Tuesday, March 10, 2015

God is Love

Take a break from feeling separated and dive with me in this zone I'm in . I tell you, it's quite amazing after meditating and now allowing the energy to flow to you. Take a deep breath, drop your thoughts, and relax. Think about this: "Wholeness and Humility are one and the same". If you decide to move forward with this note, I'll take you on feeling what I just said. Take another deep breath, see yourself as one oxygen molecule you just inhaled. Picture a circle and within the center of this molecule there is a pulsating vibration oozing out from the circomference of the molecule. Follow the path of your breath down to your tail bone, hold it there for a split second, then breath out through your mouth. Inhale and notice you are visiting your heart. As the circle of life, the life giving energy of oxygen enters your heart chamber, it takes on a beautiful green light energy to itself. Notice you heart melting into the green light, inviting the energy of unconditional love wrapping itself around each individual cells. As you enter each cell of your heart, release that love and notice them vibrating in unison becoming whole, becoming synchronized, and releasing any dis-ease they may be holding on to from the past or anything showing up in the future. The dis-ease of sadness, anxiety, and heart break. The pain of not feeling belonged, judgment in relationship to others, and sense of lack. These are the coagulated energy being released from within the molecular structures of your heart, even from deeper sub-atomic level from the core of your DNA, shape shifting the pattern of your existence into wholeness. Your cells take on the frequency of humility, relaxing into the now moment, and making peace with each other. Look at them smiling, taking on the green light and allowing this healing energy to transform pain into power, fear into faith, loneliness into love. Take another breath and notice your blood stream is picking up this energy and is pouring out in your entire body, the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body. Feel your entire body becoming whole with the entire universe, breaking old habits of separation and once again finding itself centered. The center of the circle of life, from your perception, connected to the Source of All. As within, so without. A perfect harmony is now taking over your life my friend. In this very moment your life is taking on the vibration of Oneness, letting go of that thought that have become the prison of your heart, blocking the flow of aliveness by obscuring your perception. You are now Seeing for the first time from a clear Vision, connecting to your mission which is to find your place in the center again. See it, believe it, be it, feel it, and take a stand in it! You are IT.....take a deep breath and release the sound of OHMMMM......Namaste....Dr Rod +1....

Affirmation: I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I step in the land of gratitude with and attitude of joy. Simplicity takes on the vibration of my heart. Abundance shines through every cell of my body. Healing reveals itself in every area of my life. I am peace. I am wealthy. I am compassionate, and I am in bliss. I am at the center of the universe shining my light from within, to without. My generosity overflows through my words. My thoughts are positively charged with the energy of life. I am a divine being and know it to be true for my existence. Today, is going to be the best day of my life, and so it is, amen"...


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