What does getting nude to take a sun bath and pealing an onion to get to the core of it have to do in common? Oh boy!! You'll probably wonder what is this guy thinking so early in the morning. I'm actually not thinking, I'm feeling and my heart chakra is completely open after meditation. To gain awareness, you must loose your Ego. The Ego cause obscurity in your thoughts and tends to form layers of stagnant energy which inhibits light to pass through your being. To get a sun bath, you've got to get nude, otherwise you'll deflect the sun's energy. In every moment of existence, we are going through cycles of birth and death. Death was designed in order for us to experience the transformation from 'NEED' to "NEEDLESS'. Our physical body is in constant need. So is our attachment to it. We get slowly pealed away, layer by layer as we get old. Until there comes the time to get to the root of our being and make the transition. You don't have to wait until the end of your life to experience your essence. Know that you are an eternal being. The illusion of the body creates separation from Oneness. Let go of the negative layers that have blocked you from reaching your Source. Allow the light to sooth your Spiritual Body by trusting yourself and your co-creative relationship with the spirit. We were born naked without No-Thing and we'll go back to our origin, the world of absolute without taking anything with us. The only thing you get to keep is how much love you were able to radiate in this life time. Give it all up and away my friend ....Namaste Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I let go and let life take over my being. I surrender to higher orders of universe and allow the spirit guide me on my path. My destiny is a divine destiny. My heart is full of love, my body is full of energy, and my thoughts are full of positive affirmations. I am peace and joy. I am abundant and prosperous. I am compassionate and kind. I am open and receptive to more miracles showing up in every area of my life. I am available for the instant demonstration of absolute reality in my reality. I choose to be happy. I choose to be successful, and I choose to be peaceful. For this, I am grateful and just allow it to BE,,,,and so it is,,,amen"...have a spectacular day guys
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Never afraid
Have you ever seen a blind person walking with a guide dog? I'm sure you have. Do me a favor and close your eyes for the next ten seconds and then continue reading this note. Darkness is the lack of light and what we see as reality with our eye perception is most of the time an illusion. You get caught up in your own false belief system, feelings of lack and limitation, fear and mistrust in the world that you have created for yourself. Just like a blind person who is deprived of the beauty of the colored world, the infinite beauty that is out there to experience. However, if you allow yourself and let go of your ego, you too can be guided by your heart, the temple that houses your Soul. Just like a guiding dog who is leading the blind person with full on Trust, you can be led by your Soul through connecting with your heart. It's a very powerful thing to contemplate and space to be. You can see Reality through this vision and experience life at a deeper level without relying on your lying eyes, the mis-representation of old thoughts that have been putting you in your own prison. Open your eyes, take a deep breath, and see the new light of your Soul emanating from the deepest space of your heart, again and again.....Namaste......-Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: " I love and trust myself. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I've ever imagined before. My life is divine. I am guided and lighted up by the powerful energy of my Soul. In that, I trust and let go. I let go and let God to handle my life. I am grateful and thankful for my existence and just allow it to BE. And so it is, amen...."...have a beautiful day
Affirmation: " I love and trust myself. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I've ever imagined before. My life is divine. I am guided and lighted up by the powerful energy of my Soul. In that, I trust and let go. I let go and let God to handle my life. I am grateful and thankful for my existence and just allow it to BE. And so it is, amen...."...have a beautiful day
Monday, March 23, 2015
A kind gesture
I absolutely love Monday mornings. Why? Because I know so many people don't like it and I get to change their vibe by sending out messages like this. If you happen to be one, that's ok, now you're going to step into vibration of 'peace, compassion, abundance, and love'. These are the four qualities the were intensely emanating from my being few moments ago in meditation. You can start participating in shifting the the energy of the entire world towards a 'critical mass' where enough of us are thinking, feeling, and acting in more compassionate loving way towards ourselves and others. This is the key to our success and survival. At this very moment that you are reading this, there are thousands of spiritual beings holding on to this ideology and meditating in different parts of the world. Your recognition of this Truth and participation has huge effect globally. It requires an instant decision, a choice to be kinder, more loving, and more compassionate in your routine daily encounters. Not much to ask for right? Who are you deciding to be in relation to your relationships today? Are you going to let go of your grudge and bring about compassion in or you are going to harden your heart, waiting on sometime in the future to be free of suffering? I invite you to take the former and let it go right now. Don't wait for tomorrow. Don't live your life on a lay away plan, living a bit of it now and saving the rest for some imaginary time in the future. Today is your day! Today is our day! I am holding you in the highest prayer of love, compassion, abundance and peace in order for our bliss to match up and change the world for the better. Yes, we can do it....we are doing it! Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am one with God, one with life, one with the energy of compassion. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my highest good. I live in a divinely friendly universe. I intend radiate joy, emanate peace, and walk in bliss. My life is the extension of the only life that exists. The life of God. I am available and receptive to more miracles showing up and manifest in every area of my life. I am open to more abundance, health, wealth, success, prosperity, healing, and inspiration than I've ever experienced or manifested before. I am grateful for my existence today, and forever more. I am , God Is,,,,and so it is,,,,,amen,,,"....have a spectacular day little friends
