Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Beingness attracts Beingness

Beingness attracts Beingness. You know that like qualities attract each other. My question to you is: Where are you BEING? Are you operating from fear, or are you operating from love? At this very moment it doesn't matter because you are now participating in the following direction: Begin to take two very deep breath. Did you do it? Pause, good. Now, as you continue reading on, imagine you are looking at our planet earth from distance. Pull yourself above the ground and look at the entire planet earth. I want you to imagine all the continents as becoming a fertile soil. The entire planet Being ready as if you are going to plant seeds everywhere. You are acting as God right now and viewing the fertile ground of your consciousness from heaven and planting seeds of opportunity, love, peace, abundance, healing, joy, and compassion in the fertile ground of mother earth. Go ahead and throw these seeds all around the planet, bless them with a smile on your face. Now, look at the entire oceans rising about and inch or two and flowing onto the entire plant. Water resembles awareness. Awareness is the key to energize the seeds you just planted to bloom. Look at the water flowing with ease and in the direction of feeding the thirst of our planet and the entire BEINGS living with us. Take another breath, now look at the sun radiating with it's warm rays of energy particles and helping the water sink into the soil. Feeding the spiritual seeds you just planted. As the water finds its way to the root of these seeds that are in darkness, the little seedlings start growing towards the direction of LIGHT, and find themselves above the ground. Reaching out towards heaven where they originated from and feed the entire planet with these qualities. You just actively participated in your own Self creation, growing in the moment and attracting the energy of LOVE not only to your own consciousness, but for our entire collective consciousness. Please breath in, hold it, and breath out releasing the sound of OHMMMM. Namaste.....Dr. Rod +1

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