Monday, January 19, 2015


Respect is a beautiful energy that consists of so many different vibrations. What do I mean by that? There is Self respect and respecting the Self on others. How do you do that? You respect yourself by loving yourself and doing what feels good in the moment for your body, mind, and Soul. What you conceive at Soul level becomes your original thought. As you think the new idea, your body will follow into creating the experience. Respect your experiences and cherish them with kindness. Respect is gained through humility and staying low. Without competing with others and letting go of attachments to your ego. This way, your generosity kicks in. A generous and giving person has everything already in the worLd. Their worLd is made of Love. They already have it aLL and by having it aLL they are content. Respect is being content with the Self and holding others sacred on their path. You can lead others by walking your taLk and coming from aLLOwing others to be themselves. When you don't judge others, you are in complete respect with the entire universe. In other words, you are in integrity with yourSelf as you respect and love. I am willing to respect, love, and generate goodness for myself and others today. This is my prayer for you and everyone who will read this. Namaste.....Dr.Rod +1

Affirmation: "I love and respect myself. I am compassionate and kind being of joy. All of my needs are met. The song of abundance sings itself as me. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever experienced, manifested, or imagined before. Healing is the order of my day. I am miracle of life in action. My life is divine and I am in total gratitude for all of my blessings, and so it is, amen"...

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