"Do you have a Great Attitude?" was the question popping in my consciousness towards the end of my meditation right now. Your attitude towards life is a huge determining factor for creating your destiny rather than your Karmic propensity. Karma determines circumstances which are constant and outside of our experience. Your attitude towards life and clarity of vision is what enables you to flow through the circumstances and constantly choosing the higher choice that serves your highest good. A Great Attitude is synonymous with GRATITUDE. GRAT/TITUDE is a great attitude. I witnessed gratitude at its purest form last night from a very spiritual friend of mine who was describing his relationship with his master gurus. My friend who is 65 has been on the spiritual path for a very long time. We were hanging out last night. First I did my guided chakra healing meditation for him and his beautiful wife. Afterwards, we got engaged in the most amazing conversation for hours. Spirit was echoing it's vibration through us. At one point, he was describing his experiences of how blessings flow into his life effortlessly. How he was being taken care of by the universe. Suddenly, his entire being became field of gratitude. I could see through his physical body and the light in his heart began taking over his entire body. I felt his energy field accelerating and opening up to allow wisdom, guidance, blessings, and miracles to rush through him by simply tapping into GRATITUDE. I've never experienced anything like it. As his eyes teared up , he opened his arms above to the heavens. I felt true inner peace and bliss taking all over us. I can't describe how incredible and powerful this experience was for me. So, do you have a great attitude my friend? Anytime you are dancing with the melody of life and are in tune with nature, you are practicing gratitude. As your great attitude towards life becomes your only priority, you'll grow into allowing the manifestation of all the blessings here, now, waiting for your receptivity to show up with grace. A great attitude with gratitude is the key baby! Namaste.....-Dr. Rod..+1
Affirmation: I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I am grateful for my life. I am aligned with the universe and in flow with receptivity. My heart is open to blessings. My Soul is at peace. I am available to more miracles to manifest in my life, as my words, as my thoughts, and as my actions. I am deeply appreciative for being in tune. I am thankful for No Thing that manifests as everything in my experience. I Am, God Is, and so it Is.....amen."...have a spectacular weekend.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
Yield, surrender, be gentle and soft
Yield, surrender, be gentle and soft. Take on this vibration and allow what will come through this writing penetrate your ego and go within the deepest layers of negative energy that has been coagulated around your energy field. It will carry you on a ride to deeper aspects of your being and hit a cord where a gush of inspiration will overflow the bank of your paradigm. Long sentence ha? These are words coming from my higher self after meditation. Behind the words are subtle energy units that's being translated as what you are reading having the capacity to touch what you already know at Soul level It's awakening you to more of YOU. Take a deep breath. Look at something on your left. Then come back to my writing again. What you just looked at became a 'particle' and as you turned your focus away from it, it became a 'wave'. This is quantum reality. That which you focus on becomes manifested and that which you pull your focus away becomes a field of infinite possibility. As a creator of your Reality, you can exist at many different frequencies. You can bring forth your eternal qualities of love, peace, abundance, and compassion by 'yielding, surrendering, and becoming gentle in your thought patterns. This is the key: "Two things CAN occupy the same space at the same time by vibrating at different frequencies." Now, when you are struggling in your life challenges, the way out is to go INSIDE and work to raise you level of awareness by shifting your perception and allowing the Real qualities manifest themselves. Remember, that which you focus on becomes a particle, and that which you turn your attention away becomes a wave. Right now focus on love. Pure, un-adultrated, unconditional love. As you focus on it, allow it to become the particles in your body. The very atoms that constitute your cells, becoming tissues, organs, and finally forming a ONE unit called your physical body. We are all individual cells forming the ONE body within the mind of the universe. Each having part of the other within us connected through love. Did u feel that? Look at your life from this perspective today and send out a prayer of peace for the entire humanity.....Namaste.....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I am divinely guide towards the light. My heart is overflow with compassion and vibration of peace. I am available to more abundance and success than I've ever manifested before. My words bring about unity and joy. My actions are in alignment with pure thoughts of kindness. I yield, surrender, soften up, and am gentle to the magnificence of the universe. I am grateful and appreciative for all my blessings. and so it is, amen"..
