Maybe this is the moment you've been thinking of for a very long time. Contemplating on your greatness and finding out that there is nothing else out there by your own perception, your own way of processing of how the world outside you is being experienced. Maybe this is the sign you've wanted to see. This could be the moment for your transformation. Going beyond the formation of your limited thoughts and tapping into your infinite nature. Follow the energy flow of these words coming from deepest spaces within my Soul. Accept yourSelf the way you are. Nothing less, nothing more. Know it, Own it, Bless it, and Be grateful for what Is. Then, call forth an new idea of what You want to manifest. The how of things doesn't matter because the universe will match your What, the idea that is being followed by your feelings. The highest feeling you can surround your WHAT with is the feeling of love. Love and gratitude will uplift your WHAT, then suddenly your HOW's will show up in the most intricate, magnificent way beyond your imagination. Your imagination is the stair step to get you to the inner doorway of what is Real. Absolute Reality is the vibration of love and from this Reality, All things are possible. The impossible will become I AM POSSIBLE....Yes, you are magnificent and in the process of unfoldment even NOW, God bless you ...Namaste...Dr Rod +1
Affirmation: "I live in the field of infinite possibilities. All of my needs are met. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. My life is divine. I call forth wholeness. I call forth wellness and well being. I call forth the manifestation of qualities the match the vibration of my highest Truth. Love is my highest Truth. Peace is the order of my day. Abundance and prosperity follow me where ever I go. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. For this, I am grateful and thankful. and so it is, amen"..
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