Monday, October 14, 2013


Whatever your definition of God is, you can always rely on the underlying positive energy that comes with it. To me, it's ONENESS, LOVE, and INFINITE JOY that comes with it. It's the presence that I connect with, it's the space between my thoughts, it's what beats my heart and breaths the air through my lungs. It's eternity, always no-where, and NOW-here. It's within my cells, pulsating in my DNA. It's beyond conception, the NOTHINGNESS of EVERYTHING that exists. It's within a smile, it gushes through my blood, in the veins of my neck. It's closer than my hands and feet, it's beyond my perception. It's the word of creation, and beyond creation. Whatever you like to call it, it's there right where you are. Count on it. Bring it in the activity of your awareness. Meditate on it. Feel it. Release yourself into it. Be it, because it's your own TRUE essence.. What are your thoughts about it?

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