Monday, January 5, 2015

From pain into compassion

Have you ever experienced your pain without the pain itself? Strange ha? I'm going to walk you into this vibration. As you grow and mature spiritually, part of your journey is to identify pain from suffering. Pain is the inevitable part of the game we call life. In this amazing world of disguise, you experience everything 'relative' to something else. Then, how do you experience your pain without the pain itself? I've been going through inner pain for the past few month which intensified for the last few days because I lost a great person in my life. Through out my experience, I learned to change my thoughts about the whole process and seeing the beauty in every moment on this path. I was 'present' to my pain in the midst of giving healing and compassion to my uncle. I observed and cradled my pain as I'm doing now and as a witness in a great mystery, I allow my pain to convert into an intense compassionate vibration. It's like burning a pile of coal and getting pure fire out of it. What is condensed into a hard and dark rusty rock is transmuted into a dancing waves of gas which emanates heat, light, and energy. Pain is inevitable my friend, what you do with it in order to serve others who are caught in the darkness of their own pain matters. The light, the burning fire of life is eternal and you can fuel it in every moment by observing your inner pain and transforming it into compassion towards others around you .....Namaste....Dr.Rod +1

Affirmation: "I am one with love, one with life, one with the presence of God. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I live life through the vibration of compassion. I am available and receptive to more Good than I've ever imagined. Abundance is the order of my day. Healing is my passion, joy is my words, peace is the vibration through my heart, and prosperity it all I see. My life is divine."...and so it is, amen.

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