Good morning life; wake up to the understanding that your happiness and joy is an internal state of BEING not related to the outside circumstances. When you meditate on soul-full qualities such as love, peace, abundance, joy, creativity, kindness, healing, inspiration, compassion, prosperity, forgiveness, and bliss, you activate your ultimate potential to your GRAND VISION and MISSION that pulls you to divine right action. As you are reading this, take a deep breath, APPRECIATE your existence in this very NOW moment, softening your heart with pure LOVE, and taking your next step with a higher CHOICE in mind. The choice that over rides any fear, doubt, worry, lack, or limitation. The CHOICE of becoming more of your authentic, true SELF. Your life is changing for the better right now in this very second. Breath out... Amen.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE. Life supports me. The universal presence activates my soul's potential. I am available and receptive to my higher self guiding and leading my way to a great destiny. I am aligned with PROSPERITY, SUCCESS, ABUNDANCE, HEALING, PEACE, JOY, AND COMPASSION in every area of my life."...have a spectacular day
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