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I am divinely guide towards the light. My heart is overflow with compassion and vibration of peace. I am available to more abundance and success than I've ever manifested before. My words bring about unity and joy. My actions are in alignment with pure thoughts of kindness. I yield, surrender, soften up, and am gentle to the magnificence of the universe. I am grateful and appreciative for all my blessings. and so it is, amen"..
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Becoming who you ARE
"The more you ARE, the more you can BECOME, and the more you can become, the more you can yet BE."...I just came out of a deep meditation and was contemplating the above quote. This has profound implication in our lives. The more you ARE your authentic Self, meaning that you are in integrity with your Soul To be in integrity means you are walking in the direction of light. To a place where your true nature is in harmony with 'nature' itself. Where you see weakness in strength, and strength in weakness. The world of paradox is in harmony with itself, and we live in a world of paradox where the opposites of different concepts become the end of a beginning and a beginning to an end. Ultimately falling in the greatest mystery of eternity. The more you ARE focusing in this direction to discover your Self, the more you BECOME in tune with your SELF. As you walk in this direction, the universe will set you up in infinite possibilities for the manifestation of what Is for your highest best. Thus, giving you opportunity to BE more of what you just intended. So, are you ready to Be more of who you Are and in this process Become the vortex of transformation for everyone else around you getting lifted up? That's your choice my friend. If you ask me, I'd say, go for it. There is nothing else to do in this world than BE!......Namaste....Dr. Rod...+1
Affirmation: "I am free in the spirit of God. All of my needs are met. Everything happnes for my higher good. I walk the the direction of who I Am. I am love, I am peace, I am joy. I am receptive to more abundance and success than I've ever manifested before. Life supports me in the path of my BECOMING. I am light, I am compassion, I am a blessing. The universe responds by corresponding to my nature. I am the sun, I am the wind, I am the earth, I am the peace I want to see in our world. Healing is the order of my day. I am ONE....and so it is , amen"...
Affirmation: "I am free in the spirit of God. All of my needs are met. Everything happnes for my higher good. I walk the the direction of who I Am. I am love, I am peace, I am joy. I am receptive to more abundance and success than I've ever manifested before. Life supports me in the path of my BECOMING. I am light, I am compassion, I am a blessing. The universe responds by corresponding to my nature. I am the sun, I am the wind, I am the earth, I am the peace I want to see in our world. Healing is the order of my day. I am ONE....and so it is , amen"...
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Be For-giving a Blessing
"I release all things that no longer serve me"....Here is a powerful healing affirmation that can help bring you back to your origin. The pure essence of you is one with love and this purity has been conditioned ever since you were born. Guess who set these conditions? yes, our parents. God bless them but they didn't know themselves about their own purity and imposed their own fears on their children. In this very moment, I invite you to hold your parents, whether here or on the other side, in high vibration of unconditional love. Blessing them for what they knew and what they didn't know in raising their children the way they did, what they said, and how they reacted coming from their own fears. Blessing them with absolute knowing that they too are part of the perfect harmony of the universe. As you are in this space of blessing, move forward in peaceful forgiveness. For-giveness means to BE FOR-GIVING! Instead of holding a grudge, acting as victim, and pointing a finger at them, be FOR GIVING FORTH this blessing coming in a form of 'release'. Releasing the old thoughts that have been hindering your creative process due to false perceptions you took on from your parents. Read this passage one more time and as you visualize your parents, wrap them in a beautiful green light, like a bubble and allow this green light to penetrate their physical, emotional, and spiritual body. If they are on the other side and have transitioned, hold their memory in sacred joy and release them into the arms of infinity. Release your attachment and release the thought that no 'longer serves your higher Self'. Namaste....+1 ...-Dr. Rod...
Affirmation: "I am a powerful being of light. I release anything that no longer serves me towards the evolutionary path of my Soul. I forgive and let Go, I let go and let God to handle the details of my life. I am available to more inner peace than I've ever imagined. My life is the direct emanation of the only life that exists, the life of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. The passion within my heart overflows with abundance and creates infinite possibilities for my creativity to show up as my words, my actions, my life. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. I am abundant. I am prosperous. I am healed.... and so it is, Amen....".