Affirmation: "I am one with God, one with life, one with the energy of compassion. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my highest good. I live in a divinely friendly universe. I intend radiate joy, emanate peace, and walk in bliss. My life is the extension of the only life that exists. The life of God. I am available and receptive to more miracles showing up and manifest in every area of my life. I am open to more abundance, health, wealth, success, prosperity, healing, and inspiration than I've ever experienced or manifested before. I am grateful for my existence today, and forever more. I am , God Is,,,,and so it is,,,,,amen,,,"....have a spectacular day little friends
Sunday, March 22, 2015
watch your Re-actions
Our relationships with loved ones are toughest to handle because many times we allow our own insecurities, void, lack of self love, and fears getting projected to them. Yes, it happens to me, happens not as often as before, but my human ego kicks in sometimes and it kicks my butt. I just read this statement from 'conversation with God': "It is not in the action of another, but in your re-action, that your salvation will be found". This is so true and I can totally relate to it. It's great to catch yourself before falling down the path of self destruction, yelling, screaming, acting out with other. However, sometimes you fall out of integrity with your Soul, meaning that you get tested to see if you've grown in those deep aspects of you that needs healing. If it hasn't yet, then, you've got a lot of work to do. I'm speaking to myself. Here is what I just did that helped me at least check for my underlying pain that cause me to react in a way that I'm not so proud of. I sat through meditation and asked myself this question: "What spiritual idea is here that I can not presently see with my limited perception?". My perception go obscured because of my pain. Therefore, I went inside and touched up where I need healing. Hope by sharing my experience it helps you to go within, ask yourSelf an empowering question, and allow yourself to grow through what seems to be a failure. God bless you ....namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: " I am one with life, one with love, one with my highest Truth. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for the evolution of my Soul. I am patient, I am caring, I am compassionate, and I am kind. I allow the wisdom of the universe to guide me along my path. I bless my relationships and am in tune with my re-actions. I chose a better thought and hold onto the vibration of peace. and so it is,,,amen"....have a great weekend guys.
Affirmation: " I am one with life, one with love, one with my highest Truth. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for the evolution of my Soul. I am patient, I am caring, I am compassionate, and I am kind. I allow the wisdom of the universe to guide me along my path. I bless my relationships and am in tune with my re-actions. I chose a better thought and hold onto the vibration of peace. and so it is,,,amen"....have a great weekend guys.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Happy Spring to everyone
"Take my hands, guide me with your wisdom. I surrender and trust you, no matter what". I was chilling with my inner child while meditating. Feeling his love emanating from my heart. Could see his eyes looking at me and communing with vibration. Residing in absolute peace and bliss, he gave me a smile and a teasing laughter, giggling and goofing around. Was an incredible connection, drawing inspiration and strength, giving me an incentive for another day of bringing it all forth. My mind is quiet and heart is open right now. Listening to an amazing music. The vibration of these melodies are very healing to me. I feel every cell in my physical body releasing stress and letting go of future outcome. As I just took a deep breath now, I felt this wave of warm energy coming down from the top of my head and dancing down the rest of my body out to the planet earth. I hear: "What kind of a human being you want to BE?" That's the only thing that matters. Doesn't matter where you come from, what your background is, and what your belief systems are telling you to Be. What kind of vibration are others picking up from you? Are you a source of inspiration or destruction? The path of Self discovery and journey within my Soul has gotten me close with many different Souls around the world. One way or another, they've impacted my life, allowing me to bloom like a flower, after a cold winter, finally seeing the dawn of a new season, giving me every reason to be happy. I'm welcoming spring, the season of new beginnings and a new set point for never ending journey. My inner child is dancing and smiling and telling you to live your life fully with love. Live it with passion and live it all out. Today, marks a new beginning and a set point for deeper connections. Show me your face, oh father/mother God,,,,I am available to be your servant. Use me, oh, spirit of love and peace, my life is your life and my essence is to serve uplifting your spirit, increasing your awareness, and shining your eternal light. I am GRATEFUL....Namaste...Happy Persian New Year, Norooz Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in peace. All of my needs are met. My life is divine melody of the only life that exist, the life of God. I am inspired and full of passion. I am love. I am joy. I am absolutely connected with the energy of bliss. I am available and receptive to more abundance, health, wealth, prosperity, and success than I've ever imagined possible. My thoughts are inspiring, my worlds are powerful, and my actions are in service to the entire planet. I hold the space for harmonizing good around the world. My existence matters. I matter to myself. I honor my Self. I reside in peace with my Self. I am, God Is,,,and so it is,,,amen..."...Happy new year, much love and blessing to everyone....God bless you
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in peace. All of my needs are met. My life is divine melody of the only life that exist, the life of God. I am inspired and full of passion. I am love. I am joy. I am absolutely connected with the energy of bliss. I am available and receptive to more abundance, health, wealth, prosperity, and success than I've ever imagined possible. My thoughts are inspiring, my worlds are powerful, and my actions are in service to the entire planet. I hold the space for harmonizing good around the world. My existence matters. I matter to myself. I honor my Self. I reside in peace with my Self. I am, God Is,,,and so it is,,,amen..."...Happy new year, much love and blessing to everyone....God bless you
