"All illness is created first in the mind"...I agree with this statement. I also know one thing that happened in my life. All healing is originated at Soul level, correcting the mind and connecting it to the physical body. It's a very delicate and intricate process that requires clearing your thoughts from worry, hatred, and fear. Nothing is attracted in your experience without you attracting it consciously or sub-consciously in your experience at some level. The way to a change in your future is taking time off in the moment, slowing your thoughts through meditation, replacing them with those that support your healing, and intentionally navigate towards a pattern of wholeness. The key to all of this is Self LOVE. When you love and respect yourSelf, your vibration rises from fear, worry, and hatred into peaceful harmony with the universe. That's where you want to BE, then Do from these thoughts of your BEING, in order to finally HAVE the life of significance you are destined for smile emoticon ,,,Namaste...-Dr. Rod....+1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love today. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. The universe responds by corresponding to my thoughts of harmony, healing, and success. I Am worthy and available for more good than I've ever imagined in my life. I am prosperous, abundant, and joyous. Miracles show up with ease and flow. Healing of my heart is the order of my day. I am grateful for all of my blessings and share it with the world",, and so it is , amen.
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