Affirmation: "I am a powerful being of light. I release anything that no longer serves me towards the evolutionary path of my Soul. I forgive and let Go, I let go and let God to handle the details of my life. I am available to more inner peace than I've ever imagined. My life is the direct emanation of the only life that exists, the life of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. The passion within my heart overflows with abundance and creates infinite possibilities for my creativity to show up as my words, my actions, my life. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. I am abundant. I am prosperous. I am healed.... and so it is, Amen....".
Saturday, January 24, 2015
What If?
What if what you thought about yourself and agreed upon from your previous held beliefs is wrong and what you didn't agree with or understood is actually right? The terms 'wrong' and 'right' are relative to what we give it meaning. A lot of times we come from limited perception of Reality and distorted vision that's been passed down to us from our parents, religion, society, immature thoughts, and manipulation of others thinking for you. Think about it and go deep in your heart to find out answers you are looking for. Your highest Truth about yourSelf comes from your feelings and experience. What you learned as being 'wrong' may very well be an opening for you to discover something new which can accelerate your spiritual growth as you evolve. Don't limit yourself with 'wrong' or 'right' terminology and always ask yourself: "RELATIVE to WHAT?". This is the key tool for penetrating mental blocks and digging deeper at the superficial energies holding you trapped in your own body, mind, and feelings. Take a deep breath my friend; Allow these words to be an opening for your consciousness to expand in an unexpected way for a rush of awareness to overflow the bank of your perception, feelings, thoughts,present paradigm, and Soul, here...... now.....Namaste....Dr. Rod...+1
Affirmation: "I am aligned with the universal Truth of peace and love. My words are powerful and penetrate through the false perception of reality. I am available and receptive to more miracles manifesting in my life. I am open to more abundance, health, wealth, joy, prosperity, and kindness than I've ever imagined. Life supports me and guides me on the path to my spiritual unfoldment. I live in a friendly universe. I exude compassion and live my life with passion through my actions. I am free. I am love. I am what I Am NOT",,,,and so it is.....Amen...
Affirmation: "I am aligned with the universal Truth of peace and love. My words are powerful and penetrate through the false perception of reality. I am available and receptive to more miracles manifesting in my life. I am open to more abundance, health, wealth, joy, prosperity, and kindness than I've ever imagined. Life supports me and guides me on the path to my spiritual unfoldment. I live in a friendly universe. I exude compassion and live my life with passion through my actions. I am free. I am love. I am what I Am NOT",,,,and so it is.....Amen...
Friday, January 23, 2015
One, two, one, one, two
"One, two, one, one, two. One, two, one, one, two. I love my morning exercise. Actually, it's my dance. My favorite part of the day is when I'm chilling on the top of the tree. Ya, I choose the highest point because I'm closest to the sun. I'm feeling it. I love the warmth on my feathers. One, two, one, one, two. There we go. Shake it baby. I love the soft wind that's going in between my feathers and mixing it up with some cool air as the heat of the sun caresses my body. I feel balanced. I feel in tune. Do you hear it? There is a song in the universe, a melody, a divine orchestrated perfection coming from every angle. It's coming from the leaves, from the trees, from the rock, from the dirt, from other birds in the sky, and from every sentient being that is breathing in and breathing out. They can here it. I wonder if this dumb ass hiker who's having so much negative thoughts and staring at me hears it. He may. The poor guy is trying. It's not his fault. He's go an EGO that I don't have. He's got to work for his peace while us on the other hand, we just ARE. Oh ya baby, one, two, one, one, two. I like how he's observing my head movement to the left, right, left, left, right. One, two, one, one, two. He's getting it. He's noticing that I'm dancing with the tune of universe. He's finally understanding that we are one. Me the hummingbird, what a cute name they chose for me, even though I am much more than what these close minded human beings have named us. Yes, I am more. I am ONE with the universal love, the peace, the beauty, the creativity, and the impulse of creation. I don't try to be it, I am IT. This hiker is getting it. He's in tune with me and my dance. He's coming to the same frequency as me and my friends are. My friends the tree, the sun, the sky, the wind, and the rocks. The mountain top and the peace that is exuding from the intricacy of our being. We know we are ONE, I wonder how much longer will it take for the human race, for these so called 'advanced being' to get this simple TRUTH. I'll just continue dancing to my truth and show off my long beak with my small cute head to this amazed hiker who's smiling at me: Here we go; One, Two, One, One, Two...Shake it baby. It's a gorgeous day everyday, every moment, with every breath....I AM....Namaste"......-THE SEXY HUMMINGBIRD