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Purple Light
You've come across this writing not by accident nor by choice. There is a divine purpose for it reaching you because right now I'm coming from a very deep meditative state, having an intention to uplift your spirit and taking you from a dark space into light. It's a sudden leap in consciousness. An expansion in your awareness, not dependent to time or space. It's beyond the physical, it's meta-physical and it's a guidance into manifesting that which is your Soul purpose in this very NOW moment. Take a deep breath, follow the path of your breath to the bottom of your spinal cord. Slowly breath out. Read these words slowly and gently. Allow the healing energy of oneness, which we are all part of, from the world of absolute, to wash over those areas in your life, that has been stagnated, turned into pain and suffering. The pain you've experienced from lack of knowing. From allowing the influence of other people penetrating your energy field. From allowing the negativity of the world to crawl into the sacred temple of your heart. Imagine a beautiful purple light coming into your energy field from the top of your head, the crown chakra, This purple energy is vibrating at a very high frequency. It has vibrations of love, compassion, kindness, and peace embedded in each wave. Tune into it and allow it to gently find it's path through the top of your head, into and behind your neck, your vertebral column, spreading into your heart, down your spinal cord, into your lower back, and out from both your legs. Relax, let go of one thing in your life that has turned into a judgment of your perception. Something that you've been struggling with as you walk your path. Something that you need to get over in order to make that quantum leap where you expand in your awareness, not looking for something outside of you, but accepting that everything you ever want or need is deep within you. Allow this gentle healing purple light to clear what you need out of your aura and replace it with energy of hope, inspiration, faith, and gratitude. You are now in these four qualities and have made your leap into a new paradigm, a change in your desires, intention, well being, success, and happiness. This is a gift from my soul to yours. Please accept it .......Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: " I am one with God, one with life, one with the spirit of love. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I chose to live in a friendly universe. My inner verse is one with kindness, one with joy, one with compassion and peace. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. My life is a miracle in action. My words are powerfully reaching out into eternity and shapeshifting the course of our consciousness. I am whole, perfect, and complete. Healing and well being is the order of my day,.....I AM,,,,God Is,,,and so it is,,,,amen"....have a spectacular day guys..
Affirmation: " I am one with God, one with life, one with the spirit of love. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I chose to live in a friendly universe. My inner verse is one with kindness, one with joy, one with compassion and peace. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. My life is a miracle in action. My words are powerfully reaching out into eternity and shapeshifting the course of our consciousness. I am whole, perfect, and complete. Healing and well being is the order of my day,.....I AM,,,,God Is,,,and so it is,,,,amen"....have a spectacular day guys..
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Self Love
Honestly, I'm trying to articulate what's in my heart and the insight I'm getting after meditation but it's challenging to put it into words that can cradle your soul and touch you at a deep level. Here we go. it's not possible to give to someone while you are running empty inside yourself. It's not possible to maintain a relationship when you don't have inner relationship with yourself. How many marriages you see and heard that are falling apart? Each person here who is reading this knows at least 5 cases close to you or from distance. Have you asked yourself why? Seriously, what happens to individuals. Yes, you may say life is full of challenges, financial issues, extended family, blaming the mother-in-laws, poor communication, lack of intimacy, loss of boundaries, and loss of PASSION. All true, but what causes this to begin with? I've been contemplating that and I think it's our desire to possess someone or a material thing into form is the underlying deficit that through time shows up as all of the above I mentioned. We like to possess things and then develop attachments to them. As human beings, we identify with our names, level of education, material success, level of education, jobs and things like that. Then, your wife or husband becomes your identity. Without them, you'll lose yourself because you are used to something from outside to give you pleasure, hope, joy, happiness, and sense of security. Slowly but surely, you'll miss the whole point of why you are here and who you want to BE as your own person. You'll miss your Self, never even knowing your Self before you made an empty commitment to another human being who doesn't know Him/Her Self. Two lost individuals are now entangled and hanging on to the world of form, their possession is their identity. What happens next is that nothing in form stays the same. Everything changes, and so do we. We change through time, our priorities, our perception, our understanding for life, our vision on who and what we are, what we are doing here, and where we want to lead our lives towards. Our inner feelings change. Our awareness expands and so does our choices. Choice is the function of our awareness and once you see yourself suffering in old paradigm, not happy, not what you thought you'd have with another human being in relationship, things start to change. I'm sure some of you have experienced this or are experiencing this at the moment. Remember, not to blame yourself or your mate for anything. Don't judge them for the choices they've made and for the path they've taken. They are lost as almost all of us, trying to make sense of their purpose in life. Direct your energy to yourself and find your path to deeper levels of awareness. The key is: Self Love,,,once you touch upon that Really, then you'll be able to save your relationship or bless it good bye. Either way, the universe will support and take care of both of you.....Namaste....Dr. Rod....+1 Please feel free to comment on this without passing any judgments....Thanks.
