"Do you have a Great Attitude?" was the question popping in my consciousness towards the end of my meditation right now. Your attitude towards life is a huge determining factor for creating your destiny rather than your Karmic propensity. Karma determines circumstances which are constant and outside of our experience. Your attitude towards life and clarity of vision is what enables you to flow through the circumstances and constantly choosing the higher choice that serves your highest good. A Great Attitude is synonymous with GRATITUDE. GRAT/TITUDE is a great attitude. I witnessed gratitude at its purest form last night from a very spiritual friend of mine who was describing his relationship with his master gurus. My friend who is 65 has been on the spiritual path for a very long time. We were hanging out last night. First I did my guided chakra healing meditation for him and his beautiful wife. Afterwards, we got engaged in the most amazing conversation for hours. Spirit was echoing it's vibration through us. At one point, he was describing his experiences of how blessings flow into his life effortlessly. How he was being taken care of by the universe. Suddenly, his entire being became field of gratitude. I could see through his physical body and the light in his heart began taking over his entire body. I felt his energy field accelerating and opening up to allow wisdom, guidance, blessings, and miracles to rush through him by simply tapping into GRATITUDE. I've never experienced anything like it. As his eyes teared up , he opened his arms above to the heavens. I felt true inner peace and bliss taking all over us. I can't describe how incredible and powerful this experience was for me. So, do you have a great attitude my friend? Anytime you are dancing with the melody of life and are in tune with nature, you are practicing gratitude. As your great attitude towards life becomes your only priority, you'll grow into allowing the manifestation of all the blessings here, now, waiting for your receptivity to show up with grace. A great attitude with gratitude is the key baby! Namaste.....-Dr. Rod..+1
Affirmation: I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I am grateful for my life. I am aligned with the universe and in flow with receptivity. My heart is open to blessings. My Soul is at peace. I am available to more miracles to manifest in my life, as my words, as my thoughts, and as my actions. I am deeply appreciative for being in tune. I am thankful for No Thing that manifests as everything in my experience. I Am, God Is, and so it Is.....amen."...have a spectacular weekend.
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