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I am in flow with the universal tune of beauty, joy, peace, and compassion. My life is direct emanation of the only life that exist, the life of God. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever imagined before. I am guided and inspired by my intentions. I intend to be free and at peace. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I am grateful, and so it is, amen"....have a spectacular day....One, two, one, one, two,,
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I am in flow with the universal tune of beauty, joy, peace, and compassion. My life is direct emanation of the only life that exist, the life of God. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever imagined before. I am guided and inspired by my intentions. I intend to be free and at peace. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I am grateful, and so it is, amen"....have a spectacular day....One, two, one, one, two,,
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Life Coaching & Spiritual Healing
If you are going through difficult personal challenges such as anxiety, depression, lack of confidence, chronic physical health/psychological dis-eases, and relationship issues, know that there is a better way to overcome and heal them. For inspirational life coaching, Spiritual Healing, meditation, and Reiki, call me please: 818-317-0839 & visit my site: www.DrRod26.com
You don't have to suffer any longer. There is fast and practical positive results waiting for you without medication, wasting time, or wasting your resources. You've got my words for it. Thank you (I work long distance as well in any state or country around the world)
You don't have to suffer any longer. There is fast and practical positive results waiting for you without medication, wasting time, or wasting your resources. You've got my words for it. Thank you (I work long distance as well in any state or country around the world)
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Infinite Love
Have you ever been inspired or ever been in love? I'm sure you have. Your highest Truth is hidden in your deepest feelings. You feelings are these magnificent energy guiding system that at each moment can tell you what your relationship to the present moment is. Thoughts, words, and experience are also tools for communicating with the universe, however, you deepest desires and feelings are the gateway to open heavenly doors into your earthly experience. Are you feeling good now? Take a deep breath of relief and know this: Your highest Truth is the feeling of LOVE. Anything else is an illusion of your perception caught in the past experiences that have coagulated themselves in present circumstances. At the level of your Soul, you know what needs to express in order to tap into that feeling of love and you already on the path to creating this vision, expressing it, and sharing it with the world. Feeling even better now? Relax in the moment, you are residing in the energy of unconditional love and infinite possibilities are now showing themselves to you through this new perception you just got. Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: " I am one with life, one with love, one with infinite abundance of the universe. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am available for more prosperity than I've ever manifested and experienced before. Joy is the desire of my heart. Peace is the vibration of my thoughts. Compassion exudes through every cell of my body. Creativity dances through the fiber of my being and expresses itself through inspiration. My words are powerful. Healing is the order of my day. I Am, God Is. and so it is, amen"..
Affirmation: " I am one with life, one with love, one with infinite abundance of the universe. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am available for more prosperity than I've ever manifested and experienced before. Joy is the desire of my heart. Peace is the vibration of my thoughts. Compassion exudes through every cell of my body. Creativity dances through the fiber of my being and expresses itself through inspiration. My words are powerful. Healing is the order of my day. I Am, God Is. and so it is, amen"..