Affirmation: "I am love, I am peace, I am joy, and I am in bliss. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe. I release all of my attachments to my possessions and to people in my life. I live free. I am fountain of pure love and abundance. I share my love freely, without any attachments to what Is. What Is, is the only life that Is, the life of God. I re-cognize my place in life and allow it to Be. I am healthy, I am wealthy, and I am swimming in sea of prosperity. I am available to more miracles showing up in every area of my life. I am thankful and grateful for this prayer and simply allow it to BE.....and so it is, amen"....have a spectacular day.
Affirmation: "I am love, I am peace, I am joy, and I am in bliss. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe. I release all of my attachments to my possessions and to people in my life. I live free. I am fountain of pure love and abundance. I share my love freely, without any attachments to what Is. What Is, is the only life that Is, the life of God. I re-cognize my place in life and allow it to Be. I am healthy, I am wealthy, and I am swimming in sea of prosperity. I am available to more miracles showing up in every area of my life. I am thankful and grateful for this prayer and simply allow it to BE.....and so it is, amen"....have a spectacular day.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
I will Persist
Have you ever played God? Allow me to explain to you what I mean. I was walking down the street from where I park in order to get to my hiking trail. It's a good 10 min. walk down the hill. On my right, there is a beautiful landscape. As I was walking on the side walk, I ran into my friend, Mr. Snail. You can see him in the picture. Mr. Snail is an old buddy of mine. He's been here on the planet for many years. I stopped, dropped down to my chest on the side walk, and got to his level with my iphone to take a picture of him. As we exchanged good morning in vibration, I tuned into his being to see the world through his perception. I felt strength and vigor. I felt a persistence like no other time. I was looking at him from above, from my humanly vision, thinking what he was thinking. He wasn't thinking! Mr. Snail was just focused on going back to his homeland, underneath the shrubs, laying in the soil, protected from the sun, and meditating for the rest of the day. I say the trail he has left behind. Looking at it in a Godly way, I wondered, does he ever look back to his past? Does he turn around to see the trail he left behind? I don't think so, he was just so focused on his return movement. A goal directed, absolutely present in his own being creature. Only I could wish not to think about my past and not to get stuck in it from time to time. Mr. Snail was teaching me about the concept of time. Slowly moving, without a care in the world, not being in a hurry, not worrying when he'll get to his destination. He was being in the NOW. He was wiggling around at his own paste, in the moment, with his goal pretty clear. As I was experiencing his experience, this saying came to my mind: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step"...Mr. Snail was making his mark in my heart. I was in awe with his persistence and motivation to take that step over and over again. Yes, I was inspired and I vowed to make Mr. Snail popular. To have him circulate around the globe, in front of 4400 people on facebook and make his message eternal! I vowed to have his legacy written down with masters and sages. Yes, Mr. Snail,,,you are my here and I bow down to your majesty!!!! Today, I live with persistence and never give up. I learn from Mr. Snail to BE who and what I Really Am....and so it is,,,amen.....namaste.....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I will persist and don't resist. I am one with the universal source of life, the life of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Life supports me on my journey and manifests its excellence through my being. I am joy, I am peace, and I am living in bliss. My heart is connected to the heart of the planet. I am blessed and a blessing to my surroundings. I live in the moment and live with absolute passion from my heart. I am receptive to abundance, prosperity, health, healing, wholeness, wealth, success, and happiness. I shine with my inner light and I allow it to Be. I am , God Is,,,and so it Is,,,amen"..
Affirmation: "I will persist and don't resist. I am one with the universal source of life, the life of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Life supports me on my journey and manifests its excellence through my being. I am joy, I am peace, and I am living in bliss. My heart is connected to the heart of the planet. I am blessed and a blessing to my surroundings. I live in the moment and live with absolute passion from my heart. I am receptive to abundance, prosperity, health, healing, wholeness, wealth, success, and happiness. I shine with my inner light and I allow it to Be. I am , God Is,,,and so it Is,,,amen"..
