Friday, October 11, 2013

Uplifting your SOUL

It's early, it's chilly in my room, I've got my coffee next to me. Just did a good 20 min of Yoga with my vision statement playing on my iphone. It goes for a good 5 min as I've voice recorded it. So, I listened to it 4 times in a row in a meditative state. Now, I'm here, meditation music running and have this incredible , inspiring energy going through every cell of my body, transmitted through my heart, out of my fingers, to the key board, on the screen. This is INTENTIONAL! These words are coming from space of LOVE. There is a HEALING behind it that is meant to uplift your spirit as it's uplifting mine. INSPIRATION, means to be dancing with the SPIRIT of GOD. IN- with..SPIRE- SPIRIT. This will INSPIRE YOU TO BE MORE OF YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF!! So is there an ENERGY of ABUNDANCE, PROSPERITY, AND WEALTH at every level of our existence. There is PEACE and HARMONY. I'm also intending to change thousands of lives as a result of our LACCG visit this Sunday. When you get to change an ORPHAN's child life even for a SECOND, that energy will ripple in her/his future life, touching millions of people she or he will effect. I already see the world in PEACE. A world with COMPASSION. A world harmonized in DIVINE PROSPERITY. IT IS DONE, and So IT IS....Amen....Have a spectacular FRIDAY full of JOY & HEALTH my Friends..

Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with God. The universe shows me the infinite possibilities for my higher Good. Life supports me in every aspect. Loving relationships are attracted to me. I am available and receptive to MORE GOOD and MIRACLES than I can possibly imagine. Come what may. I live from my higher self. I am LIGHTED and GUIDED to be a beneficial PRESENCE in our WORLD. I am BLESSED and a BLESSING. Prosperity is the order of my DAY. "

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