I just read a friend's post on how she cradled her friend of 40 years, after battling with cancer for 3 years, and assisted her in transition to life after life. If you have a special person who passed away or is in transition now, hold them in space of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE right now. Wrap them around ENERGY of FORGIVENESS on your behalf and theirs. Bless their SOUL with infinite kindness, compassion, and PEACE. I'm holding my Grandmother and my friend's daughter in my thought right now...I love you Both. God Bless All of YOU, and thanks for Reading this.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in Compassion. I am connected to the ONENESS of LIFE. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and OTHERS in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I am available and receptive to more MIRACLES than I can possibly imagine. Come what may!"....and so it is,,,amen...HAVE A BEAUTIFUL FIRDAY
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