Monday, March 16, 2015
Good morning life and love. Take a deep breath before you continue reading this and let go of anything that is in your mind for the next few moments. Answer this question: Do you want to be on the giver side or the receiver side? (Don't get naughty please!) Take another deep breath, and follow the path of your awareness to the vibration of gratitude. What is the measure of your success in life? To me, it's being on the giver side. To be the giver of joy, of love, of abundance, and kindness. Ultimately, through unconditional giving, inner peace starts to grow and glow out of you. Yesterday, I experienced that. I experienced peace that surpasses human understanding. How? There was 30 of us at our non-profit organization, laccg. We planned a day of giving and sharing with absolutely no expectations to Orphans and Neglected children. Do you have kid? or a Niece and Nephew? Someone you love? Please picture them in your arm for a moment. Feel their warm breath on your body and imagine you are hugging your loved one so intensely that you entire body becomes field of absolute light energy. Now, for a moment, imagine that your child is robbed off of this feeling and love because of whatever reason. Imagine that he or she is without a caregiver, without a warm home to come to, and physically or mentally abused, becomes an orphan, becomes the property of state. Not a great feeling ha? Well, there are thousands of children out there who are experiencing this pain. Pain of neglect and abuse. For me, it is not possible to live with myself knowing that children go through this trauma. So, I decided to take action. I decided to donate my time, my energy, my kindness and love through our organization. It's not about donating money, yes, that helps. It's about donating your BEING. You can GIVE from your BEING in every moment of your life to anyone who needs it without anything in return. That's my friend, the key to solve all of your problems in life. You are unhappy, Give away from your BEING. You are depressed or anxious, or nagg about financial situation, your relationship, or whatever it is you feel stuck at, GIVE away your time to someone worse than you. This is where healing happens. Be grateful that you are on the GIVER side and the universe will make you an instrument through which all the blessings in the world shows up mysteriously in your life. Today, I AM content. I am content because I have tapped into my ability to give of my BEING, as I am doing it now. I am giving you my love and blessings right now. I am giving you a prayer for transformation from whatever you are growing through and allow it to be onto eternity for the the unfoldment of your Soul. This is my Monday prayer for you and the WORLD....BE a GIVER and be Grateful! and so it is,,,amen....Namaste....Dr Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I live in an overflow of abundance. Prosperity shows up in every area of my life. Through unconditional giving, I get to receive. I am receptive to more love, more joy, more healing, more wealth, more health, and more bliss than I've ever imagined possible. My life is divine. My words are powerful. My actions are in service to everyone in need. I am love. I am peace. and I am living in bliss......and so it is, amen"..
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I live in an overflow of abundance. Prosperity shows up in every area of my life. Through unconditional giving, I get to receive. I am receptive to more love, more joy, more healing, more wealth, more health, and more bliss than I've ever imagined possible. My life is divine. My words are powerful. My actions are in service to everyone in need. I am love. I am peace. and I am living in bliss......and so it is, amen"..
Sunday, March 15, 2015
The Majestic Mount Whitney
Good morning life, love, all beauty, all joy, all abundance, all infinite possibilities. Here I am again and again finding myself in a deep state of gratitude for my existence. It's quite profound to contemplate who we are, where we came from, what we are doing here, and where we are going. I asked my friend yesterday on our way back from Mount Whitney. We did a 7 hour hike in one of the world's most beautiful hiking trails. This mountain is magnificent. It's vastness and powerful presence makes itself know to you from every angle you walk, every direction you look, and every where you gaze your sight at. There is a 8500 feet wall of rock in front of you for most of the time and on your side there is a deep valley of NOTHINGNESS. You truly begin to understand the quality of humility when you are there, front of its majesty. I went through an emotional roller coaster yesterday. I wasn't feeling too well, had a cold virus swimming in my blood stream. However, I didn't pay attention to it. My mission was to complete the hike and get rid of the mental blockages in my head. It took me a while to acclimate and assimilate myself with nature. The only way out of your mind is to let go and allow your true essence take you over. Nature is powerful and it brings out the power within you, puts it in front and allows you to make an ultimate choice: WILL you allow yourself to be FREE or will you hold on to Your mental garbage? That was the question in my head. That was my test as I walked up this mountain and was yearning to be free. We walk around with so much baggage we pick up from our environment, friends, family, society, and the BS people feed us day in and day out. Give yourself a mental break and connect to your essence. Know where you came from. Know what your mission is in life and have a vision to fulfill this mission. There was a point where I slipped on ice and knew if I had one more BS thought about my needy and insignificant human issue, it would cost my life. The trail was relentless. Mother nature is soft yet can eat you up in a second if you don't respect it. If you continue with your EGO and stay in separation, there is a price you pay. Price of freedom, price of joy, and price of being who and what YOU WANT TO BE. Not what others expect from you or what you feel like you owe them to BE. So, I learned my lesson, I snapped out of my head, and I jumped into my heart. The second I made that shift, all gates of heaven opened up. Every sentient being started communicate with me. The trees, the rocks, and the snow started cradling me in their arms and giving me confirmation to my BEGINNINGS. I truly felt this is where I came from and this was where I will be for eternity. Today, I'm sitting in gratitude and pass this loving energy forward to you. Letting you know that you begin and end in LOVE. You begin and end in the beauty of nature. You begin and end with your magnificent Soul shining through your beautiful heart. I Am, God IS,,,and so it Is,,,,amen.....namaste...Dr. Rod ...+1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I am overflow with abundance and joy. My life is a manifestation of the only one life, the life of God. I am peace, I am bliss, I am absolute prosperity. I am whole, perfect, and complete with all of my imperfections. I am available to more miracles showing up in every area of my life. I reside in gratitude and thanksgiving. Knowing that ALL IS WELL. And so it is, amen"...
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I am overflow with abundance and joy. My life is a manifestation of the only one life, the life of God. I am peace, I am bliss, I am absolute prosperity. I am whole, perfect, and complete with all of my imperfections. I am available to more miracles showing up in every area of my life. I reside in gratitude and thanksgiving. Knowing that ALL IS WELL. And so it is, amen"...