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Beingness attracts Beingness
Beingness attracts Beingness. You know that like qualities attract each other. My question to you is: Where are you BEING? Are you operating from fear, or are you operating from love? At this very moment it doesn't matter because you are now participating in the following direction: Begin to take two very deep breath. Did you do it? Pause, good. Now, as you continue reading on, imagine you are looking at our planet earth from distance. Pull yourself above the ground and look at the entire planet earth. I want you to imagine all the continents as becoming a fertile soil. The entire planet Being ready as if you are going to plant seeds everywhere. You are acting as God right now and viewing the fertile ground of your consciousness from heaven and planting seeds of opportunity, love, peace, abundance, healing, joy, and compassion in the fertile ground of mother earth. Go ahead and throw these seeds all around the planet, bless them with a smile on your face. Now, look at the entire oceans rising about and inch or two and flowing onto the entire plant. Water resembles awareness. Awareness is the key to energize the seeds you just planted to bloom. Look at the water flowing with ease and in the direction of feeding the thirst of our planet and the entire BEINGS living with us. Take another breath, now look at the sun radiating with it's warm rays of energy particles and helping the water sink into the soil. Feeding the spiritual seeds you just planted. As the water finds its way to the root of these seeds that are in darkness, the little seedlings start growing towards the direction of LIGHT, and find themselves above the ground. Reaching out towards heaven where they originated from and feed the entire planet with these qualities. You just actively participated in your own Self creation, growing in the moment and attracting the energy of LOVE not only to your own consciousness, but for our entire collective consciousness. Please breath in, hold it, and breath out releasing the sound of OHMMMM. Namaste.....Dr. Rod +1
Elephant's tail
Make peace with your inner feelings, yes, the one you've been thinking about and the one that's been sitting on your chest like an elephant. Make peace with it. You can do it right now as you continue to read this. Follow the path of your breath to your heart, slow it down, and notice where in your heart you've been holding on to the elephant's tail with both your hands. Look at his facial expression! You see the pain on his face as it wants to leave your energy field as well. It can't stand your nagging and repeated story telling about your pain to the world as well anymore.. Smiling? yes, it's as silly as that. Make peace with the elephants tail and let it go. As you make peace with your inner feelings, your thoughts will reflect the positive vibration of the new feelings you just created. Your soul will feel lighter. You'll beam out a beautiful vibe everywhere you go. We can't have peace in the world if we are holding on to our old baggage, getting chocked by pretending rather than allowing, peace to take over our lives. It starts with you my friend......Namaste...Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: " I forgive and let go, I let go and let God. I am free. I'm free in the moment of my old thoughts. New possibilities is taking over my life. Miracles manifest in ever aspect of my life. I am open. I am available. I am receptive. I am open to more Good than I can possibly imagine. All of my needs are met. Everything is happening for my higher good. My soul is free and liberated. My thoughts stem from the universal database of God thoughts. My actions are in service to uplift the collective consciousness and bring about peace in our world. I am love and I am grateful for being who and what I Am forever in the NOW....., and so it is , amen"..
Affirmation: " I forgive and let go, I let go and let God. I am free. I'm free in the moment of my old thoughts. New possibilities is taking over my life. Miracles manifest in ever aspect of my life. I am open. I am available. I am receptive. I am open to more Good than I can possibly imagine. All of my needs are met. Everything is happening for my higher good. My soul is free and liberated. My thoughts stem from the universal database of God thoughts. My actions are in service to uplift the collective consciousness and bring about peace in our world. I am love and I am grateful for being who and what I Am forever in the NOW....., and so it is , amen"..
Monday, January 19, 2015
Respect is a beautiful energy that consists of so many different vibrations. What do I mean by that? There is Self respect and respecting the Self on others. How do you do that? You respect yourself by loving yourself and doing what feels good in the moment for your body, mind, and Soul. What you conceive at Soul level becomes your original thought. As you think the new idea, your body will follow into creating the experience. Respect your experiences and cherish them with kindness. Respect is gained through humility and staying low. Without competing with others and letting go of attachments to your ego. This way, your generosity kicks in. A generous and giving person has everything already in the worLd. Their worLd is made of Love. They already have it aLL and by having it aLL they are content. Respect is being content with the Self and holding others sacred on their path. You can lead others by walking your taLk and coming from aLLOwing others to be themselves. When you don't judge others, you are in complete respect with the entire universe. In other words, you are in integrity with yourSelf as you respect and love. I am willing to respect, love, and generate goodness for myself and others today. This is my prayer for you and everyone who will read this. Namaste.....Dr.Rod +1
Affirmation: "I love and respect myself. I am compassionate and kind being of joy. All of my needs are met. The song of abundance sings itself as me. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever experienced, manifested, or imagined before. Healing is the order of my day. I am miracle of life in action. My life is divine and I am in total gratitude for all of my blessings, and so it is, amen"...
Affirmation: "I love and respect myself. I am compassionate and kind being of joy. All of my needs are met. The song of abundance sings itself as me. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever experienced, manifested, or imagined before. Healing is the order of my day. I am miracle of life in action. My life is divine and I am in total gratitude for all of my blessings, and so it is, amen"...
