Feel this! Have you noticed how many faces you change during your day? You know what I mean. The different masks you wear in order to cover up so you feel protected against the criticism and judgments of others. The different roles you play so you can hold your ground, boast your Ego, and control situations that may go against your will. Oh, you do it, I do it, we all do it. It's the way we have been programmed to achieve, accomplish, then call it the day. Well, my friend, we've go a long way to go. Have you noticed the sun. The sun is the sun no matter what season we are in. No matter what it shines, it comes from a state of radical humility, never asking to get appraisal , never giving up its nature, and never asking a favor in return. It's not in competition with the earth, the moon, or other celestial beings. It radiates warmth and life energy from the center of it's heart, never out of integrity with itself, always responding by corresponding to its nature. Yes, the sun/or perhaps the universe which is found within every Soul walking on our planet is in integrity, always shining, always giving, and Being first before becoming the creation of what they are originally. You and I have the same nature within us. We don't need to be the moon, changing our face by extracting other people's energy, allowing negativity in our temple, and then becoming so out of tune. You and I have the power to tap into our Sun, driving forth our own innate power, our God given gift. To be the Source you must realize that you've got it all, already. No need to prove yourself to others and compete to get somewhere. You are already here, in the now, and are invited to let go of the masks, allow the Sun of your heart radiate it's beautiful, original face, today and forever! God bless you....Namaste,,,,-Dr. Rod...+1
Affirmation: "I am one with nature, one with life, one with infinite possibilities. The possibility for my life is all GOOD. I am in alignment with my Soul's character, in tune with radical humility, and in love with nature. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. God is Good and my life is the emanation of the ALL GOOD of the ONLY ONE GOD, the God in my heart, in my Soul. I am available to more miracles to show up in every area of my life. I am abundant, I am peaceful, I am successful and giving. I am a spiritual being having my dance in the field of eternal consciousness of life. I am in bless and happy to be Me. For this, I am grateful, appreciative, and thankful. I am thankful to be ALIVE,,,and so it is,,,amen"....have a spectacular day everyone
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