Friday, March 13, 2015
Passion of Being
Our emotions are so powerful. Specially when you become more and more connected to nature. From every spec of existence, you get overflow with energy in motion, that is EMOTION. I was just listening to the sounds of birds from outside of my window while meditation. So amazingly beautiful. They were singing with such passion. I wish I had a bit of their passion to sing my song. I was contemplating on the phrase: "Passion is the love of turning being into action. It feels the engine of creation. It changes concepts into experience. Passion is a love of Doing. Doing is Being, experienced." My being is constantly shifting from different Soul qualities, from love to compassion, peace to joy, and creativity to kindness. Like the birds singing their symphony as they each are uniquely talented to do their creation, I too am open, receptive, and available to the Spirit to sing my song. The catch here is releasing my expectations and attachments to results. In the midst of your song, you'll be judged and be criticized for being different. Yet, it is your difference and uniqueness that is your signature, the beautiful artist that is here to reveal it's art piece. The value of your art is set by it's originality, the quality of the artist's consciousness, and your difference from others. Live your life with full on passion in your heart and sing your song. You've only got once chance to do so. It is so, and so it Is......amen.... Namaste....-Dr. Rod +1...
Affirmation: "I live my life with full on passion in my heart. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I sing my song with no attachments to the outcome. I release everything that no longer serves me. I am fully loaded and coded by the infinite spirit of love to guide me on my mission. I am joy, I am peace, I am compassionate and beautiful. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. My attitude is aligned with total gratitude. I am appreciative of all the blessings in my life and allow the miracles to show up with grace and ease,,,,and so it Is,,,,amen"...have a spectacular da
Affirmation: "I live my life with full on passion in my heart. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I sing my song with no attachments to the outcome. I release everything that no longer serves me. I am fully loaded and coded by the infinite spirit of love to guide me on my mission. I am joy, I am peace, I am compassionate and beautiful. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. My attitude is aligned with total gratitude. I am appreciative of all the blessings in my life and allow the miracles to show up with grace and ease,,,,and so it Is,,,,amen"...have a spectacular da
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Rising Above
Have you ever held your breath in the pool and make yourself go deep under water? As you hold your breath and allow your body relax, you'll feel the calmness and quietude of deep water taking over your entire mind. You feel weightless and relax, for few moments, your mind becomes heavy and you can feel pressure. Slowly, you feel that your need oxygen and gently push yourself up to the surface. As you ascend, your mind becomes lighter. You can see the sun light on the surface of the pool and feel every molecule of water washing over you for the anticipation of grasping the next breath of life. I just felt this in meditation, as was waiting for my facebook page to load on my computer. I was in state of trans, feeling the ascention of my Soul from the boundaries of my Ego towards the light. The pool metaphor that flow through me was the exact feeling I got and now the experience is transferring to you. Think about this: "You can not experience what you don't know and you do not know what you have not experienced"...It's amazingly deep and powerful insight. Your direct knowing comes from connecting to the Spirit within you. Life's experiences are the reflection of your consciousness. Forms follows your consciousness, not the other way around. At the same time, you do not know what you have not experienced. To know love, you have to experience it. To know peace, you have to be the agent of peace and hold the vibration of it in your experience. You are a magnificent being into becoming your experiences from formless into form. I know that you know that I know what I'm talking about. In this knowing, I send you all my love and blessings. Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am rising above from the oceanic depth of my being. All of my needs are met. I live in an abundant and friendly universe. I know what I know and welcome what I don't know. I am wise, I am joy, and I live in bliss. My happiness in driven internally and expands universally to transform the world. I am peace, prosperous, and I dwell in compassion. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. With my faith strong, I can accomplish anything I want. I am grateful and appreciative for all of my blessings and invite miracles to show up in every area of my life. I am, God Is,,,,and so it Is....amen"...
Affirmation: "I am rising above from the oceanic depth of my being. All of my needs are met. I live in an abundant and friendly universe. I know what I know and welcome what I don't know. I am wise, I am joy, and I live in bliss. My happiness in driven internally and expands universally to transform the world. I am peace, prosperous, and I dwell in compassion. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. With my faith strong, I can accomplish anything I want. I am grateful and appreciative for all of my blessings and invite miracles to show up in every area of my life. I am, God Is,,,,and so it Is....amen"...
