Have you ever been inspired or ever been in love? I'm sure you have. Your highest Truth is hidden in your deepest feelings. You feelings are these magnificent energy guiding system that at each moment can tell you what your relationship to the present moment is. Thoughts, words, and experience are also tools for communicating with the universe, however, you deepest desires and feelings are the gateway to open heavenly doors into your earthly experience. Are you feeling good now? Take a deep breath of relief and know this: Your highest Truth is the feeling of LOVE. Anything else is an illusion of your perception caught in the past experiences that have coagulated themselves in present circumstances. At the level of your Soul, you know what needs to express in order to tap into that feeling of love and you already on the path to creating this vision, expressing it, and sharing it with the world. Feeling even better now? Relax in the moment, you are residing in the energy of unconditional love and infinite possibilities are now showing themselves to you through this new perception you just got. Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: " I am one with life, one with love, one with infinite abundance of the universe. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am available for more prosperity than I've ever manifested and experienced before. Joy is the desire of my heart. Peace is the vibration of my thoughts. Compassion exudes through every cell of my body. Creativity dances through the fiber of my being and expresses itself through inspiration. My words are powerful. Healing is the order of my day. I Am, God Is. and so it is, amen"..
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