Monday, March 23, 2015

A kind gesture

I absolutely love Monday mornings. Why? Because I know so many people don't like it and I get to change their vibe by sending out messages like this. If you happen to be one, that's ok, now you're going to step into vibration of 'peace, compassion, abundance, and love'. These are the four qualities the were intensely emanating from my being few moments ago in meditation. You can start participating in shifting the the energy of the entire world towards a 'critical mass' where enough of us are thinking, feeling, and acting in more compassionate loving way towards ourselves and others. This is the key to our success and survival. At this very moment that you are reading this, there are thousands of spiritual beings holding on to this ideology and meditating in different parts of the world. Your recognition of this Truth and participation has huge effect globally. It requires an instant decision, a choice to be kinder, more loving, and more compassionate in your routine daily encounters. Not much to ask for right? Who are you deciding to be in relation to your relationships today? Are you going to let go of your grudge and bring about compassion in or you are going to harden your heart, waiting on sometime in the future to be free of suffering? I invite you to take the former and let it go right now. Don't wait for tomorrow. Don't live your life on a lay away plan, living a bit of it now and saving the rest for some imaginary time in the future. Today is your day! Today is our day! I am holding you in the highest prayer of love, compassion, abundance and peace in order for our bliss to match up and change the world for the better. Yes, we can do it....we are doing it! Namaste....Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation: "I am one with God, one with life, one with the energy of compassion. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my highest good. I live in a divinely friendly universe. I intend radiate joy, emanate peace, and walk in bliss. My life is the extension of the only life that exists. The life of God. I am available and receptive to more miracles showing up and manifest in every area of my life. I am open to more abundance, health, wealth, success, prosperity, healing, and inspiration than I've ever experienced or manifested before. I am grateful for my existence today, and forever more. I am , God Is,,,,and so it is,,,,,amen,,,"....have a spectacular day little friends

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