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
God is Love
Take a break from feeling separated and dive with me in this zone I'm in . I tell you, it's quite amazing after meditating and now allowing the energy to flow to you. Take a deep breath, drop your thoughts, and relax. Think about this: "Wholeness and Humility are one and the same". If you decide to move forward with this note, I'll take you on feeling what I just said. Take another deep breath, see yourself as one oxygen molecule you just inhaled. Picture a circle and within the center of this molecule there is a pulsating vibration oozing out from the circomference of the molecule. Follow the path of your breath down to your tail bone, hold it there for a split second, then breath out through your mouth. Inhale and notice you are visiting your heart. As the circle of life, the life giving energy of oxygen enters your heart chamber, it takes on a beautiful green light energy to itself. Notice you heart melting into the green light, inviting the energy of unconditional love wrapping itself around each individual cells. As you enter each cell of your heart, release that love and notice them vibrating in unison becoming whole, becoming synchronized, and releasing any dis-ease they may be holding on to from the past or anything showing up in the future. The dis-ease of sadness, anxiety, and heart break. The pain of not feeling belonged, judgment in relationship to others, and sense of lack. These are the coagulated energy being released from within the molecular structures of your heart, even from deeper sub-atomic level from the core of your DNA, shape shifting the pattern of your existence into wholeness. Your cells take on the frequency of humility, relaxing into the now moment, and making peace with each other. Look at them smiling, taking on the green light and allowing this healing energy to transform pain into power, fear into faith, loneliness into love. Take another breath and notice your blood stream is picking up this energy and is pouring out in your entire body, the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body. Feel your entire body becoming whole with the entire universe, breaking old habits of separation and once again finding itself centered. The center of the circle of life, from your perception, connected to the Source of All. As within, so without. A perfect harmony is now taking over your life my friend. In this very moment your life is taking on the vibration of Oneness, letting go of that thought that have become the prison of your heart, blocking the flow of aliveness by obscuring your perception. You are now Seeing for the first time from a clear Vision, connecting to your mission which is to find your place in the center again. See it, believe it, be it, feel it, and take a stand in it! You are IT.....take a deep breath and release the sound of OHMMMM......Namaste....Dr Rod +1....
Affirmation: I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I step in the land of gratitude with and attitude of joy. Simplicity takes on the vibration of my heart. Abundance shines through every cell of my body. Healing reveals itself in every area of my life. I am peace. I am wealthy. I am compassionate, and I am in bliss. I am at the center of the universe shining my light from within, to without. My generosity overflows through my words. My thoughts are positively charged with the energy of life. I am a divine being and know it to be true for my existence. Today, is going to be the best day of my life, and so it is, amen"...
Affirmation: I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I step in the land of gratitude with and attitude of joy. Simplicity takes on the vibration of my heart. Abundance shines through every cell of my body. Healing reveals itself in every area of my life. I am peace. I am wealthy. I am compassionate, and I am in bliss. I am at the center of the universe shining my light from within, to without. My generosity overflows through my words. My thoughts are positively charged with the energy of life. I am a divine being and know it to be true for my existence. Today, is going to be the best day of my life, and so it is, amen"...
Monday, March 9, 2015
Powerful Thought
Maybe you just woke up to this note or you may have started your day already. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, pause for a second. Take a deep breath. Slow down your thoughts. If you think your life is falling apart and you can't put the pieces back together, think again. If you have thoughts of fear and doubt in yourself, think again. You have a spiritual faculty called 'Reflective Consciousness'. This means than you can think about what you are thinking about. Now, I invite you to think about what you are thinking about now. As you continue reading, catch the negative thought that is nagging in the background of your awareness. That thought is fuel for the EGO. For the ego to operate and do its thing, it creates uncertainty that will translate into fear of the future and a sense of lack in who you are by comparing you to others. This way, it takes your awareness away from where you are and what you are doing, totally distracting you either in the past or future. It loves to do that. However, you are armed with your reflective consciousness. By holding your place tight in the NOW, you can dismantle this crazy process, go within, find few moments of silence, and know that you are loved. You are taken care by the same source that brought you here from NoThing, the invisible, into the everything now you are challenged with. To be a participant in your own creation requires faith and trust at deep level. Trust your higher Self. Have faith in the process. When you fall down, get right back up. Hold you ground because wherever you are, that is the holly ground. I am peace, I am love, I am abundant, I am harmonizing prosperity, I am joy, I am kind, I am giving intelligence. Use these I am's today to focus your attention on your intention to Self Realization. I'm holding you in prayers from this end. This cycle is never ending and infinite. Enjoy the process my friend.....Namaste.....-Dr.Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe. I am abundantly wealthy, joyously present to my present moments. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am love, I am peace, I am in absolute bliss. My bliss shows up through activation of my Soul's potential. My Soul is free. I am liberated. I am in harmony with the song of the universe. My life is divine. Divinity emanates from the depth of my Soul. I am One with oneness and perfect in my imperfection. Prosperity is the order of my day. Healing reveals itself in every area of my life, I am .....God Is.....and so it Is,,,,amen".....have a beautiful day everyone,,,happy Monday..
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe. I am abundantly wealthy, joyously present to my present moments. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am love, I am peace, I am in absolute bliss. My bliss shows up through activation of my Soul's potential. My Soul is free. I am liberated. I am in harmony with the song of the universe. My life is divine. Divinity emanates from the depth of my Soul. I am One with oneness and perfect in my imperfection. Prosperity is the order of my day. Healing reveals itself in every area of my life, I am .....God Is.....and so it Is,,,,amen".....have a beautiful day everyone,,,happy Monday..