Saturday, January 17, 2015
From illness to Wholeness
"All illness is created first in the mind"...I agree with this statement. I also know one thing that happened in my life. All healing is originated at Soul level, correcting the mind and connecting it to the physical body. It's a very delicate and intricate process that requires clearing your thoughts from worry, hatred, and fear. Nothing is attracted in your experience without you attracting it consciously or sub-consciously in your experience at some level. The way to a change in your future is taking time off in the moment, slowing your thoughts through meditation, replacing them with those that support your healing, and intentionally navigate towards a pattern of wholeness. The key to all of this is Self LOVE. When you love and respect yourSelf, your vibration rises from fear, worry, and hatred into peaceful harmony with the universe. That's where you want to BE, then Do from these thoughts of your BEING, in order to finally HAVE the life of significance you are destined for smile emoticon ,,,Namaste...-Dr. Rod....+1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love today. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. The universe responds by corresponding to my thoughts of harmony, healing, and success. I Am worthy and available for more good than I've ever imagined in my life. I am prosperous, abundant, and joyous. Miracles show up with ease and flow. Healing of my heart is the order of my day. I am grateful for all of my blessings and share it with the world",, and so it is , amen.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love today. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. The universe responds by corresponding to my thoughts of harmony, healing, and success. I Am worthy and available for more good than I've ever imagined in my life. I am prosperous, abundant, and joyous. Miracles show up with ease and flow. Healing of my heart is the order of my day. I am grateful for all of my blessings and share it with the world",, and so it is , amen.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Healing Intention
A compassionate, loving, kind, field of energy. This is what you will experience right now and I invite you to read these words very slowly. Slow down your thought process and get engage with the underlying energy that is vibrating through these words coming from my heart. Take a deep breath and realize that the deepest place in your heart has the awareness you need to bypass the pain you've been enduring. The pain of loss or the pain of not knowing what will happen in your life. The uncertainty in our lives causes fear which in effect causes us to fall from our innate happiness. This happiness is in your perception. How you are looking at your life and the changes that's happening. Think of one thing you'd like to manifest right now. Is it peace? Is it abundance? Is it joy and intimate relationship? Is it healing of the physical, mental, or emotional body? Did you think about it? Good....Take another deep breath and in your mind turn it into an INTENTION. Say: I intend to BE......and then follow this statement of Truth with whatever your beautiful heart desires. To desire is to ignite the fire of your Soul and align your physical aspect of you with your inner being, your Soul.. This flow of energy, your desire, will bring into manifestation that which you are intending. Keep this thought and wrap it around with three beautiful colors of yellow, green, and purple. The compassionate, love, and kind energy corresponding to these three waves of light emanating directly from my Soul to yours uplifting your spirit into healing and revealing your desire, your intention, and bringing forth the manifestation of it. Did you feel these subtle yet very powerful energies in your consciousness? Relax and read this again, visualizing what you've intended in your thoughts and deeply feel the emotions that will guide you to motions in directions of your willingness as you allow life to reveal its beauty to you.Keep this vision for the entire weekend and let me know what happens for you. God bless you today and everyday my friend......Namaste.....Dr.Rod...+1
Affirmation: "I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I intend to heal and change the world. I intend to show the face of God as I AM. As Who and What I truly Am. Who being the singular manifestation of the What. What being the indivisible, invisible presence that is everywhere within my Soul. I am available to more Good than I can possible imagine. Miracles show up in every areas of my life. My heart is full of compassion, love, and kindness"....and so it is,,,,amen.
