resist. I am one with the universal source of life, the life of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Life supports me on my journey and manifests its excellence through my being. I am joy, I am peace, and I am living in bliss. My heart is connected to the heart of the planet. I am blessed and a blessing to my surroundings. I live in the moment and live with absolute passion from my heart. I am receptive to abundance, prosperity, health, healing, wholeness, wealth, success, and happiness. I shine with my inner light and I allow it to Be. I am , God Is,,,and so it Is,,,amen"..


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