Sunday, March 8, 2015
I Am Possible
Maybe this is the moment you've been thinking of for a very long time. Contemplating on your greatness and finding out that there is nothing else out there by your own perception, your own way of processing of how the world outside you is being experienced. Maybe this is the sign you've wanted to see. This could be the moment for your transformation. Going beyond the formation of your limited thoughts and tapping into your infinite nature. Follow the energy flow of these words coming from deepest spaces within my Soul. Accept yourSelf the way you are. Nothing less, nothing more. Know it, Own it, Bless it, and Be grateful for what Is. Then, call forth an new idea of what You want to manifest. The how of things doesn't matter because the universe will match your What, the idea that is being followed by your feelings. The highest feeling you can surround your WHAT with is the feeling of love. Love and gratitude will uplift your WHAT, then suddenly your HOW's will show up in the most intricate, magnificent way beyond your imagination. Your imagination is the stair step to get you to the inner doorway of what is Real. Absolute Reality is the vibration of love and from this Reality, All things are possible. The impossible will become I AM POSSIBLE....Yes, you are magnificent and in the process of unfoldment even NOW, God bless you ...Namaste...Dr Rod +1
Affirmation: "I live in the field of infinite possibilities. All of my needs are met. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. My life is divine. I call forth wholeness. I call forth wellness and well being. I call forth the manifestation of qualities the match the vibration of my highest Truth. Love is my highest Truth. Peace is the order of my day. Abundance and prosperity follow me where ever I go. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. For this, I am grateful and thankful. and so it is, amen"..
Affirmation: "I live in the field of infinite possibilities. All of my needs are met. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. My life is divine. I call forth wholeness. I call forth wellness and well being. I call forth the manifestation of qualities the match the vibration of my highest Truth. Love is my highest Truth. Peace is the order of my day. Abundance and prosperity follow me where ever I go. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. For this, I am grateful and thankful. and so it is, amen"..
Saturday, March 7, 2015
My 40th Birthday
This very moment is an amazing moment in my life, a pause into eternity. Wow, I've made it 40 years rotating around the sun, being a guest on our planet, mother earth. What a joy. What a blessing. What a cool experience. Would I do it all over again? Yes! That's the question that came to me in my meditation right now. I'm in a deep state of gratitude. I feel the energy of love totally surrounding my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body. I want to share an insight I got yesterday afternoon in the Emergency Room. My father came out with Influenza. He's been feeling ill for the past few days, so we decided to have him checked out. God bless my mom for she is an angel always taking care of him. So, they gave him IV fluids, antiviral Meds, and comfort care. He is now doing well and basically on monitor until all of his labs become normal. As I was standing next to his bed in the Emergency room, I was observing the interaction of people around. I became pure field of awareness. I started getting tunnel vision. I don't know if you've ever had that where you focus and attention becomes very astute and sharp. I felt my Soul separating from my body and saw human beings interacting with each other from that perspective. From my over Soul observing and downloading this very insight I'm sharing with you. Time stood still, everything slowed down, and my attention was on my breath. I could feel my heart beat all of the sudden synchronized with the heart beat of the ER doctor, nurses, the LVN's, the volunteer old man who came to offer me coffee, the social workers, the EMT, and the new patient who was being brought to his bed by stretcher with to fire fighter guys. I felt my connection from higher space with every movement between these players and actually felt the quantum dance of atoms, going in and out of their field of energy. Becoming waves and particles. As I observed the drama outside, I knew my attention was making it into particle. I knew it was all an illusion of my perception. I knew that all these medical advances, all the medications, and everything we as human desperately strive for to slow down dis-ease process is really meaningless. It can slow down dis-ease progression and increase chances for prognosis, but at the end of the day we are at the mercy of higher order of universe. The spirit within us is running the show. I felt the true meaning of letting Go, and Letting God. I surrendered to my existence and life. Felt immense gratitude for being able to BE in this field of consciousness and hold everyone in the ER in high vibration of healing and love. I was being a generative BEING, Generating internally through the quarks of creation, residing in oneness, and blessing everyone in my awareness. Later on, at my sisters house, before I blow out my candle I had this awareness: Life is the combination of all the good experiences and seeming negative experiences. There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way. Master yourself rather than wanting to change others. Others are here to teach you lessons about you and be your guide to reach higher levels of evolution. Love is ALL THAT IS, and WITH LOVE ALL things are POSSIBLE. Remain humble and always in gratitude for everything you have. Don't judge yourSelf or others by remaining perfect in your imperfections. Own your mistakes, extent your hand to others who need your help. Be in the moment and be a blessing, a light to shine in the darkness when people are going through their challenges. Compassion is the way to heal the world and peace is only found within your heart. As I finish this note, I want to appreciate you for being in my life. Facebook friend, fan, client, family, friends, and people I don't even know, yet I know you in this space of LOVE. I appreciate all of your birthday wishes. Sending you my blessings today and forever more.....and so it is,,,,Amen.....God bless you .....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1 ( My dad is well, thank you for all your prayers)
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