Affirmation: "I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I intend to heal and change the world. I intend to show the face of God as I AM. As Who and What I truly Am. Who being the singular manifestation of the What. What being the indivisible, invisible presence that is everywhere within my Soul. I am available to more Good than I can possible imagine. Miracles show up in every areas of my life. My heart is full of compassion, love, and kindness"....and so it is,,,,amen.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Soulful Transition
Think as if today is your last day on this planet? How would you BE? This is what I touched upon last night in my group meditation. I explored how it would feel like to see yourself in a hospital bed, old, frail, and about to transition. I described the physical body disintegrating and went inside every cell, the skin, bones, and muscles wasting until there was not much left from the physical. I then expanded the heart Chakra, had the Soul floating out of the body and seeing the physical in its decayed form. I had our loved one, the family, our achievements, degrees, attachments and whatever that creates an anchor in this dimension present while we all died to our EGO and detached from our attachments. I felt the liberation and freedom of the Soul exiting the body, clearing our past memories and the fear of future while we were present to our transition process. This experience was very powerful for me because I actually went through it in this Reality while my Uncle was making his transition. After his passing, I had a vision to transfer that experience to others in order to heal ourselves from fear and step into ONENESS. There is an intention that I used last night. I invite you to use it for yourself this week: "I forgive and let go, I let go and let God. I am grateful.". I used this for detachment. At a Soul level, I manifested healing through unconditional love and gratitude. Let go of your attachments and do great things while they are still small. See your connection and beauty in the moment without getting tangled up in mental drama. If you've read this far, I know you've picked up on this vibration because last night I intended this for YOU as well even though you were not physically present with me. Anyways, I invite you to see simplicity in the complicated thoughts you are faced with as you take your next breath and practice non-action today.....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1.....
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my Being in Love. Light is exuding out of my heart freely and in flow. I am abundant, worthy, and inspired to live a purposeful life with passion. I intend to create amazing relationships. I intend to heal and change the world.".
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my Being in Love. Light is exuding out of my heart freely and in flow. I am abundant, worthy, and inspired to live a purposeful life with passion. I intend to create amazing relationships. I intend to heal and change the world.".
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Knowing the Truth
Good morning life. This is something I wrote few nights ago that I'd like you to contemplate: "The first step to knowing is knowing that you don't know. Once you realize you don't know that you don't know, you'll begin to know that you know everything that needs to be known for you to become the knowing itself."......We live in an upside down world of circumstances. Many times, we mistake the Truth for the reality of our experiences. Next time you get caught up in your dramas, go within, meditate. Try to think with your heart and feel with your mind. Listen with your eyes and see with your ears. Go beyond what your senses are telling you to find the inner treasure house of your infinite Being.....Namaste....-Dr. Rod....+1
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with the infinite Being of my Truth. I am living, moving, and having my Being in God. I am receptive to more abundance and success than I've ever imagined. My words are powerful. I am humble and compassionate towards others. My life is divine. My heart is overflow with love, kindness, joy, peace, and passion. Beauty is the only thing I see. Healing reveals itself in every area of my life and shows up as miracles in action."...and so it is,,,amen
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with the infinite Being of my Truth. I am living, moving, and having my Being in God. I am receptive to more abundance and success than I've ever imagined. My words are powerful. I am humble and compassionate towards others. My life is divine. My heart is overflow with love, kindness, joy, peace, and passion. Beauty is the only thing I see. Healing reveals itself in every area of my life and shows up as miracles in action."...and so it is,,,amen
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Divine Mother Love
Think about the last time you hugged your mom and try to remember how it felt like. For a few seconds now, tap into the warmth, the love, the smell, and the comfort of your mom's arms and tune into the the Divine Feminine Energy as it is flowing through my being right now. This yin, female energy is the guardian of our planet. It's the force that moves the stars, grows the crops, and beats your heart in every moment. It's the power of creation. So subtle, so calm, so still, and so humble. It doesn't boast or use aggressive force to get it's mission done, like the Ego dominated yang energy, the male violence that is destroying our planet. Just look at the evening news and see what's happening around the world. I'm not blind to that! Our salvation is through allowing more of the yin energy taking over by first embracing it first within ourselves, and then accepting it as the healing agent for our evolution. Divine Mother God is receptive to love because it only knows love. It wins trust and friendship over others rather than forming enemies. It nurtures and gives life, rather than killing through violence. Where do you think you came from? The only reason a sperm has a chance is for the egg to be receptive, open, and give it a chance. It takes millions of sperm to fight and kill each other in order for one egg to gently allow a only a single sperm inside her heart. It does it with true might by staying low, calm, and at peace by herself. This is the way of nature and the power of inner stillness. This is the yin, feminine energy at work and this is what the world needs now in order to heal from self destruction......Namaste.....Dr.Rod +1
Affirmation: "I'm living, moving, and having my being in love. Life is gentle and beautiful to me. Joy flows through my heart with ease. I am available to more abundance and success than I've ever imagined possible. Creativity is the energy that fuels my passion. I am peaceful and serene. I allow my Divine Feminine Power to take over my life and lift my spirit in order to shine. Healing is the order of my day."....and so it is ,,,,amen.
Affirmation: "I'm living, moving, and having my being in love. Life is gentle and beautiful to me. Joy flows through my heart with ease. I am available to more abundance and success than I've ever imagined possible. Creativity is the energy that fuels my passion. I am peaceful and serene. I allow my Divine Feminine Power to take over my life and lift my spirit in order to shine. Healing is the order of my day."....and so it is ,,,,amen.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Simply profound & profoundly simple
Good morning world. Life is simply profound and profoundly simple. Setting up an awesome, positive field of energy for all of us. Use this affirmation today: "I deserve and anticipate receiving only Divine love. I am abundant and successful. Healing is the order of my day. Joy is who I AM."
Have a spectacular day everyone....Dr. Rod +1
Have a spectacular day everyone....Dr. Rod +1
Saturday, January 10, 2015
There is always a seed of opportunity in any adversity. Good fortune follows what we see as bad fortune. We live in a world where duality is part of our understanding in order to measure our experiences. The key to inner peace and happiness is detachment from either good or bad luck. There is a pattern of wholeness beyond what we experience. Look at it this way; when you hit rock bottom and feel hopeless, know that you'll pull through. The only way from down is up. The night and darkness is followed by day. Light is always in your heart where the oneness of God resides there within you. Namaste.....Dr. Rod...+1
Affirmation: "I am LIGHT"..
Affirmation: "I am LIGHT"..
Friday, January 9, 2015
Congratulations on making it to another breath. Yes, this very second you are reading this is a blessing and the only thing that matters in your life because you are caught in the present moment without your mind wondering around. As you are being uplifted and held in pure unconditional love, know that it takes courage to walk on the spiritual path. Many times in life you play it safe and cautious, which is great. You need to be cautious and protect yourself against the negativity around you. However, I invite you to change your perception and put more focus on being courageous. When you focus on light and love, diving into deep compassion stemming from your heart, you are being courageous and allowing what you are naturally designed to BE to express itself. It's not an accident you we are connected together because today you will walk with courage radiating from your every breath and passing this beautiful vibe to everyone around you. Are we cool with that? .....Namaste....Dr. Rod...+1
Affirmation: "I am one with nature, one with God. My life is divine. I live with courage oozing from my heart. I am blessed and a bless to the world. I am available to more abundance, success, and wealth than I've ever imagined, manifested. or experienced before. Healing flows through my vibration. I lead as an example of pure compassion. My life is divine. I am grateful and thankful for this very breath. And so it is, amen"
Affirmation: "I am one with nature, one with God. My life is divine. I live with courage oozing from my heart. I am blessed and a bless to the world. I am available to more abundance, success, and wealth than I've ever imagined, manifested. or experienced before. Healing flows through my vibration. I lead as an example of pure compassion. My life is divine. I am grateful and thankful for this very breath. And so it is, amen"
Thursday, January 8, 2015
See people through the window of their hearts. As you connect with their Soul, you realize that it doesn't matter where they come from, how much money they have, or how educated they are. When you change your thoughts about this, your need for getting approval from others seize to exist. You'll feel a connection like never before. Freedom from the chain of judgment and separation is right there in the midst of your loving heart. Tap into it, go beyond your thinkingness, and dance through life in your Beingness. Remember: Those who care the least about approval of others will receive it the most and truly live in humility.......Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I live freely and passionately towards my mission. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I am open and receptive to miracles showing up in my life. My words are trustworthy and I live in humility. Life supports me. Abundance and healing are the order of my day. I am grateful and appreciative for my BEINGNESS showing up into my DOINGNESS. And so it is ,,,,amen".
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I live freely and passionately towards my mission. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I am open and receptive to miracles showing up in my life. My words are trustworthy and I live in humility. Life supports me. Abundance and healing are the order of my day. I am grateful and appreciative for my BEINGNESS showing up into my DOINGNESS. And so it is ,,,,amen".
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